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How Communism murdered Freedom of Expression: 100 Years of Russian Revolution

| Satyaagrah | Diary
In Socialist Realism, an artist depicts ‘reality’ as it would be in a perfect communist state of future and not as it is. In other words, a socialist realist falsifies history and creates propaganda which glorifies communist values and way of life

A bit of History - An Indian Pilgrim (Netaji's Life and writings)

| Satyaagrah | Subhas Chandra Bose
Now I am convinced that life is one whole. If we accept an idea, we have to give ourselves wholly to it and to allow it to transform our entire life. A light brought into a dark room will necessarily illuminate every portion of it.

Birth, Parentage and Early Environment - An Indian Pilgrim (Netaji's Life and writings)

| Satyaagrah | Subhas Chandra Bose
Though the family environment naturally helped to broaden my mind, it could not, nevertheless, rid me of that shy reserve which was to haunt me for years later and which I doubt if I have yet been able to shake off

Northeast is not the Part of Pakistan because of 'Netaji': Subhas Bose and the ‘special’ case of Assam

| Satyaagrah | Subhas Chandra Bose
There was this reporter from Reuters who wanted to know the strategy which Subhas would adopt. Subhas just smiled. “By hook or crook”; he simply said, “else Assam is culturally finished”

Can Communism and Democracy Coexist - 100 Years of Russian Revolution

| Satyaagrah | Diary
The socio-cultural movement that the Communist Party of India came to be associated with was known by various names under various times but accepted the umbrella term ‘leftist’ universally

How Political ambitions of the Congress has silenced contributions of uncountable freedom fighters

| Satyaagrah | Diary
There are many passionate Indian citizens and NRIs who want to know and find out more about the unsung Heroes of Indian freedom fight but cannot do so due to lack of resources and dedicated time required for it

Our first true war of independence lie forgotten within the fog of time and tomes of propaganda: Sanyasi Rebellion, when "renouncers of the material world" lead peasants in revolt against British and fundamentalist islamic clans

| Satyaagrah | Diary
But was the sanyasi revolt a new revolt? Or was it a continuation & expansion of an ongoing revolt against the last ruling islamist Nawab of Bengal, Siraj ud Daula? To answer this question let us look further back into the past

Nehru lost election and became first Prime Minister of free India: All thanks to miraculous Gandhi

| Satyaagrah | Jawaharlal Nehru
It is sad, unfortunate, and scandalous that the very first election that would decide the leader of free India was manipulated. It wasn’t only the election but the future of India that was rigged

Wikileaks and 5 lesser know facts of Indira Gandhi: Nuclear technology, corruption and foreign relations

| Satyaagrah | Diary
As a Prime Minister of India, her accomplishments and failures are quite well known. However, there are certain aspects of her regime that have not garnered much attention. There are some other startling revelations that were made in Wikileaks cables

Was Italian family of Sonia Gandhi involved in the Bofors scam: Papers long buried, questions that were never asked

| Satyaagrah | Diary
The multi-dimensional Bofors scam is 3 decades old and mostly, the wheels of justice have breathed their last. But even after three decades, new information keeps surfacing now and then that gives us a glimpse into the sheer treachery that this scam entailed

रमजान में रील🙆‍♂️
Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind