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Tuesday, 2 July 2024 | 07:28 am

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"Words are the mask, actions the revealing face": For Kasturba, Gandhi prescribed faith over penicillin, Yet, when it came to Manu or self, modern surgeries weren't off the table. Ah, the enigmatic dance of traditional vs. modern in Gandhi's world!

| Satyaagrah | Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhi's desire for Kasturba to be nourished only with water and honey is detailed, along with the intense debates between Devadas and his father

"History develops, art stands still": Indo-Portuguese currency "Uma Rupia," featured the iconic Jagannath temple of Puri in Orissa, an important Hindu pilgrimage site dedicated to Lord Jagannath, a form of Vishnu - part of the divine trinity in Hinduism

| Satyaagrah | Diary
The commencement of the Portuguese India banknote issue can be traced back to 1882, signifying a remarkable milestone in the history of Indo-Portuguese commerce

"Each betrayal begins with trust": "Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram" that was atrociously distorted by Gandhi into a fake pseudo secular anthem was actually inspired from "Nama Ramayanam", a short Ramayana composed by Sri Lakshmanacharya

| Satyaagrah | Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhi's readiness to warp the lyrics of a Hindu religious hymn to assuage Muslim apprehensions is a striking illustration of this one-sided dynamic

"You cannot change what you refuse to confront": Ashutosh Lahiry approached Nehru seeking assistance for the suffering Hindu refugees and to take action to alleviate their plight, but Nehru refused citing his commitment to Gandhian pacifism and secularism

| Satyaagrah | Jawaharlal Nehru
The Nehru-Liaquat Pact faced strong opposition in Calcutta, as it was perceived as a measure that would encourage the migration of Hindus from East Bengal

“A true soldier needs both military and spiritual training”: Note of ₹1 lakh came during the Azad Hind govt of Netaji where there was no picture of Mahatma Gandhi but the picture of Subhash Chandra Bose printed and issued by Azad Hind Bank

| Satyaagrah | Diary
The Significance of 1 Lakh Rupees: The introduction of 1 lakh rupee currency notes by the Azad Hind Government held immense symbolic value

रमजान में रील🙆‍♂️
Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind