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Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind
Feminism decided to destroy Family in 1960/70 during the second #feminism waves. Because feminism destroyed Family, feminism cancelled the two main millennial #male rule also. They were: #Provider and #Protector of the family, wife and children
Statistics | Children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in #drug and alcohol abuse, drop out of school, and suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in #crime, #girls more likely to become pregnant as teens
The kind of damage this leftist/communist doing to society is irreparable- says this Dennis Prager #leftist #communist #society #Family #DennisPrager #HormoneBlockers #Woke


"True identity theft is not financial. It's spiritual. It's been taken": Woke agenda progresses as MTV ‘stay freaky’ awards and 10-year-old trans model plans surgery, two women became men and turned son into a girl referring to the baby as “theybie”

Noella McMaher has recently garnered attention for modeling at the New York Fashion Week. The boy reportedly told his parents that he was a girl at age two
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MTV’s ‘stay freaky’ awards and 10-year-old trans model plans surgery
MTV’s ‘stay freaky’ awards and 10-year-old trans model plans surgery

The now institutionalized woke abuse of minors is nothing short of sickening. The two articles below highlight the woke agenda for America, as the Left continues to force compliance across the board with its gender identity obsession. Woe be unto you if you call a man who identifies as a woman a “man.” One must use everyone’s preferred pronouns or face retribution. According to the University of Western Wisconsin’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Plus (LGBTQ+) Resource Center, there are 45 gender pronouns.

Woke special interest groups are systematically targeting children. Normalizing transgenderism in children blurs boundaries that are important for reasoning and mental stability in every child’s formative years. 10-year-old transgender model Noella McMaher is a noted case of this.

Many of those who advocate for gender-affirming care for kids, which Joe Biden signed an executive order to advance, attempt to brand children’s rights advocates as “bigoted” and “anti-transgender.” Yet children should not be subjected to abusive indoctrination that will affect them physically and psychologically for life before they are able to reason for themselves. The failure of the state to look after the well-being of these children is obscene.

Meanwhile, MTV presented its “stay freaky” video music awards. The same woke groups that are encouraging the “stay freaky” narrative and enforcing rigid acceptance of it as though it were a religion are enabling the rise of America’s worst enemies, including China, Iran and Russia, none of which would tolerate them. The woke also support unvetted illegal migration, heedless of the fact that most of the migrants who are coming in are from areas of the world which also do not tolerate the behavior the woke are busy inculcating in children. 

10-year-old ‘Trans Model’ with Trans Mother is set to undergo surgery at sixteen

A ten-year-old child, the world’s youngest transgender model, lives with her transgender mother and her mother’s trans partner and is set to undergo surgery at age 16. 

Her parents say she was born with a ‘fierce and confident sense of identity’. He then began socially transitioning and presenting himself as a girl at just four years old. His name was legally changed when he was seven.

‘It first started at two-and-a-half nearing three. Someone would say to her that she was a cute boy and she would snap back and exclaim, “I’m not a boy, I’m a girl!’’’ 

But this story of our times has sparked widespread concern. One campaigner described it as ‘abhorrent’ and suggested Noella’s mother was actively pushing her to become trans. 

Noella ‘socially transitioned’ at four and the family changed her legal birth certificate from ‘boy’ to ‘girl’ when she was six. 

She hit the headlines in America last week when she became the youngest transgender model to walk the runway at a fashion show in New York. 

And that self-assurance can clearly be seen on the catwalk, where ten-year-old Noella McMaher has become the world’s youngest trans­gender model. 

Noella – who fashion insiders say could make her first million in the next year – first identified as transgender at ‘two-and-a-half nearing three’, according to her biological mother Dee, 35, who now identifies as a ‘trans masculine male’ and cites Noella as an inspiration. 

Noella’s mom used feminine pronouns in reference to her son and remarked, “She would refuse to wear boy clothes and have tantrums because she was so young. She knew what she wanted, but didn’t have the words to say it … I should have known earlier, as she hated anything masculine, so I brought her to a gender clinic.” 

Noella reportedly told medical professionals at Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago that he was a girl. 

It has been revealed by Reduxx that the child apparently lives with his biological mother and her partner, who are both transgender. Noella’s biological mom, Dee McMaher, is a social justice activist.

The outlet reports that Noella’s mother, Dee McMaher, “appears to be on hormone replacement therapy, and recently had a cosmetic mastectomy” before going on to note that “both she and her current partner are females who identify as trans masculine.”

Biography from the Point Foundation, a pro-trans organization, states that Dee McMaher is a “deaf, gay, transgender person with a background in LGBTQIA+ advocacy.”

The biography refers to McMaher with the pronoun “they” and says that she has “spent the last 10 years working as an educator and advocate for transgender children and their families.”

Dee McMaher told the Chicago Parent that she was planning on having her child undergo sex change operations at age 16 after he receives puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.

Dee McMaher and Noella’s biological father, Timothy McCord, are divorced. McCord was arrested and charged with aggravated child abuse in 2016. McMaher attempted but failed to get McCord charged with a hate crime, claiming that McCord broke Noella’s arm while trying to make Noella wear boy’s pajamas. 

Now, McMaher is in a relationship with another individual who identifies as transgender.

Sinead Watson, a detransitioner, told Reduxx, “I cannot believe this child was affirmed at such a young age. I cannot believe this child – this baby – was deemed wrong as young as 2. And legal changes as [sic] 6? This whole case is abhorrent.”

Watson also contended that Noella’s mother and her partner “are forcing their own ideological ideas onto their innocent baby” and said that sex change operations should be viewed as “child abuse.”

Dee refers to the baby as ‘theybie’. 

Sinead Watson, who changed gender from female to male at 23 and then changed her mind and ‘de-transitioned’ four years later, said: ‘We’re seeing more and more parents with Munchausen syndrome by proxy. 

'It’s not the kids who are trans, it’s the parents who want them to be trans.’

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