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Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind
Feminism decided to destroy Family in 1960/70 during the second #feminism waves. Because feminism destroyed Family, feminism cancelled the two main millennial #male rule also. They were: #Provider and #Protector of the family, wife and children
Statistics | Children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in #drug and alcohol abuse, drop out of school, and suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in #crime, #girls more likely to become pregnant as teens
The kind of damage this leftist/communist doing to society is irreparable- says this Dennis Prager #leftist #communist #society #Family #DennisPrager #HormoneBlockers #Woke


"11,000 officials maintain temples": After 42 days of Vrath, Ayyappa devotees sought solace at Srirangam mandir, as facing bias & long queues wasn't enough, they were assaulted too, with bloodshed at the moolasthana, innermost sanctum sanctity desecrated

As per reports, an argument that turned violent broke out between Ayyappa devotees from Karnataka and Andhra and the temporary staff appointed by the temple administration.
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Sabarimala devotees allegedly assaulted at Srirangam Ranganathaswamy temple for chanting ‘Govinda Govinda’
Sabarimala devotees allegedly assaulted at Srirangam Ranganathaswamy temple for chanting ‘Govinda Govinda’
In a deeply unsettling event at the renowned Srirangam Ranganathaswamy Temple in Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, followers of the Ayyappa faith experienced a traumatic ordeal. These devotees, known as Ayyappa bhakthas, hold a tradition where they visit various temples in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. This pilgrimage typically follows their worship at the Sabarimala shrine, a significant religious site dedicated to Swami Ayyappa.

The Srirangam Ranganathaswamy Temple, famed for its spiritual significance and architectural grandeur, is a common stop for these pilgrims. However, on the 12th of December, a Tuesday that began like any other for the temple's visitors, the atmosphere dramatically shifted. Devotees, engaged in chanting 'Govinda Govinda' — a chant expressing devotion and reverence — reportedly faced a shocking and violent response from the staff of the Tamil Nadu Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowments Department (TNHR&CE). The details emerging from this incident suggest that the staff allegedly assaulted the chanting devotees.

The situation escalated when devotees who protested the assault were allegedly and promptly detained by the police. This response raises questions about the handling of the situation and the rights of the devotees to express their religious beliefs freely.

The aftermath of this confrontation was distressing. Several of the injured devotees required medical attention and were admitted to the Srirangam Government Hospital. Their hospitalization underscores the severity of the incident, shedding light on the physical and emotional toll it took on those involved.

Temple activist Rangarajan Narasimhan has described this incident as not an isolated one but a recurring issue at the Srirangam Temple.

The troubling events at the Srirangam Ranganathaswamy Temple took a more disconcerting turn with reports of blood found near the moolasthana, the temple's innermost sanctum. This discovery added a chilling dimension to the incident, sparking fears and unease among the temple's devotees. The presence of blood in such a sacred space is not only alarming but deeply distressing for those who view the temple as a place of sanctity and peace.

This incident occurred amidst the commencement of the Vaikuntha Ekadasi festival, marked by the Tirunedum Thandakam festival at Srirangam. This festival is a significant event in the temple's calendar, attracting thousands of pilgrims who come to worship Ranganatha, the presiding deity. On the same day, a heated dispute reportedly erupted between Ayyappa devotees from Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh and the temporary staff appointed by the temple administration. The altercation is said to have escalated into violence.

Several devotees, including one identified as Andhra Ayyappa Bakhtar Chenna Rao, were reportedly assaulted during this conflict. The gravity of the situation is underscored by the fact that a formal police complaint was filed by the Ayyappa devotees. The complaint named three temporary employees of the temple – Selvam, Vignesh, and Bharat – accusing them of assaulting the devotees. Furthermore, the complaint extended to the temple administration itself, indicating a serious breakdown in the management and security protocols of the temple.

This series of events paints a worrying picture of the current state of affairs at the Srirangam Ranganathaswamy Temple. The juxtaposition of a sacred festival with such violence and unrest is particularly jarring.

Reports suggest that the police, rather than assisting the injured Ayyappa devotees, appeared to side with the accused temple staff. This action by the police, if true, represents a serious dereliction of their duty to protect and serve the public, particularly those in distress.

Allegedly, the police physically removed the injured devotees from the temple, an act that not only disregarded their wellbeing but also seemed aimed at minimizing the visibility of the attack. This attempt to ostensibly cover up the incident has added to the sense of injustice felt by the devotees and onlookers.

In response to these events, more than a hundred Ayyappa devotees organized protests at significant spots within the temple complex, such as Karthikai Gopuram and near the Flagpole. These protests were a direct reaction to both the assault on fellow devotees and the perceived mismanagement by the temple authorities. However, it is reported that the police intervened and halted these demonstrations, further exacerbating the situation.

A video capturing these tense moments has circulated widely on social media, sparking widespread concern and anger among devotees and the broader community. In the video, protesters can be heard chanting "Police down down," a clear expression of their frustration and disappointment with the police's handling of the situation.

This incident has caught the attention of notable figures, including the BJP state president K Annamalai. He shared the video of an injured Ayyappa devotee and strongly condemned the assault. His criticism extended beyond the immediate perpetrators to the broader temple management and the Tamil Nadu’s Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowments Department (HR & CE). Annamalai's comments reflect a growing dissatisfaction with the way religious institutions and associated government departments are managing such sensitive situations.

The viral nature of the video and the involvement of prominent political figures indicate that this incident has resonated far beyond the temple's walls, becoming a topic of concern and debate among a wider audience.

Tamil Nadu BJP Chief K Annamalai has strongly criticized the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HR&CE) department in the wake of the recent violent incidents at the Srirangam Ranganatha Swamy Temple. Highlighting the plight of the devotees, Annamalai stated, “A government which has no faith in Hindu Dharma has no business to be in Hindu Temples. The Iyyappa devotees who have had 42 days of Vrath, with all devotion, wanted to pray to Ranganatha Swamy after their return from Sabarimala. The Iyyappa devotees questioned the long wait in the queue and special treatment to a select few who were assaulted near the sanctum sanctorum & which resulted in bloodshed inside the Temple premises. This arrogance of the HR&CE department is one of the many reasons why @BJP4TamilNadu has been wanting them out of Temple administration. @BJP4TamilNadu’s Trichy district unit will today hold a protest outside the Srirangam Ranganatha Swamy Temple against the TN HR&CE department, demanding the strictest action against those spoiling the sanctity of the Temple.”

Annamalai's statement reflects his deep concern for the well-being and rights of the Ayyappa devotees. He points out that these devotees, after observing a 42-day Vrath, a period marked by fasting and devotion, came to the Srirangam Ranganatha Swamy Temple to offer prayers. The devotees' grievances revolved around the lengthy waiting times in the queue and perceived preferential treatment to certain individuals, which, according to Annamalai, escalated to violence near the temple's most sacred area, resulting in bloodshed.

He criticizes the HR&CE department for what he considers their arrogance and mismanagement in temple administration. Annamalai’s remarks also convey his and his party's stance on the role of the government in the administration of Hindu temples, particularly questioning the involvement of those he believes lack faith in Hindu Dharma.

Furthermore, Annamalai announces that the BJP's Trichy district unit will conduct a protest outside the temple, demanding strict action against those he accuses of violating the temple's sanctity.

The recent events at the Srirangam Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple have cast a critical spotlight on the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HR&CE) department's management of the temple. Concerns have been raised not only about the department's handling of the devotee-related incident but also regarding the overall maintenance and preservation of the temple's historic structure.

A report from The Commune on 8 December 2023 highlighted a troubling incident where a lorry, reportedly owned by the Trichy City Corporation, attempted to pass through the west gopuram (temple tower). This resulted in significant damage to the temple's intricate sculptures. This temple is celebrated for its architectural splendor, making such damage particularly distressing. The mishap is indicative of a lack of effective oversight and protection for the temple's ancient and valuable structures.

Further illustrating these concerns is an incident from August 2023. A section of the temple's eastern entry tower collapsed. While it was fortunate that the temple was unoccupied at the time, preventing injuries to devotees, the collapse raises serious questions about the temple's structural integrity. This occurred despite ongoing repair efforts on the first and second-level compound walls. There had been calls from the public and social activists for thorough inspections and maintenance of the temple. However, the administration's response, using only planks and poles as a temporary fix, was clearly inadequate. A tender for maintenance work, valued at ₹67 lakh, had been issued but found no takers. The temple administration's decision to undertake repairs themselves is now under increased scrutiny in light of these events.

These incidents collectively paint a picture of significant mismanagement by the HR&CE department in terms of both respecting the rights and safety of devotees and maintaining the structural and historical integrity of the temple. The statement, "Whether it is the maintenance of the temple or respecting devotees, the HR & CE department has failed severely on all fronts. It is time that they let temples be administered by Hindu devotees themselves," encapsulates the growing sentiment among many that the management of this revered temple should be entrusted to those who are deeply invested in its religious and cultural significance, namely the Hindu devotees themselves.

Kerala government being accused of Sabotaging Sabarimala pilgrimage

In the midst of the ongoing issues at Srirangam Ranganathaswamy Temple, a separate but related controversy has been unfolding surrounding the Sabarimala pilgrimage. Ayyappa devotees and opposition parties are raising serious allegations against state governments, particularly focusing on actions in both Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

The heart of the issue in Kerala revolves around the Sabarimala pilgrimage, a significant religious journey for Ayyappa devotees. Opposition leaders in the state have accused the Kerala government, specifically pointing to Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, of misallocating police resources. They claim that instead of providing necessary security and crowd management for the Sabarimala pilgrimage, the police force has been diverted for the statewide trip of the Chief Minister. This alleged misdirection of resources has reportedly resulted in Ayyappa devotees facing extensive delays, with some waiting for more than 20 hours in long queues.

This situation has gained considerable attention online, with several videos circulating on the internet. These videos purportedly show the mismanagement faced by devotees during this year's Sabarimala pilgrimage. In some instances, according to these reports, police and temple management authorities have been accused of manhandling devotees who attempted to bring these issues to light.

Furthermore, the situation has been exacerbated by reports of a lack of basic amenities. Devotees are said to be facing a severe shortage of essential services like clean water and food. Tragically, the gravity of the situation is highlighted by a particularly distressing report of an 11-year-old girl child who died, presumably due to the adverse conditions faced during the pilgrimage.

State BJP presidentK. Surendran accused theLDF government of sabotaging theSabarimala pilgrimage. He stated that theVijayan government has ignored theSabarimala pilgrimage for its ownvested interests as the pilgrims are having a very tough time with facilities appallingly poor.

Hesaid, “The scene is such that the Vijayan government is only interested in the huge revenue being generated from the temple town and leaving the pilgrims in disarray. Another feature is the pilgrims from other states coming underduress from the police force. The Vijayan government is now showing its anger towards the believers for their combined efforts to ensure all the religious protocols in place in Sabarimala are intact, which they got from the court. Vijayan government has to change its attitude and ensure all facilities are there for the pilgrims.” 

HR&CE board formed in 1921

The Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HR&CE) department, originally established as a board in 1921, was tasked with overseeing the assets of temples. Before this, temple management was primarily in the hands of trusts. These trusts, however, faced numerous accusations of mismanaging temple properties. In an effort to curb this rampant corruption, the government decided to enhance the powers of officials overseeing temple management. A committee was formed to evaluate the situation, and based on its recommendations, the board was transformed into a government department in 1951. This change marked a significant shift in the approach to temple administration, aiming to bring more transparency and accountability.

11,000 officials responsible for maintaining temples

Currently, the HR&CE department comprises approximately 11,000 officials, responsible for the upkeep and management of temples. Despite this substantial workforce, the department has faced criticisms and allegations, particularly concerning the involvement of some employees in the theft of idols. These serious accusations underscore an urgent need for a comprehensive review of the department's operations. Historically, the department struggled with maintaining accurate records of temple properties. It was only in recent years that a concerted effort was made to document temple lands and assets systematically. However, the issue of missing idols remains a significant challenge. Without a complete inventory, it's often only upon the recovery of a sculpture that its absence is noted. Reports suggest that nearly 1,200 idols have been stolen from temples over the years, sometimes involving the complicity of department employees.

HR&CE management facing criticism since years

The Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HR&CE) department, established over six decades ago with the noble aim of safeguarding temple treasures in the state, has been mired in controversy for years. The department, which was expected to be a guardian of temple assets and heritage, has faced persistent criticism for falling short of these expectations.

A range of serious allegations has been leveled against the HR&CE department. These include the theft of idols and loss of jewelry, which point to significant lapses in security and accountability. The loss of such valuable and often irreplaceable items not only represents a financial loss but also a cultural and religious one, as these items hold immense significance in the Hindu faith and tradition.

Moreover, the department has been accused of causing damage to rare inscriptions on temple walls. This damage is often a result of improper renovation practices, suggesting a lack of expertise or care in handling these ancient and sacred sites. Such inscriptions are not just decorative elements; they are crucial historical records that provide insights into the past, including the history of the temples, the dynasties that built and maintained them, and the cultural practices of the times.

Additionally, the HR&CE department has faced allegations regarding the encroachment of acres of temple land. This issue points to a failure in protecting and managing the extensive lands that many temples own. Land encroachment can lead to the loss of valuable resources and spaces that are meant for religious, cultural, and community activities associated with the temples.


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