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Sunday, 30 June 2024 | 06:41 am

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"आंदोलनजीवी": PhD, BEd, MEd, CTET & NET degrees holder in her academic accolades, 42-year-old Neelam Azad is jobless, but an active Congress & I.N.D.I Alliance supporter, also participated in Farmers Protest, Wrestlers Protest and several other protests

| Satyaagrah | Anti-National
Neelam Azad who was detained after releasing smokes outside parliament while chanting slogans, is deeply involved in politics. An undated video has surfaced where she was seen campaigning for Congress and INLD

OP Jindal Global University facilitated a hate-mongering ex-prof under the guise of discussing 'History and Politics of the Palestinian Present', who made anti-Hindu remarks, Sameena Dalwai forced students to join the talk and hates ‘Jai Sri Ram’ chant

| Satyaagrah | Anti-National
The university's decision to back the talk, despite the contentious nature of Professor Vanaik's views, particularly his disdain for the Hindu slogan ‘Jai Sri Ram,’ has added another layer to the controversy

Publishing house The Hindu, in its English magazine 'FrontLine' officially endorsed Hamas violence, justifying brutal acts of terrorism as victimhood, this stance potentially lays the groundwork for future genocides in the name of vengeful holy war

| Satyaagrah | Anti-National
Vaishna Roy's editorial note in Frontline has ignited a debate with her assertion that Israel, despite being a "powerhouse of a nation," cannot justifiably consider itself a victim of terrorism

"Misfortune or Malicious Motive": Kerala reels from blasts at a religious meet following a polarizing pro-Hamas rally, with over 40 injured and a life lost, the shadows of discord loom, as investigations seek to unveil the roots of this unfolding tragedy

| Satyaagrah | Anti-National
It’s significant to note that the affected gathering was a meeting of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, a Christian denomination known for its unique worship practices and beliefs

Hamas ex-chief Khaled Mashal speaks at a Jamaat e Islami youth rally in Malappuram, Kerala, with slogans like 'Buldoze Hindutva' and 'unroot Zionism' echoing loud, asked people to extend unconditional support to Hamas and made anti-Hindu comments

| Satyaagrah | Anti-National
Reports from the event suggest that there was a clear endorsement from the crowd, as they echoed Mashal's sentiments and expressed their commitment to support Hamas

"Profit Over Patriotism, Mahua Cash Query Dish": IT Minister Chandrasekhar unveils Moitra's possible favoritism towards private firms; Adani Group highlights orchestrated attacks; BJP's Dubey alleges Moitra's Parliament misconduct linked to Hiranandani

| Satyaagrah | Anti-National
In its statement, the Adani Group highlighted the recent reports that indicate a “quid pro quo” between Member of Parliament Mahua Moitra and Darshan Hiranandani, CEO of Hiranandani Group

"Today I realise how lucky we are as Indians”, from staunch critic to newfound admirer, Shehla Rashid's 'epiphany' lauds PM Modi's peace efforts in Kashmir. Perhaps, it's the aftertaste of recent prosecution sanctions that's led to this change of heart

| Satyaagrah | Anti-National
Our usually fiery critic, Ms. Rashid, has suddenly turned into a ray of sunshine, spreading warmth and love for the very government she once scorned

Harvard's Undergraduate Ghungroo group, with ties to ex-NewsClick interns and Caravan contributors, prominently featuring meetha Nikhil Dharmaraj, including several Indians, initially backed a pro-Palestine resolution, only to later retract after outrage

| Satyaagrah | Anti-National
At least five Harvard student groups have withdrawn their signatures from a controversial joint statement that received widespread national backlash

"Karma Strikes": Decade-long patience culminates as Delhi's LG sanctions Arundhati Roy's prosecution for her divisive 2010 speech, with BJP countering Chidambaram's remarks and the case gaining momentum, India's stand against sedition takes center stage

| Satyaagrah | Anti-National
The complainant had alleged that the issue discussed and propagated was "Separation of Kashmir from India" and provocative speeches had been made in this regard

रमजान में रील🙆‍♂️
Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind