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Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind
Feminism decided to destroy Family in 1960/70 during the second #feminism waves. Because feminism destroyed Family, feminism cancelled the two main millennial #male rule also. They were: #Provider and #Protector of the family, wife and children
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"Today I realise how lucky we are as Indians”, from staunch critic to newfound admirer, Shehla Rashid's 'epiphany' lauds PM Modi's peace efforts in Kashmir. Perhaps, it's the aftertaste of recent prosecution sanctions that's led to this change of heart

Our usually fiery critic, Ms. Rashid, has suddenly turned into a ray of sunshine, spreading warmth and love for the very government she once scorned
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Anti-National
Shehla Rashid Lauds PM Modi for Kashmir's Peace Amid Middle East Unrest
Shehla Rashid Lauds PM Modi for Kashmir's Peace Amid Middle East Unrest

In a surprising turn of events, Shehla Rashid, JNU alumna and prominent Kashmir-based activist, publicly expressed her appreciation for PM Modi and the administration's efforts in Jammu and Kashmir. This unexpected praise comes in light of the recent Israel-Hamas conflict, which has taken the world's attention.

Drawing a comparison between the Middle East's tumultuous situation and India's relative peace, Rashid took to X on the 14th of October, stating, "Looking at the events in the Middle East, today I realise how lucky we are as Indians. The Indian Army and security forces have sacrificed their everything for our safety. Credit where it’s due."

Her recognition of the sacrifices and efforts of the Indian Army and security forces underscores the stark difference between the peace in Kashmir and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. This public acknowledgment by Rashid, known for her often critical stance towards the Indian government, highlights the significance of maintaining peace and security in volatile regions.

In her recent acknowledgments, Shehla Rashid didn't stop at just recognizing the Indian Army's sacrifices. She extended her commendation to key figures and organizations that have played instrumental roles in maintaining harmony in Jammu and Kashmir.

She specifically lauded Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, and Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir Manoj Sinha. Additionally, she paid tribute to the Chinar Corps of the Indian Army for their relentless efforts in the region.

Drawing parallels to the current unrest in the Middle East, Rashid emphasized, "Peace can’t be ensured without security," a sentiment that reverberates with the reality witnessed globally. She expressed her admiration for the collective efforts of the Chinar Corps, the courageous soldiers of the CRPF, and the Jammu and Kashmir Police, all of whom have worked tirelessly to usher in an era of sustained peace in Kashmir.

Shehla Rashid's recent praises for the Indian administration and forces in Jammu and Kashmir have been met with a range of responses. While her tweets, wherein she has expressed gratitude to key figures for the peace in Kashmir, have been widely appreciated, her past actions remain a point of contention for many.

It's evident that many view her statements as a realization of the transformed scenario in Kashmir, especially post the revocation of Article 370. Yet, Rashid's prior engagements cast a looming shadow over her present affirmations.

Rashid, having previously held the position of vice-president in the JNU student union and represented AISA, the student organization of left parties, is no stranger to controversies. Her outspoken criticism of the BJP and PM Narendra Modi and her inclination towards anti-India rhetoric in Kashmir have made headlines multiple times. In numerous instances, she has been accused of fabricating news, particularly to paint the Indian army in a negative hue.

One such occasion saw her alleging severe misconduct by the armed forces in Jammu and Kashmir. These claims, which echoed sentiments of Pakistani propaganda against India's security forces, were later refuted by the Indian Army.

Given this backdrop, Rashid's recent tweets have left many pondering - is this a genuine change of heart or another chapter in a tumultuous narrative?

Now, isn't this a spicy plot twist? Just when you thought you'd seen all the episodes of "The Shehla Chronicles", she throws in a cliffhanger. Our usually fiery critic, Ms. Rashid, has suddenly turned into a ray of sunshine, spreading warmth and love for the very government she once scorned. What could have possibly inspired this abrupt change of heart? A newfound love for the nation? A spiritual awakening? Or... could it be the looming legal storm clouds brought about by Delhi's LG?

Enter the dashing Supreme Court lawyer, Alakh Alok Srivastava. Riding in on his legal steed, he's armed with a formidable complaint that reads like a 'who's who' of legal offenses. He's not just accusing her of being a tad loose with the truth but is pointing fingers at her for potentially whipping up a seditious storm! And, if you're not well-versed in the legalese, let's break it down: the complaint suggests Shehla might have not only ruffled a few feathers but set the whole coop on fire by 'promoting enmity between the classes'. That's a heavy tune to dance to!

So, did the prospect of a legal tango suddenly make the world look rosier for Shehla? Or is it genuine admiration for the Indian establishment? Only time will tell. But till then, pass the popcorn, because this is one show you won't want to miss! 

Talk about taking a scenic detour! The ever-vocal Shehla Rashid seems to be on a reflective journey, and no, we're not talking about a soul-searching trek in the Himalayas. After the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi, VK Saxena, played the legal card on her earlier this year, Shehla's Twitter fingers might have gotten a bit of a cramp. He gave a nod to charge her under the rather fancy sounding section 196 of CrPC, 1973, all thanks to her "creative" tweets about the Indian Army.

So, where does one head after such a legal brouhaha? Kashmir, of course! Perhaps the serene valleys offer the perfect backdrop for some introspection. Or maybe it's just a strategic retreat. After all, she's been doing some significant backpedaling lately. Remember her passionate plea against the abrogation of Article 370? Well, she just pressed the undo button on that one and withdrew her petition.

One can't help but wonder: Is this a genuine change of heart inspired by the tranquility of Kashmir or just a smart move on the legal chessboard? Whatever the case, Shehla's latest moves are sure to keep her followers (and critics) on their toes! 💃🏔️🎭

Well, well, well! If someone had said that Shehla Rashid would someday cheer for the Indian national flag being hoisted by the brother of a Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist, many would have spilt their chai. Yet, here we are! On Independence Day, amidst the firecrackers and patriotic songs, Shehla surprised her followers with a virtual thumbs up for Raees Mattoo's flag-hoisting act. The same Raees, who shares a bloodline with terrorist Javed. Talk about plot twists!

And if that wasn’t surprising enough, she went a step further, showering encomiums on the dynamic duo of Indian politics: PM Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah. Yes, you read that right! Shehla Rashid, the one-time staunch critic, is now singing praises for their efforts in bringing peace to Kashmir.

Now, is this a genuine appreciation, a newfound love for the tricolour, and the political bigwigs? Or is it a tactical play, perhaps even a mirage created by the mesmerizing beauty of Kashmir? Only time will tell, but for now, Shehla's U-turns are more captivating than the latest telenovelas!

Shehla Rashid: The Controversial Activist

Shehla Rashid Shora, a self-proclaimed human rights activist, hails from the corridors of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) where she pursued her Ph.D. and served as the vice-president of the Jawaharlal Nehru University Students' Union (JNUSU) in 2015-16, representing the All India Students Association (AISA). Her name rose to infamy during the 2016 student agitation when she vocally supported Kanhaiya Kumar, Umar Khalid, and others who were arrested on sedition charges for their role in the controversial sloganeering event at JNU.

Shora has been a vocal critic of the Indian government's stance on Kashmir, often siding with narratives that question the government's actions, especially concerning the detention of minors. Since 2010, she's been engaged in activities in Kashmir, including organizing a youth leadership program. Notably, her involvement in the 'Occupy UGC movement' displayed her propensity for disruptive protests, as she camped at the University Grants Commission (UGC) headquarters, opposing the withdrawal of non-NET fellowships.

In February 2019, she stirred controversy by tweeting that a group of Kashmiri girls were trapped in a hostel in Dehra Dun by an aggressive mob. This tweet was promptly challenged by the Uttarakhand police, which filed a report against her for causing potential disruptions and spreading baseless rumors. Briefly, she associated herself with the Jammu and Kashmir People's Movement political party initiated by Shah Faesal in March 2019.

Back in 2014, Shora's attempt to gain a position in the Gender Sensitisation Committee against Sexual Harassment at JNU was unsuccessful. Given her history of controversial statements and actions, many question her true intentions and the narratives she promotes.

Shehla Rashid: A Rising Leftist Star or a Controversial Firebrand | In September 2015, the hallowed halls of JNU saw Shehla Rashid Shora clinch the vice-presidential position in the student union elections, representing the Left-leaning All India Students Association. Winning by a margin of over 200 votes against ABVP's Valentina Brahma, Shora claimed the title of being the first Kashmiri woman to win a student union election at JNU, and notably, she was the most voted-for candidate that year. While some celebrated her victory as a testament to JNU's diverse and inclusive spirit, others eyed her political journey with skepticism.

Shora, always quick to voice her opinions, didn't take long to criticize the ban on student politics at Kashmir University post her election. According to her, curbing ideas only leads them to manifest in "undesirable ways." By October 2015, she was at the forefront of the "Occupy UGC" movement, protesting against the University Grants Commission (UGC) decision to cut scholarships for MPhil and PhD students. This movement saw students from not just JNU, but also Delhi University, Jamia Milia Islamia, and Ambedkar University Delhi joining forces. The AISA and JNUSU, which often held conflicting viewpoints, found a mediator in Shora, who quickly became the "face of the movement."

While her supporters hailed her as a beacon for student rights, her detractors saw her as a polarizing figure, often wading into controversial territories. The question remains: Is Shehla Rashid a rising star of student politics or merely a firebrand thriving on controversy? Only time will tell.

The Tumultuous Journey of Shehla Rashid: Controversies Galore | For someone with a relatively short political journey, Shehla Rashid Shora has managed to court more than her fair share of controversies. Her outspoken nature, coupled with the vigor of youth, has often landed her in the eye of several storms.

February 2017 saw the Aligarh Muslim University Student Union (AMUSU) filing an FIR against her. The bone of contention? A Facebook post she had made, which they claimed used objectionable language about Muhammad, the revered prophet of Islam.

Fast forward to October 2018. Shehla's welcoming of the newly converted Irish singer, Shuhada’ Davitt, into the Muslim community was met with a considerable online backlash. The situation escalated to such an extent that Rashid felt compelled to deactivate her Twitter account for a period, although she has since returned to the platform.

February 2019 brought another challenge her way when Dehradun Police slapped an FIR against her. The reason? A tweet where she claimed "15-20 Kashmiri girls trapped in a hostel in Dehradun for hours" with mobs allegedly baying for their blood. However, the police were quick to dismiss her allegations as mere rumors.

But perhaps the most significant controversy that Rashid has faced till date occurred in August 2019. Post the Indian revocation of Jammu and Kashmir's special status, she took to Twitter to accuse the Indian Army of torturing Kashmiris. The Army was swift in its rebuttal, terming her allegations as baseless. The situation escalated with Supreme Court lawyer Alok Srivastava filing a complaint against her, seeking criminal action on grounds of sedition.

As her journey unfolds further, it remains to be seen whether Shehla Rashid will take a step back to reassess her approach or continue to be a magnet for controversies.

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