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Thursday, 4 July 2024 | 07:59 am

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Dravidianist psychiatrist suffering from Hindumisia denigrates Puranas, compares Hindu sacred symbols to genitals

| Satyaagrah | Opinion
Brahmins and Jains have the habit of wearing janeu. They say that it is impure to be born out of a woman (womb/genital) and to rectify that they are wearing janeu

Secularism ideology of India views and appeases Indian Muslims As Pakistanis

| Satyaagrah | Opinion
Musharraf was the architect of the largest jihad against India in modern times. He not only launched the jihadist invasion of Kargil in 1999, it was on his watch that the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai were planned

‘The Economist’ slammed by African netizens for romanticising colonial-era bureaucrats that resulted in killing of approx 10 million Congolese

| Satyaagrah | Opinion
Despite the revelations of brutality made in the book, The Economist spoke of the ‘admirable intentions of colonial bureaucrats,’ when tweeting about the review of the book in a clear attempt to whitewash the crimes of the white colonialists.

Global elite has always loathed a confident India: Earlier NYT & BBC had declared Nehru intolerant

| Satyaagrah | Opinion
The global elite does not hate PM Modi because he is from BJP. They do not hate PM Modi because they consider him intolerant. Even if he was, the global elite would not care. They hate him because he is an Indian who loves India and wishes for India to assert its rights. Clarity is important

Local politicians objects to cancellation of Friday ‘jumma’ holiday in schools by Lakshadweep administration

| Satyaagrah | Opinion
Mohammed Faizal, MP from Lakshadweep, has alleged that the decision to end the Jumma Holiday was taken without consulting district panchayat, local bodies or the people. He claimed, "Such a decision is not within the people's mandate. It is a unilateral decision of the administration"

Men can be “possessed by Shaitan” if left alone with daughters, sisters: Samajwadi Party leader Abu Azmi

| Satyaagrah | Opinion
Samajwadi Party leader Abu Azmi triggered a major controversy after suggesting that if left alone with his daughter or sister, a man can end up raping them

Time for Jashn-e-Riwaz kinda response as Sri Ganesh portrayed as "Gangsta" by E-Commerce firm Pixels to sells products

| Satyaagrah | Opinion
E-commerce companies should not be in the business of sacrilege, religious appropriation and ridiculing entire communities. It was deeply offensive to show immensely venerated Sri Ganesh as a “gangsta”

12 Dec to 18 Dec - 2021 - Routine summary of persecution, hate-crimes and discrimination against Hindus: Hindus under attack

| Satyaagrah | Opinion
From murders, forced conversions, land grabs, assault on festivals, desecration of temples and murtis, hate speech, sexual violence to institutionalized & legal discrimination, Hindus are facing an increasing assault on their very existence along with an unprecedented Hindu hatred

Misleading claim in NCERT textbook about Mughal emperors giving grants for temple repairs will not be removed: Delhi HC

| Satyaagrah | Opinion
Mughals are a favorite with historians, filmmakers, and others who prefer to paint their rule as a ‘golden era’ and Mughal rulers as ‘tolerant’ and ‘champions of religious harmony’ despite the fact that evidence on record shows that this is far from true

SC bench of Justices Chandrachud and AS Bopanna rules in favor of Muslim petitioner: “Don’t exclude non-Hindus from auction process for shop leases in temple”

| Satyaagrah | Opinion
Only Hindu religious institutions fall under the control of the secular state, and the management of these govt-controlled temples is often riddled with corruption and inefficiency. Increasingly, non-Hindus are demanding employment in govt.-controlled temples, or in institutions funded through temple donations

रमजान में रील🙆‍♂️
Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind