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Tuesday, 2 July 2024 | 07:29 am

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Kashi symbolizes the unshakeable plasticity and unity of Hindus - presence of Padmesvara stones and Padmesvara inscription in the Lal Darwaza mosque, attests further that Kashi’s Islamic monuments are built on temple remains

| Satyaagrah | Hindu
Aurangzeb tried to erase Varanasi’s existence by renaming it “Muhammadabad” and issued coins in that name. His demolition of Kashi Visheshwara made Shivaji Maharaj’s mother Jijabai so furious that she challenged him to capture Sinhagad – changing the course of history forever

‘Casteless Hindu’ is Not a Paradox. It is The keystone of ‘Ghar Wapsi’ and Hindutva

| Satyaagrah | Hindu
Major opposition to Shraddhanand’s Shuddhi movement came from Islamist groups. A fanatic, Abdul Rashid, killed Shraddhanand on 23 December 1926 and confessed that he did it to save Islam in the wake of Hindu conversions of Malkana Rajputs

Lack of awareness among Hindus of it's Sanatan Culture is the root cause of Academic Hinduphobia: Demand for Hindu Rashtra is the need of the hour

| Satyaagrah | Hindu
There was an ominous silence of official state authority figures on the obviously Hinduphobic event being held by the academia which was said to be sponsored by 38 universities most from the US and also a few from Canada, UK, and Germany

Any caste discrimination as it exists today is a legacy of feudalism, colonialism and social stagnation: true picture of Hindu social structure

| Satyaagrah | Hindu
Dharma stresses on duties and responsibilities of humans towards their self and towards society, and not on rights that one group supposedly enjoys over the other

Hindus saved Sikh Gurus, provided weapons training and donated for Gurudwaras: Shattering the Hindu Vs Sikh narrative

| Satyaagrah | Hindu
While Hindus always supported the Sikh Gurus, obeyed their orders and helped them, there were some Sikhs who had sided with the Mughals against their own people. One such was Ram Rai, the seventh Guru Har Rai's eldest son, who had joined the Mughal tyrant Aurangzeb

Why is Hindu Religious Leaders' Unity Required?

| Satyaagrah | Hindu
If a nation wants to protect its people and borders from enemies, the only way to do so is to be united physically, mentally, socially, financially, and, most importantly, religiously

Indonesia: Sukmawati Sukarnoputri, daughter of Indonesia's first president becomes a Hindu leaving Islam

| Satyaagrah | Hindu
The conversion has attracted interest from Hindu nationalists, with one Indian website linking the event to an ancient prophecy involving a priest restoring glory to the religion

Hinduism, Hindutva and the Contest for the Meaning of Hindu Identity: Swami Vivekananda and V.D. Savarkar

| Satyaagrah | Hindu
Savarkar was well aware of the existence of certain syncretistic communities in India, such the Muslim Bohras and Khojas of Gujarat who incorporated many elements of Sanskriti culture into their daily life

Hindu Survival: What Is Needed To Be Done?

| Satyaagrah | Hindu
Numeric value of more than one billion people carrying Hindu names might give a short term illusion of relief, but the questions is, How many of those billions are truly carrying those values

रमजान में रील🙆‍♂️
Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind