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Kartar Singh Sarabha - The Freedom fighter who was Hanged at the age of 19 and inspired Bhagat Singh

| Satyaagrah | Freedom Fighter
Beginning from 1897 till Ghadar Party was organised in USA, early revolutionaries had vague ideas about nation and country. Vande Matram was their song and Bharat Mata-Mother India was their symbol

Chronicles of Valour- The Battle of Haldighati

| Satyaagrah | Freedom Fighter
This battle might have been the bloodiest of battles in world history. It lasted just 4 hours or thereabout. The carnage was such that the place came to be known as Rakt Talai or the lake of blood

Tirot Singh: An Unsung Hero of the Khasi Tribe who destroyed British with his skill at Guerrilla Warfare

| Satyaagrah | Freedom Fighter
He was known for his deft organizational skills, supported by efficient spies. His immortal words – “Better to die an independent king than reign as the vassal” – infused strength and courage among his people

Freedom struggle of Gurjars against Britishers at Koonja in 1824: 100s of Gurjars Martyred and 100s Hung in Single Tree

| Satyaagrah | Freedom Fighter
The freedom struggle is a part of recorded history, yet there are a large number of selfless, valiant freedom fighters whose contribution could not find mention or was ignored. The story of India’s freedom struggle is incomplete without these unsung heroes

Rana Sanga, the symbol of bravery who defeated Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi and fought Muslim Terrorists for Hindu Existence

| Satyaagrah | Freedom Fighter
Rana Sanga is remembered among historians as an able administrator, great visionary and a brave warrior – matchless traits indeed for a king of his time. The way he united the various factions of Rajputs under his able leadership was a tremendous act

Rani Karnavati also know as ‘Nak-Kati-Rani’, who cut off Mughal noses: The Invincible Queen of Garhwal

| Satyaagrah | Freedom Fighter
In our history books, we study about Emperor Shahjahan, his kingdom and his monuments. Emperor Shahjahan occupies a prominent position in our history books at every level. Those history books invariably fail to mention Rani Karnavati who cut of noses of Mughal army soldiers

Hero of Pawankhind: Veer Maratha Bajiprabhu Deshpande, who led 300 Soldiers against 12000 Adilshahi Army defending Shivaji

| Satyaagrah | Freedom Fighter
The Jehadis captured Shiva Navi to their undiminished glee but were terribly enraged when they discovered the subterfuge that it was fake Shivaji (Nakli-Shivaji). They promptly beheaded Shiva Nhavi

Jhalkaribai: The Indian Rebellion Of 1857 Who Took on British Forces Disguised as Laxmibai

| Satyaagrah | Freedom Fighter
A prominent fighter during the Rebellion of 1857, one woman driven by sheer fortitude and courage was able to strike fear in the hearts of the British army and leave behind a rich legacy for millions to emulate

Untold Story of India’s Youngest Covert Agent, Saraswathi Rajamani: The Forgotten Spy

| Satyaagrah | Freedom Fighter
Rajamani spied on the British for INA after being recruited by Netaji In 1942 in Rani Jhansi Brigade. For Two years she spied in British fighting in Myanmar and other war theatres in eastern sector in WW-II

Assam King Prithu who badly defeated Bakhtiyar Khilji, destroyer of Nalanda University in Battle of Kamrup in 1206 CE

| Satyaagrah | Freedom Fighter
13th century Persian historian Minhaj-i-Siraj in his book Tabaqat-i Nasiri recorded many of Bakhtiyar Khilji’s battlefield exploits, loot, and plunder in India. Tabaqat-i Nasiri contains a detailed account of Khilji’s attack of Kamrupa and his defeat

रमजान में रील🙆‍♂️
Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind