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"Turning the page from turmoil to tranquility": 4 years since the revocation of Article 370, Jammu & Kashmir emerges from the shadow of conflict, embracing peace, prosperity and an era of unprecedented development, this is the dawn of a new, united Bharat

With decreasing terror attacks and increasing job opportunities, the general vibe for women is brighter than ever before
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Opinion
Four years of Article 370 revocation: Kashmir, Islamist terrorism and the idea of India
Four years of Article 370 revocation: Kashmir, Islamist terrorism and the idea of India

As we mark the four-year anniversary of the revocation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir, the region's shifting landscape and dynamics present a potent cocktail of intrigue and humor that even the most skillful Bollywood screenwriter would struggle to fabricate. On this date in 2019, the Modi government stripped away the contentious article that had been a thorn in the side of India's unity, setting the stage for a drama that rivals any primetime soap opera.

Now, let's rewind a bit. You know, before all the modern developments made their entry. The stats from the government archives paint a picture as stark as a horror movie poster. Between August 2016 and August 2019, police and security personnel had to put down 124 lives during protests and rock-hurling escapades. Yes, you read it right. A total of 124 souls, gone amidst the smoke of strife.

Now fast forward to 2023, the year in which we are presently, blissfully, and oh-so-peacefully ensconced. Our brave security forces have managed to cull a 'mere' 35 terrorists in separate operations between January 1 and August 5. Why do I say 'mere'? Well, compare this to the staggering 120 they had to take down during the same period last year. In the past year alone, 186 terrorists met their end at the hands of our security forces, including 56 Pakistani nationals.

As for infiltration efforts, they've been met with about as much success as a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest. The numbers from the official records are as encouraging as they come. Only 12 locals have embraced the path of terrorism till the end of July this year. This, mind you, has managed to whittle down the count of active militants to a lonesome digit.

Let's talk money. Before the scrapping of Article 370, Jammu and Kashmir had seen a grand total of Rs 14,000 crore in private investments since Independence. I know, right? That's barely enough to buy a good night's sleep. But things changed faster than a chameleon on a rainbow when Article 370 got shown the door. Thanks to the new Industrial Development Scheme, investment offers worth Rs 81,122 crore flooded in within two years.

Switching gears to tourism, which is currently skyrocketing faster than a SpaceX rocket, the number of visitors flocking to J&K is mind-boggling. Last year, the region saw 1.88 crore tourists. This year, it's projected to cross two crore. That's more than the population of some countries, folks!

And what about the regular folks? Well, they're happier than a seagull with a french fry, relishing the fruits of peace. Strikes, rock pelting, violence are all things of the past. The education sector, once a casualty of constant disruptions, is now thriving like never before.

Talking about women's safety, it's witnessing a steady rise, just like the mercury in our thermometers. With decreasing terror attacks and increasing job opportunities, the general vibe for women is brighter than ever before. Moreover, remember the pre-2019 era when a woman from J&K couldn't buy property if she chose to marry someone from outside the state? Yeah, well, that's been thrown out the window like last week's leftovers. Women are now free to choose their life partners without any such restrictions.

Now, let's talk about the tragic exodus of Kashmiri Hindus. I mean, how can we forget? The tale of their systematic purges reads like an anthology of horror. The first wave of mass departures occurred around 1389-1413, with Islam's advent in the valley. Subsequent exoduses occurred at intervals over the centuries, with the seventh and most horrifying one on 19 January 1990.

Despite the best attempts to turn Kashmir into a safe haven for all religions, progress has been as elusive as a needle in a haystack. This brings us to the ominous "Raliv, Galiv, Chaliv" mantra, a testament to the specter of jihadi terrorism that has been looming large not only over Kashmir but also over the entire world. Afghanistan, for instance, just witnessed a complete dismantling of a trillion-dollar investment and a decade of humanitarian work in a blink.

Now, the biggest punchline in this whole saga. On August 2, a five-judge Supreme Court Constitution Bench, presided over by the honorable CJI, D Y Chandrachud, began hearing several petitions contesting the revocation of Article 370. The circus master, none other than the veteran Congress leader, and seasoned lawyer Kapil Sibal, claimed in his act that the Legislature didn't have the power to suggest repealing Article 370 under the J&K Constitution. He cited the Constitution (Application to Jammu and Kashmir) Orders of 1950 and 1954 to support his argument.

Now, here's the kicker. Despite Article 370 being titled "Temporary Provisions with Respect to the State of Jammu and Kashmir" in Part XXI of the Constitution, some folks, let's call them the "anti-India forces," are battling tooth and nail in the apex court against the Modi government to resurrect this draconian law. But let's be real. The idea of Kashmir reverting to the pre-2019 era is as plausible as pigs taking flight.

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