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Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
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In the aftermath of the deadly Hamas-Israel conflict, Congress extends an olive branch to the Palestinians, did Rahul's political compass guide this, or was it an astral misalignment? Even the UAE, a Muslim-majority country, finds reason to condemn Hamas

Jokes aside, serious allegations have emerged, with several critics questioning if the Congress Party's stance veers towards anti-India interests
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Anti-National
Israel-Palestine war: Days after deadly Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, Congress party declares support for Palestinians
Israel-Palestine war: Days after deadly Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, Congress party declares support for Palestinians

In the aftermath of the deadly Hamas-Israel conflict, Congress puzzlingly extends an olive branch to the Palestinians, did Rahul's political compass guide this, or was it an astral misalignment? Even the UAE, a Muslim-majority country, finds reason to condemn Hamas

In what some critics are cheekily dubbing the "Congress Charade," the grand old party of India showcased its masterful timing on Monday, 9th October. Just days following a chilling Hamas-led terrorist onslaught on Israel, the Congress Party declared its heartfelt (and well-timed?) sympathy for Palestinians. Their concern was almost as speedy as their General Secretary in-charge of Communications, Jairam Ramesh's 'condemnation' of the Hamas attacks. One might wonder if their internal communication channels are running on super-speed or if they're just exceptionally good at this political chess game.

While the Congress Working Committee (CWC) seemed sincerely perturbed about the situation, passing a resolution that sounded the alarm bells and called for a ceasefire, it didn't miss the chance to throw its weight behind the rights of the Palestinian people. As they say, always be prepared to spot an opportunity, right?

The grim figures speak for themselves. Since Saturday, 7th October, the death toll has shockingly surpassed 700 souls, thanks to the brutal acts of terrorism directed at the Israeli defence forces and their innocent civilians. And while the world grapples with these horrifying events, our very own Congress Party insists on "dialogue and negotiations" as the prime solution. Perhaps they should consider launching a diplomatic "masterclass" on resolving complex geopolitical issues? Just a thought.

Jokes aside, serious allegations have emerged, with several critics questioning if the Congress Party's stance veers towards anti-India interests. But with their track record of political gymnastics, one can only wait and watch where the next flip will land them.

In a tweet, oops, an X post (because who even remembers Twitter these days?), the Indian National Congress decided to pull out its history books, reminding everyone of its age-old stance. Their message seemed pretty clear - Congress has always been in the corner of the Palestinians. But wait, there's a twist in the tale! They're also waving the flag for the “legitimate national security interests of the Israeli people.” Such dexterity in diplomacy deserves a nod, or perhaps a wry smile? The post read, “Violence of any type never provides a solution and must stop.” A noble thought indeed, if only global conflicts could be resolved with X posts.

Meanwhile, in the real world away from virtual signaling, the Israeli army had its hands full. By Monday, 9th October, while Congress was busy posting, Israel announced regaining control of its southern territories bordering the Gaza Strip. After a heart-stopping three days of relentless gunfights and a surprise attack by Hamas, the Israeli forces finally saw light at the end of a very dark tunnel. Perhaps they missed the memo from Congress about dialogues and negotiations? Sometimes action speaks louder than X posts, after all.

On a somber Saturday, 7th October, the skies above Israel were far from quiet. The terrorist organization Hamas decided to transform the serene blue sky into a nightmarish hailstorm, raining down over 5,000 rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territories. As if this firework of fury wasn't enough, they seized a handful of Israeli soldiers and took them hostage. In what seemed like scenes straight out of a dystopian movie, videos surfaced showing Israeli civilians - women, children, and the elderly, becoming involuntary guests of Hamas. And just when you thought it couldn't get any grimmer, there they were, parading bruised and battered women on the streets, making a spectacle of pain and suffering.

In an atmosphere thick with tension and tragedy, Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, had a message for the world, and especially for Hamas. Through a video statement, he made it clear: Israel was now in a state of war. And for those who were perhaps underestimating the resilience and spirit of Israel, Netanyahu had a warning: Hamas would be held accountable for its audacious attack.

As videos circulate and tweets (or X posts, thanks to our tech-savvy Congress) continue, one thing becomes clear: in this age of information and misinformation, real lives hang in the balance, and there's more to war than just keyboard warriors.

As the dust settles (or at least tries to) in the aftermath of the chilling surprise attack by Hamas on Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's words reverberate with a clear message: “This isn’t just an operation. We are at war." The magnitude of Netanyahu's intent could be sensed from his emphatic statement, "The enemy will pay a price they have never known." It's as if he's making it abundantly clear that this isn't some small military exercise. It's a full-blown war, necessitated by a brutal surprise assault.

Halfway across the world, another leader tuned into the grim happenings. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, taking to the all-familiar X platform (because why should Twitter have all the fun?), expressed his shock at the situation. His thoughts and prayers? With the innocent victims bearing the brunt of the Hamas terrorists' aggression. But it wasn't just about prayers; it was also about solidarity. And that's precisely where India stands - shoulder to shoulder with Israel in these trying times. A sentiment that didn’t go unnoticed as the Consul General of Israel, Kobbi Shoshani, extended his thanks to India.

There's an old saying that when the going gets tough, you get to know your true allies. And as rockets fly and leaders speak, allegiances get tested, and the world watches.

For those who might be trying to understand the headlines, let's delve into a quick history lesson. Hamas isn't just a word we hear when there's a flare-up in the Middle East. Its origins trace back to Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, a Palestinian cleric. Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya or the “Islamic Resistance Movement” as it translates in English, was brought to life under his guidance. A group that might have its roots in resistance, but, by 1997, the United States had already dubbed it a foreign terrorist organization.

Fast forward to today, and the gravity of this designation becomes painfully clear. Picture this: a vibrant music festival, thrumming with life and anticipation, turns into a setting of carnage. The aftermath of Hamas terrorists' actions left an unspeakable scene. Over 260 innocent civilians – men, women, and children, music enthusiasts just there for a good time – met a tragic end. Their bodies, a testament to the merciless firing. And as if this wasn't gut-wrenching enough, hundreds more, civilians and soldiers, children among them, have been whisked away, their fate uncertain following the attack.

A resistance movement or a harbinger of death and despair? The lines, it seems, are getting blurred.

In the midst of this chaotic and heart-wrenching scenario, the tale of Shani Louk, a German tourist, paints a particularly dark picture of the events that unfolded. Innocent souls from around the world, visiting for reasons ranging from exploration to simply enjoying music, found themselves ensnared in the web of terror weaved by Hamas.

Shani's fate was especially grim. Having been abducted, her life was cruelly snuffed out. But it didn't end there. In what can only be described as a barbaric show of power and disdain, Hamas terrorists paraded her lifeless, naked body around Gaza, a chilling spectacle of their capabilities.

Eyewitnesses, already grappling with the shock of the events, recounted further horrors from the music festival. Women attendees suffered unspeakable acts of violence, with some being raped beside the lifeless forms of their friends. The depth of the tragedy only deepened as many of these victims met a brutal end, executed after enduring such torment.

It's a grim reminder of the cruel, unpredictable nature of terrorism where even the most unsuspecting – tourists, music enthusiasts – aren't spared from its clutches.

Even UAE calls Hamas attack on Israel ‘serious, grave escalation’ 

In a world where irony and politics often dine at the same table, the recent Hamas attack on Israel presented another fascinating chapter. Late Sunday, the United Arab Emirates, a predominantly Muslim country, didn't shy away from condemning the Palestinian group Hamas for its blatant attack on Israeli towns, terming it a "serious and grave escalation". They even expressed their dismay over the abduction of Israeli civilians, resonating a deep sense of concern for the innocent.

Now, isn't it intriguing that the UAE's response was more direct and clear-cut than that of our own Congress party? Even more fascinating is the stark contrast between the UAE's stern stand and the often equivocal remarks of Mr. Rahul Gandhi and his party. For a moment, let's juxtapose the two. The Congress, while condemning Hamas' brutal attack, simultaneously expressed sympathy for the Palestinians. Meanwhile, the UAE, despite being a Muslim-majority nation, displayed no ambiguity in condemning a Muslim extremist group's violent acts.

Here’s a satirical thought - perhaps the Congress, and especially Mr. Gandhi, could take a brief internship under the UAE's Foreign Ministry. They might learn a thing or two about taking a clear stance on pressing international issues. If only politics was about the simplicity of right and wrong, and not the complex art of balancing acts! But then again, politics without a sprinkle of irony would be like a cake without frosting - plain and uninteresting.

The UAE's statement recently only reemphasizes their commitment to global peace and diplomacy. While they clearly condemned Hamas for the egregious attack on Israeli towns, they didn't remain blind to the repercussions of the increasing conflict. The Gulf nation's balanced plea to both Hamas and Israel to de-escalate reeks of maturity – a stark contrast, if one may recall, to our Congress party's vacillating stand.

"Civilians on both sides must always have full protection," says the UAE. Now, that's diplomacy speaking its heart out. It's a simple statement but profound in its meaning, resonating a sentiment that civilians should never become casualties of political ideologies or vendettas. But while the UAE showed concern for both sides, we saw the Congress taking a bit of a seesaw approach - sympathizing here, condemning there, and generally creating a murky cocktail of sentiments.

Hamas might have its reasons for attacking, and Israel surely has its reasons to retaliate. Yet, at the end of the day, it’s the numbers that make us flinch – 700 Israelis and more than 410 Palestinians gone, and thousands more wounded. If only our Congress could realize that sometimes, in the face of such tragedy, a simple, clear stance is more valuable than a politically calculated one.

What's even more interesting, however, is the UAE-Israel relationship backdrop. Remember 2020? The year wasn’t just about that pesky virus; it was also when the UAE and Israel shook hands and decided to normalize relations under US sponsorship. Oh, the sweet touch of diplomacy!

Maybe, just maybe, it's high time some of our homegrown politicians take a page from the UAE's book. Because sometimes, the voice of reason doesn't need to shout; it just needs to be clear and unwavering. And while we're in the mood for satirical suggestions, perhaps a series of diplomacy workshops in the serene deserts of the UAE for our political stalwarts? Food (or should we say, dates) for thought!

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