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Thursday, 4 July 2024 | 08:18 am

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"Its hard to tell who has your back, from who has it long enough just to stab you in it": Mohammed Rahman of Westbourne Park Road in London, stabs two police officers screaming ‘Allahu akbar’, one of them 3 times in the neck, charged with attempted murder

| Satyaagrah | Islam
According to a video tweeted by a retired police officer, it can be really difficult for police officers to take down a man who is armed with a knife. Even six police officers had a tough time

“One face, one voice, one habit, and two persons, He was not what he was!”: Najakat Ali arrested 7 years after absconding from police custody, had disguised as a Hindu Sadhu in Prayagraj temple to evade arrest, Police had declared Rs 50000 reward for him

| Satyaagrah | Islam
Ali stayed under the disguise of a Hindu priest in a Prayagraj temple for months after escaping from police custody seven years ago, he confessed during his interrogation

"He who threatens us will find us deaf to his threats. We are willing to listen only to rational arguments": Afghan Muslim migrant screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ stabs two people at random near the train station in Germany, was shot by police & fatally injured

| Satyaagrah | Islam
Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah and your enemies

"Love is a wonderful thing, my dear, but it leaves you wide open for blackmail": Indian soldier 'Ashu Rana' turned out to be contractual Army cook 'Aas Mohammad', had befriended a class XII student minor girl, arrested for stalking and blackmailing her

| Satyaagrah | Islam
To defame and harass the 17-year-old victim, the accused later created her multiple fake accounts on social media platforms and and posted vulgar messages with her photograph, a senior police official said

"Do you never look at yourself when you abuse another person?": Young Madrasa Maulana was sodomising 14-year-old boy on campus, would drag child to his room, abuse, and threaten with severe consequences if he disclosed anything, arrested

| Satyaagrah | Islam
The accused used to take the boy to his room and assault him and also threatened him with dire consequences to ensure the victim do not reveal anything about the assault to anyone

"Since cruel killing of cows and other animals have commenced, I have anxiety for the future generation": Latif Shaikh electrocuted 10 Cows of temple Gaushala whom all villagers worshiped, teary-eyed village performed final rites offering 700-800 sarees

| Satyaagrah | Islam
The women sisters of Amba village literally burst into tears during the cremation of these dead cows. What is special is that every woman in the village worshiped these dead cows and bid farewell to them by wearing 700 to 800 sarees

"There are three things in the world that deserve no mercy, hypocrisy, fraud, and tyranny": Merchant Ishaq Ibrahim mysteriously disappeared from HP after purchasing apples from the arhtiyas worth Rs 2 crore and sending them all away, farmers conned

| Satyaagrah | Islam
The accused's name, according to the complainants, is Ishaq Ibrahim Atnookar. He is a resident of Mahbubnagar in Telangana. Krishan Thakur, president of the Khegsu Apple Market Association, has asked the police to apprehend the fugitive dealer as soon as possible

"Terrorism is the tactic of demanding the impossible, and demanding it at gunpoint": Cleric of Religion of Peace with links to Al-Qaeda and ABT terror outfits arrested from Goalpara, Assam, crackdown on Jihadis operating from mosques & madrasas continues

| Satyaagrah | Islam
With the arrest of Hafizur Rahman Mufti, a Muslim cleric working in a madarsa in Goalpara, the total number of Al-Qaeda terrorists arrested in the state has risen to over 34

रमजान में रील🙆‍♂️
Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind