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Monday, 30 September 2024 | 11:40 pm

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रमजान में रील🙆‍♂️
Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind
Feminism decided to destroy Family in 1960/70 during the second #feminism waves. Because feminism destroyed Family, feminism cancelled the two main millennial #male rule also. They were: #Provider and #Protector of the family, wife and children
Statistics | Children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in #drug and alcohol abuse, drop out of school, and suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in #crime, #girls more likely to become pregnant as teens
The kind of damage this leftist/communist doing to society is irreparable- says this Dennis Prager #leftist #communist #society #Family #DennisPrager #HormoneBlockers #Woke


In a bold stride towards unprecedented growth, India and Saudi Arabia set sights on a staggering $200 billion trade target, heralding a new age of economic partnership and space collaboration, cementing bonds and fostering mutual prosperity

"In Amrit Kaal, year 2047, India aspires to grow at an unprecedented scale," declared Shri Goyal, a statement pulsating with an unyielding spirit of nationalism and pride
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India-Saudi Arabia: Strengthening strategic ties for mutual prosperity
India-Saudi Arabia: Strengthening strategic ties for mutual prosperity

In an era where dynamism and vision set the stage for groundbreaking transformations, India stands poised at the threshold of an awe-inspiring future, a monumental vision echoed in the inspiring words of the Union Minister of Commerce & Industry, Shri Piyush Goyal. This vision, teeming with potential, positions India as a bastion of growth and innovation, set to reshape the contours of global economics and relations.

Amidst the bustling capital of New Delhi, the thriving heart of the nation, a significant global event is unfolding - the G20 Summit 2023. An event underscored by Shri Goyal as a monumental milestone in India's journey towards a future steeped in growth and opportunity. He lauded the meticulous organization of Startup20, a vital catalyst under India's renowned G20 Presidency, aimed at fostering innovation and entrepreneurship on a grand scale. This initiative marks a golden chapter in India's relentless pursuit of excellence and ingenuity, painting a canvas of a nation that is bursting with opportunities and aspirations.

As the world watches, India crafts a burgeoning partnership with Saudi Arabia, a collaboration forged in mutual growth and economic vitality. Shri Goyal unveiled ambitious plans, sharing the potent possibility of escalating trade between India and Saudi Arabia to a staggering $200 billion. A figure that not only signifies economic prowess but also stands as a testament to India's burgeoning global presence and influence.

"In Amrit Kaal, year 2047, India aspires to grow at an unprecedented scale," declared Shri Goyal, a statement pulsating with an unyielding spirit of nationalism and pride. A future where India does not just participate in the global economy but leads with a fervent stride, setting new benchmarks and forging pathways never ventured before.

The collaboration between India and Saudi Arabia is more than economic camaraderie; it represents the union of two of the fastest-growing economies in the world. A partnership that stands testimony to their global standings, previously marked at 62 and 63 in the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business rankings, though these rankings have since been discontinued in 2020. These figures, however, are a mere glimpse into the monumental growth and prospects that lie ahead.

During this spirited interaction, Shri Goyal extended an open invitation to Sovereign Wealth Funds to explore the thriving prospects at GIFT, Gujarat. An initiative that further amplifies India's welcoming arms to opportunities and collaboration on a grand scale.

In the eyes of Shri Goyal, a revered Union Minister holding multiple portfolios including Industry, Food and Public Distribution, and Textiles, the future is not just promising; it's a canvas waiting to be painted with strokes of innovation, unity, and unparalleled growth. A vision mirrored in his interaction with the Saudi Minister of Investment, Khalid A. Al-Falih.

In a stirring display of ambition and foresight, Shri Goyal unveils a roadmap that promises not just growth, but a harmonious fusion of opportunities and strengths between two powerful nations, India and Saudi Arabia.

"Imagine a future where trade blossoms to an astonishing scale, from the robust $52 billion of today to a thriving $200 billion," Shri Goyal proclaimed, a statement echoing with an undercurrent of promise and expansive growth. This grand vision beckons Saudi investors to explore the vibrant vistas of opportunity awaiting in the Gujarat International Finance-Tech City, an epicenter of innovation and financial prowess. A visit that is not just an invitation but a gateway to witness firsthand the simplified and efficient regulatory mechanisms that India proudly harbors. A realm where the ease of business is not a mere promise but a tangible reality, streamlined by a unified regulatory structure and bolstered by attractive tax rebates and seamless fund mobility within the GIFT city's precincts.

As the landscape of opportunity expands, Shri Goyal moots the groundbreaking proposition of establishing an office for Investment and Trade Promotion in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, a strategic move envisioned to foster deeper ties and collaboration. This initiative, championed by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), the Government of India, and Invest India, aims to be a vibrant hub encouraging and nurturing startups, fostering innovation, and paving the path for a brighter, prosperous future.

But the vision doesn't end here. As the torchbearer of India's economic resurgence, Shri Goyal emphasizes a symbiotic relationship that transcends mere financial gains. A partnership that blossoms into a beacon of balance and harmony. "India stands ready to be a pillar of food security to Saudi Arabia, while in return, we envision a conduit where energy, oil, and fertilizers flow into India," stated Shri Goyal, outlining a future where trade is not just transactional but a harmonious exchange nurturing mutual growth and prosperity.

In a vivid canvas of collaborative ventures and unbounded opportunities, Union Minister Shri Piyush Goyal delineates a future where India and Saudi Arabia stride hand-in-hand towards a brighter, sustainable future, a testament to the fervent spirit of nationalism and mutual pride reverberating between these two dynamic nations.

Imagine a city, not just any city, but one that embodies the epitome of clean energy and user-centric design; this is the essence of NEOM City, an ambitious project embarked upon by the Saudi Arabian government at an awe-inspiring investment of $0.5 trillion. Shri Goyal, with a sparkle of optimism and anticipation in his words, emphasized India’s potential significant contributions in this grand endeavor. "I think that's an area where India could contribute significantly," remarked Shri Goyal, envisioning a vital role for India in the realms of design, construction, manning, and fostering vibrant business ecosystems in and around NEOM City.

With an astute insight into the economic landscape, Shri Goyal brought to light an astonishing fact that elevates India's stature on the global platform. Citing a recent study, he highlighted that the top five companies listed on the stock exchange showcase Indian companies leading with a staggering 20% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) return on investment spanning two decades, surpassing titans from the US and China. A testament to India’s unyielding pursuit of excellence and a beacon of promising investment opportunities.

"It's time to amplify the torrent of investments flowing from Saudi Arabia," declared Shri Goyal, emphasizing a surge from the previous figures of $4 billion last year, with a remarkable $2.8 billion accrued during the challenging COVID period. As a vanguard of progress, he pinpointed the lucrative potential awaiting in India's processing industry, a golden opportunity to spearhead advancements in agriculture and fortify food security.

Moreover, Shri Goyal turned the spotlight towards the pharmaceutical sector, a domain pulsating with immense potential. He envisioned a harmonious synergy between the regulatory authorities of Saudi Arabia and India, fostering a vibrant ecosystem that would facilitate easier access to Indian medicines for the residents of Saudi Arabia. A move that not only promises to invigorate the Indian Pharma sector but also opens avenues for expansive investments in Saudi Arabia.

Space Cooperation: India and Saudi Arabia Reach for the Stars Together

In an era brimming with technological advancements and global collaborations, India and Saudi Arabia are nurturing a partnership that transcends earthly bounds. The final installment of this narrative series unveils the thrilling prospects that space cooperation between these two nations heralds, as outlined by Shri Piyush Goyal and Rajesh Kumar Singh, Secretary in the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT).

As the fervent spirit of nationalism and unity ignites the skies, we find India and Saudi Arabia venturing into uncharted territories, exploring exhilarating opportunities in the burgeoning space sector. With eyes set on the cosmos, the Indian government is contemplating amplifying the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) norms in the space industry, a bold move envisioned to entice global frontrunners to participate in this celestial journey.

Rajesh Kumar Singh cast a spotlight on the multitude of sectors that are ripe for Saudi Arabian investments, presenting a vibrant palette that encompasses aviation, pharmaceuticals, renewable energy, food processing, and the burgeoning field of agritech. But the collaborative canvas does not end here. It expands to embrace revolutionary realms like artificial intelligence, robotics, cybersecurity, and automation, fostering a symbiotic relationship that promises to redefine the future of technology and innovation.

Highlighting India's progressive stance, Singh noted the government's intention to liberalize FDI norms further in the space sector. This monumental step is designed to foster an environment conducive to private sector and foreign investment, creating a fertile ground for innovation and growth. A milestone that marks the dawn of a new era, where up to 100 percent FDI is permitted for satellite establishment and operations, albeit with government approval, paving the way for celestial ventures that hold the promise of untold possibilities.

But the tapestry of collaboration is rich and diverse, extending beyond the space sector into realms of renewable energy and defense. Saudi Arabian enterprises have already planted seeds of innovation in India's wind and solar energy sectors, heralding a future powered by clean and sustainable sources. Moreover, the synergy between Saudi Arabia’s military industry and India’s spirited “Make in India” campaign presents a golden avenue for defense projects of mutual interest, fostering a fortified bond of security and cooperation.

Moreover, there is an encouraging nudge towards substantial investments in the vibrant spheres of bulk drug parks and the food processing sector, capitalizing on India's dynamic agro-tech startup ecosystem, a nurturing ground for innovations that promise to revolutionize the agricultural landscape.

As we draw the curtain on this vibrant narrative, we stand on the cusp of a new dawn, a future enriched by collaborative ventures and boundless opportunities. A journey of mutual respect, pride, and unyielding spirit of nationalism, where India and Saudi Arabia walk hand in hand, reaching for the stars, together.

As we witness a significant augmentation in the bilateral trade spectrum, the figures echo the resonance of mutual growth and collaboration. The financial year 2022-23 witnessed a resounding crescendo with the bilateral trade scaling heights to reach a staggering USD 52.8 billion, painting a portrait of robust economic relations. India's contributions to this vibrant tableau have been significant, with exports to Saudi Arabia registering a notable increase from USD 8.8 billion in 2021-22 to USD 10.7 billion in the subsequent fiscal year, underscoring a narrative of steadfast growth and burgeoning opportunities.

In a landscape adorned with rich prospects, the dialogue steered towards diversifying and fortifying trade ties, transcending the conventional oil trade. Visionaries envisage an expanded canvas that embraces diverse sectors such as food processing, tourism, renewable energy, and the captivating realms of health and entertainment. This burgeoning vista reflects the mutual aspiration to weave a rich tapestry of varied economic engagements that promise to redefine the bilateral trade narrative.

As we delve deeper, the spotlight turns towards India's formidable stance in the global market, characterized by its mastery in outsourced services. This prowess positions India as a beacon of opportunities, a hub where Saudi companies can find lucrative avenues in outsourcing, fostering a climate of collaborative growth and innovation. Further, India's globally recognized status as the pharmaceutical capital opens new avenues of collaboration in the healthcare sector, promising a future where well-being and progress walk hand in hand.

Sanjiv, the Joint Secretary in the DPIIT, accentuated the vast reservoir of opportunities that lay ahead, a testament to the burgeoning potential for enhancing trade and investments between these two nations. This sentiment found a resonating echo in the words of Badr AlBadr, the Deputy Minister of Investors Outreach, Ministry of Investment, Saudi Arabia. Speaking at a monumental event, AlBadr underscored the profound significance of the bilateral agreement forged between the ministry and Invest India. A pact that promises to cultivate a nurturing environment for investors and traders, enabling them to broaden their business horizons, even in the face of challenges like the Covid pandemic, food security concerns, and geopolitical uncertainties.

AlBadr illuminated the remarkable resilience and growth trajectory that the trade relations have exhibited, transcending barriers and emerging stronger, epitomizing the exceptional investment opportunities that Saudi Arabia offers. Reflecting the fervent spirit of cooperation and mutual commitment, the event witnessed the signing of a staggering 47 Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) and agreements, encompassing business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-government (B2G) sectors, a promising harbinger of deepening collaboration and unified progress.

As we conclude this riveting journey, we stand at a momentous juncture, a vantage point where we witness the burgeoning tapestry of Indo-Saudi relations blossoming with promise and prosperity. Through the vistas of cooperation and unity, we glimpse a future that holds boundless possibilities, a horizon adorned with the golden hues of mutual respect, pride, and a fervent spirit of nationalism.

Together, India and Saudi Arabia forge ahead, crafting a narrative that sings paeans of unity, innovation, and boundless potential, a symphony of collaboration that promises to echo through the annals of time, heralding a golden era of mutual growth and unparalleled prosperity.

Join us in this grand celebration of unity and progress, as we continue to chronicle the blossoming narrative of Indo-Saudi collaboration, a journey marked by pride, prosperity, and a fervent spirit of nationalism that binds two nations in a beautiful tapestry of friendship and mutual growth.

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