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Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind
Feminism decided to destroy Family in 1960/70 during the second #feminism waves. Because feminism destroyed Family, feminism cancelled the two main millennial #male rule also. They were: #Provider and #Protector of the family, wife and children
Statistics | Children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in #drug and alcohol abuse, drop out of school, and suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in #crime, #girls more likely to become pregnant as teens
The kind of damage this leftist/communist doing to society is irreparable- says this Dennis Prager #leftist #communist #society #Family #DennisPrager #HormoneBlockers #Woke


"Of course, his fault; how could he refuse": Pune woman Renuka punches husband Nikhil Khanna to death for not taking her to Dubai for her birthday, even gifts he brought on her anniversary were not satisfactory, police claims her to be intoxicated

Pushpraj Khanna said that his son married Renuka in November 2017. It was a love marriage but the couple used to quarrel often which started soon after the marriage
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Pune shocker: Woman punches husband to death for not taking her to Dubai for her birthday and not getting satisfactory gifts on anniversary
Pune shocker: Woman punches husband to death for not taking her to Dubai for her birthday and not getting satisfactory gifts on anniversary

"Of course, his fault; how could he refuse": Pune woman Renuka punches husband Nikhil Khanna to death for not taking her to Dubai for her birthday, even gifts he brought on her anniversary were not satisfactory, police claims her to be intoxicated

In a shocking and tragic incident in Pune, a woman allegedly punched her husband to death, fueled by anger over not being taken to Dubai for her birthday and dissatisfaction with her anniversary gifts. This horrifying event unfolded on November 24 in the Ganga Satellite Housing Society, an upscale locality in Wanawadi, Pune.

The victim, 36-year-old Nikhil Khanna, was a businessman in the construction industry. He had a love marriage with Renuka Jakhar Khanna, who is between 36 and 38 years old. Their marriage, blossoming from love, was six years old at the time of this tragic event. They lived with Nikhil's parents, suggesting a close-knit family structure typical in many Indian households.

On that fateful afternoon, an altercation erupted over Nikhil's refusal to take Renuka to Dubai for her birthday celebrations. This disagreement took a violent turn when Renuka, in a fit of rage, struck Nikhil on the nose. The blow proved fatal, leading to Nikhil's untimely demise.

Nikhil was rushed to Sassoon Hospital following the incident, where he succumbed to his injuries while receiving medical attention. This turn of events highlights the critical consequences that domestic disputes can escalate into, bringing to light issues of anger management and domestic violence.

The police swiftly responded to this tragedy, taking Renuka into custody. This incident raises several questions about the dynamics within the marriage and the circumstances leading up to such a drastic and violent reaction. It also sheds light on the broader societal issues of handling conflicts in marital relationships, especially when they escalate to physical violence.

This incident is not just a private tragedy but a mirror to the societal norms and pressures that sometimes lead to catastrophic outcomes.

The circumstances leading up to the tragic incident in Pune, where Renuka Jakhar Khanna allegedly punched her husband Nikhil Khanna to death, were rooted in a series of unfulfilled expectations and domestic disagreements. According to the police reports, the sequence of events that culminated in this fatal altercation began with Renuka's desire to celebrate her birthday in Dubai on September 18. Nikhil's inability to fulfill this wish sparked the initial wave of fury in Renuka.

The situation further deteriorated on their wedding anniversary on November 5. Renuka's dissatisfaction stemmed from not receiving expensive gifts, leading to a heated argument between the couple. This incident underscores the complex interplay of expectations, materialism, and emotional fulfillment in marital relationships.

Adding to these tensions was another unmet expectation regarding a family event. Renuka wished to attend her niece’s birthday celebrations in Delhi in December, but Nikhil's response was not favorable, further fueling her anger. This accumulation of disappointments and disputes paints a picture of a marriage strained by unmet desires and differing priorities.

The culmination of these conflicts occurred on a fateful Friday afternoon at around 1:30 pm, when a clash between the couple escalated dramatically. During the fight, Renuka struck Nikhil in the face with such force that it caused severe physical trauma. The impact was so intense that it broke Nikhil’s jaw, dislodged some teeth, and made him fall to the ground, losing consciousness. The severity of the injury and the immediate physical consequences highlight the dangerous and often underestimated potential of domestic altercations to turn deadly.

In a state of panic upon realizing the gravity of her actions, Renuka tried unsuccessfully to revive her unconscious husband. At this time, Nikhil’s parents were not present, leaving the couple alone during this critical moment. This incident sheds light on the extreme outcomes that can result from escalating domestic disputes and the importance of addressing underlying issues in marital relationships.

The narrative of this tragic incident is not just about the fatal punch but also about the underlying layers of unfulfilled expectations, emotional dissatisfaction, and the ability of couples to navigate conflicts.

After the tragic incident, Renuka Jakhar Khanna reached out to her father-in-law, who acted promptly. He rushed home, dialed for emergency assistance, transported his son Nikhil to the hospital, and reported the event to the police. This immediate response underscores the seriousness of the situation and reflects a family's desperate attempt to save a loved one in a moment of crisis.

Renuka has been apprehended by the police pending further inquiry. A complaint was filed against her under Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code, which pertains to punishment for murder. This legal step indicates the severity of the accusations and the commencement of the judicial process to ascertain the facts and administer justice.

The police, in their statement, provided additional context to the incident: "The incident occurred on Friday afternoon. As per the primary investigation, it has been revealed that the couple had a fight because Nikhil did not take Renuka to Dubai to celebrate her birthday and did not give her expensive gifts on her birthday and anniversary. Renuka was also upset with Nikhil for not giving a favourable response to her wish to go to Delhi to celebrate the birthdays of some relatives.” This statement sheds light on the underlying reasons for the altercation, rooted in unfulfilled expectations and disappointments over personal and material desires.

Further complicating the case, the police raised suspicions about the nature of the attack. They speculated that Renuka might have been intoxicated and could have used a blunt object in the assault. Senior Police Inspector Sanjay Patange stated, “We suspect that Renuka was under the influence of alcohol. It could be a hard punch or an assault by a blunt object. The blood may have accumulated in the air channel and blocked breathing. We are investigating the matter.” This suspicion introduces a potential element of premeditation or heightened aggression in the attack, suggesting that the fatal injury might not have been a spontaneous act of violence but a more deliberate assault.

In the ongoing investigation of the tragic incident in Pune, Senior Police Inspector Sanjay Patange provided further details, stating, "He added that they were awaiting the post-mortem report." The post-mortem report is crucial in such cases as it will provide definitive medical evidence about the cause of death and the nature of the injuries sustained by Nikhil Khanna. This information is vital for the legal proceedings and to establish the exact circumstances of his death.

Regarding Renuka's state, the police officer mentioned, "The police officer said that they could not obtain Renuka’s version of the events as she is not in a mental state to talk. At present she has been kept in local up." This statement indicates that Renuka is currently in a disturbed psychological state, which prevents her from providing her account of the events. Her mental state might be a consequence of the traumatic events, including her actions and their aftermath. Keeping her in a local facility suggests that she is under observation, possibly for her mental well-being and to ensure she doesn't pose a risk to herself or others.

The background of the victim and his family was also elaborated upon. Nikhil was a realtor and owned a school in Nana Peth, indicating his involvement in significant business ventures. His father, Dr. Pushpraj Khanna, is a doctor, suggesting a family of professional stature.

Dr. Pushpraj Khanna, in his complaint, provided insight into the couple's relationship: “We used to counsel them but Renuka’s behaviour did not change. She used to fight with the domestic workers as well which had made it difficult for us to retain any house help,” he said. This revelation points to ongoing domestic issues and Renuka's challenging behavior. The fact that these issues began shortly after their marriage in November 2017, which was a love marriage, hints at underlying problems that might have been overlooked or inadequately addressed early in the relationship.

Further, Dr. Pushpraj disclosed, "He added that they had a physical fight on the day of the anniversary on 5th November too." This indicates a pattern of escalating physical confrontations in the couple's relationship, culminating in the tragic event. Such recurring conflicts suggest deeper issues, possibly including communication breakdowns, unmanaged expectations, or other unresolved marital problems.

The details provided by Dr. Pushpraj Khanna are essential for understanding the dynamics within the family and the couple's relationship.

In the complaint lodged by Dr. Pushpraj Khanna, further details about the tumultuous relationship between Nikhil and Renuka were revealed. Dr. Pushpraj stated, "They marked their wedding anniversary on November 5 but she was unhappy as Nikhil did not give her a gift to her liking. She had assaulted him at that time as well. We had managed to pacify them." This incident on their anniversary further demonstrates the ongoing issues in their marriage, where unmet expectations led to physical assault. The fact that family intervention was needed to calm the situation indicates the severity of their disputes and the potential risks they posed.

Renuka Instagram - @renuka_jakhar_khanna

Dr. Pushpraj further explained that the situation escalated over Renuka's plans to go to Delhi to attend her niece's birthday. He said, "She was angry that Nikhil was not confirming the travel plans nor arranging her flight tickets. This was leading to fights between them." The continual disagreements over seemingly materialistic issues like travel plans and gifts reveal a deeper discord in their relationship, where communication and understanding appeared to be significantly lacking.

The gravity of the situation became more apparent on the day of the tragic event. Dr. Pushpraj recounted receiving a distressing call from Renuka, urging him to rush home due to a fight with Nikhil. "I rushed home and when I was parking, I received another call from Renuka where she told me: 'It’s very urgent, Papa. Come quickly!'…When I entered the room, I saw that my son was lying on the floor naked and blood was coming out from his nose and mouth," he reported in his police statement. This description paints a harrowing scene and highlights the immediacy and severity of the situation.

The details provided in Dr. Pushpraj's statement are deeply troubling, revealing a pattern of escalating violence and dysfunction in the relationship. The fact that these altercations had become physical and recurrent is particularly concerning. It also brings to light the challenges families face when dealing with domestic disputes, especially when they escalate to violence.

In his distressing account of the events, Dr. Pushpraj Khanna described his desperate attempts to save his son's life. He stated, "Dr Pushpraj said he removed the blood clots from Nikhil’s mouth and tried giving him CPR. However, as he was not getting a response, he took Nikhil to the hospital with the help of security guards, but his son was declared dead." This vivid description of his efforts to revive Nikhil is heart-wrenching and underscores the severity of the situation. The fact that Nikhil was unresponsive to CPR and was declared dead upon arrival at the hospital highlights the tragic and irreversible nature of the incident.

Renuka Instagram - @renuka_jakhar_khanna

Addressing the broader societal implications of this incident, it's important to draw a clear distinction between pseudo feminism and true feminism. While some may erroneously attribute such violent behavior to feminist ideologies, true feminism is fundamentally about advocating for equality and respect across all genders. It does not condone the domination or harm of one gender over another. Pseudo feminism, which can manifest in harmful behaviors like entitlement and aggression, distorts the core values of feminism, which are centered around equality and justice.

This tragic event in Pune serves as a stark reminder of the dangerous consequences of uncontrolled anger and unrealistic expectations. It also highlights the need to address the misuse of ideologies like feminism as a justification for harmful actions. However, it's critical to avoid generalizing this incident as representative of all women or the feminist movement.

The incident also brings to the forefront the importance of the fundamental values of femininity, such as compassion, empathy, and cooperation, which are essential for the health and stability of family structures and society. It's crucial to address situations where these values are overshadowed by negative behaviors, regardless of gender. The aim should be to cultivate a society where both men and women can embody these positive traits, free from the pressures of distorted ideologies.

In summary, this case not only highlights the tragic consequences of domestic violence but also serves as a reminder of the importance of understanding and properly representing feminist ideologies. It underscores the need for addressing issues in domestic relationships with patience, understanding, and non-violent communication, and for promoting true feminist values that support equality and respect for all genders.

Renuka Instagram - @renuka_jakhar_khanna

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