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Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind
Feminism decided to destroy Family in 1960/70 during the second #feminism waves. Because feminism destroyed Family, feminism cancelled the two main millennial #male rule also. They were: #Provider and #Protector of the family, wife and children
Statistics | Children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in #drug and alcohol abuse, drop out of school, and suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in #crime, #girls more likely to become pregnant as teens
The kind of damage this leftist/communist doing to society is irreparable- says this Dennis Prager #leftist #communist #society #Family #DennisPrager #HormoneBlockers #Woke


"From deceit to defeat": Justice prevails for national shooter Tara Shahdeo after a 9-year battle, Raqibul Hasan faces life sentence for deceit and forced conversion, spotlighting perils of love jihad and affirming faith in the judiciary

It's a case that had gripped the nation, illuminating the darker recesses of societal pressures and religious manipulation
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Jihad
National Shooting Champion Tara Shahdeo's Pursuit of Justice: A Triumph Over Forced Conversion
National Shooting Champion Tara Shahdeo's Pursuit of Justice: A Triumph Over Forced Conversion

In a significant ruling that underscores the gravity of religious coercion, National shooting champion Tara Shahdeo finally received the justice she had long sought. Deceived into marriage by Raqibul Hasan Khan, who operated under the alias Ranjit Kumar Kohli, Shahdeo was subjected to a month-long ordeal, facing relentless pressure and torture to convert to Islam.

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court has rendered its verdict, holding several individuals accountable for their roles in this deeply troubling saga. Rakib-ul Hasan, Shahdeo's ex-husband, bore the brunt of the judgment, receiving a life sentence for his heinous actions. His mother, Kaushar Rani, was sentenced to 10 years in prison, a reflection of her complicity in the crime. Notably, Mustaque Ahmed, then registrar of the High Court, was also implicated, revealing the extent of the conspiracy that sought to violate Shahdeo's fundamental rights.

It's a case that had gripped the nation, illuminating the darker recesses of societal pressures and religious manipulation. But with this verdict, a clear message is sent: there's no place for religious coercion in a just society. The courage shown by Shahdeo throughout her ordeal, and in her pursuit of justice, serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

Justice Served: CBI court punishes the guilty

In a pivotal moment for the battle against religious coercion, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court has pronounced judgment on those involved in the Tara Shahdeo conversion case. On Thursday, October 5, the court sentenced Rakib-ul Hasan (alias Ranjit Kohli), Tara Shahdeo's ex-husband, to a life sentence. His mother, Kaushar Rani, was handed a ten-year prison term for her role. Significantly, Mustaque Ahmed, the High Court's then-registrar implicated in the conspiracy, received a 15-year sentence.

National shooter Tara Shahdeo's ordeal began after her 2014 marriage to Hasan, who subsequently exerted pressure on her to convert her religious beliefs. The gravity of the case prompted a CBI investigation, culminating in a chargesheet filed in 2017.

Reacting to the verdict, Tara Shahdeo took the opportunity to emphasize the importance of protecting women's rights, particularly against faith-based coercion. Expressing her deep gratitude to both the judiciary and the CBI, she pointed out that this landmark judgment resonated far beyond her personal experience. In her words, this is a victory for "every daughter in the country," reaffirming their faith in the justice system and reinforcing the message that such transgressions will not be tolerated. Tara's hope is that this judgment serves as a beacon, inspiring others to boldly resist and decry such injustices.

Following the landmark decision in the Tara Shahdeo conversion case, reactions continue to flood in. Notably, Mukhtar Ahmed, the attorney for the accused Rakibul Hasan, has publicized their intention to challenge the verdict in the High Court. Ahmed categorized the case as essentially a family dispute, further suggesting that the individuals in question were not severe lawbreakers. His unwavering belief in securing relief from the High Court underscores the forthcoming legal battles this case might encounter.

The CBI court's pronounced sentences came after the conviction of the trio at the heart of the case. They were indicted on several counts, including criminal conspiracy, deception under the pretext of matrimony, intentional infliction of physical harm, offending religious sentiments, criminal intimidation, and executing a fraudulent marriage ceremony. This verdict, handed down on September 30, stems from Tara Shahdeo's accusations. She alleged that her then-husband, mother-in-law, and an accomplice were behind a web of offenses, including a determined effort to force her into adopting Islam against her wishes.

Unmasking the Deception: Tara Shahdeo's Love Jihad Ordeal

In 2014, a heinous tale of betrayal and coercion began to unfurl. Tara Shahdeo, an esteemed national-level gold medallist shooter, found herself ensnared in a web of deception that would later be termed as a case of 'love jihad'. The events took a sinister turn when she wed Rakib-ul Hasan on July 7th, following Hindu traditions. Hasan, who cunningly posed as Ranjit Kohli, shattered Shahdeo's world.

Shockingly, just 24 hours into their marital union, Rakib-ul Hasan, aided by Mustaque Ahmad, then the Registrar of Vigilance in Jharkhand High Court (HC), started exerting immense pressure on Shahdeo. Their agenda was clear: force her to renounce her Hindu faith and embrace Islam, culminating in a Nikaah, the Islamic marriage rite.

Barely a month after their marriage, in August 2014, Tara's resilience led her to unveil her spouse's real religious identity. Taking her grievances to the authorities, she lodged a formal complaint against Rakib-ul Hasan and his mother at the Hindpidhi police station. The charges levied included section 498A, shedding light on the cruelty inflicted by a husband or his relatives for financial benefits, and section 34, underlining criminal acts committed with a mutual intention by two or more individuals, in accordance with the Indian Penal Code.

In a disturbing revelation, Tara Shahdeo recounted her harrowing experience, alleging a deep-rooted conspiracy anchored in religious deception and manipulation. Rakib-ul Hasan, her then-husband, cleverly misrepresented his religious faith to entrap her in a matrimonial bond. His true intentions were exposed soon after the wedding when he exerted immense pressure on Tara to abandon her faith and embrace Islam. But Tara's strong resolve to remain true to her beliefs triggered a horrifying sequence of events.

She was not alone in her battle. Her attorney, a vigilant ally, supported her claims, reiterating that Hasan, under the guise of a Hindu identity, had tricked Tara into marrying him. The sinister plot deepened post their marital vows. Hasan, in his twisted pursuit, tried to forcibly initiate her into Islam, with the intent of performing a subsequent Nikaah. Tara's resistance to these advances was met with harrowing consequences. Confined within her own home, she endured prolonged physical and psychological abuse, her life shadowed by unimaginable terror each day. It took the combined efforts of law enforcement agencies to extricate her from this nightmarish ordeal.

Tara's tribulations did not end with Hasan. Kaushar Rani, Hasan's mother, introduced a new layer of menace. Rani direly warned Tara that refusal to convert would see her subjected to a life of forced prostitution, insinuating a terrifying rotation of male 'partners'. One of the many ploys employed to mentally torment her was the categorical prohibition against Tara applying sindoor - a sacred mark in Hindu tradition, symbolic of a married woman. As a final measure, to break her spirit, numerous Muslim clerics were summoned to pressurize Tara into forsaking her religious identity.

The gravity of Tara's ordeal underscores a dire need for vigilance and reforms in societal norms, ensuring that such malign intentions find no place in our world.

Kaushar Rani's own religious journey provides context to the twisted web surrounding Tara Shahdeo's plight. Delving deeper into the backdrop, India Today reported a nuanced tale. Rani, initially born a Muslim named Kauser, had converted to Hinduism at the time of her marriage. However, the death of Rakibul's father saw her revert to her original faith, Islam. This religious duality within the family adds layers of complexity to an already convoluted scenario.

Amidst this religious tumult, Tara found herself ensnared in a maelstrom of physical and emotional violence. For every act of defiance against the efforts to convert her, Tara faced severe retribution. The physical assaults escalated to such an extent that she bore the scars of her tormentors – cigarette burn marks were a testament to the brutality she endured. More chillingly, the shadows of threats loomed not only over her but extended to her family, making her ordeal all the more agonizing. The weight of dowry demands added to the already suffocating environment.

In his defense, Hasan did admit to the physical abuse, a testament to its sheer severity. However, he categorically denied forcing her to abandon her faith. But the evidence against him, especially Tara's harrowing state after her rescue, painted a grim picture.

The fortitude of Tara Shahdeo is palpable. Trapped in a web of deceit, facing escalating violence, and bearing the weight of threats against her loved ones, she mustered the courage to break free. Her journey, marred by pain but characterized by resilience, serves as a chilling reminder of the lurking dangers in seemingly ordinary lives and the indomitable spirit required to combat them.

In a significant turn of events in 2015, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) took over the reins of the probe, a move catalyzed by the Jharkhand High Court. With Delhi serving as the new backdrop for the legal battle, Tara's testimony was meticulously recorded, as dictated by section 164 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Given the gravity and intricacy of the case, the courtroom proceedings were nothing short of exhaustive. The prosecution paraded a plethora of witnesses, numbering up to 26. The meticulous process of cross-examination stretched on for over half a year, further underscoring the complexities of the case. In a significant step forward, the year 2017 witnessed the CBI formally submitting a chargesheet in the Shahdeo case.

Justice, while stern, can also be compassionate. Recognizing the allegations of cruelty and trauma Tara endured, a Ranchi family court, in 2018, decreed the dissolution of her matrimonial ties with Hasan. However, the saga didn't end there. The subsequent year saw the CBI court in Ranchi indicting Raqibul Hassan on charges of willfully misleading Tara about his religious affiliations prior to their marriage – a deception that played a pivotal role in the eventual breakdown of their marital union. Alongside Hasan, four other individuals found themselves ensnared in the legal net, accused of playing a complicit role in this tortuous affair.

In an era where the wheels of justice are often criticized for turning slowly, the conclusion of Tara Shahdeo's prolonged legal battle serves as a poignant reminder that persistence and truth ultimately triumph. September 30, 2023, became a defining moment in Tara's life, marking the end of a grueling nine-year ordeal. On this day, the court, in its wisdom, pronounced Raqibul Hasan, his mother Kaushar Rani, and Mushtaq Ahmed guilty, delivering a verdict that echoes the resounding principles of justice.

Emerging from the shadow of a tumultuous past, Tara's reaction post-verdict was one of profound relief, intermingled with a deep-seated faith in the judicial system. She voiced her heartfelt appreciation, expressing gratitude to the country's legal machinery and everyone who stood by her side, fortifying her spirit during these trying times.

The conclusion of this case serves not just as closure for Tara, but as a beacon of hope for countless others entangled in protracted legal battles, reinforcing the belief that, in the end, justice will always prevail.

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