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Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind
Feminism decided to destroy Family in 1960/70 during the second #feminism waves. Because feminism destroyed Family, feminism cancelled the two main millennial #male rule also. They were: #Provider and #Protector of the family, wife and children
Statistics | Children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in #drug and alcohol abuse, drop out of school, and suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in #crime, #girls more likely to become pregnant as teens
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"Cheers to bloopers, Canadian hoppers": Canada's shocking applause for WWII veteran Hunka, an ex-Nazi SS member, brings to light a disturbing pattern of harboring war criminals, amidst international outrage, the nation grapples with its unsettling past

The blunder reverberated beyond the confines of the Jewish community. Pierre Poilievre, leading the Official Opposition since 2022, was quick to join the choir of disapproval
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Canada's Oops Moment: Parliament's Epic Misstep in Praising a Nazi
Canada's Oops Moment: Parliament's Epic Misstep in Praising a Nazi

Canada's Parliament, in an era where every information nugget is a click away, managed to have its very own "Did that just happen?" moment. Imagine waking up to discover that you just celebrated the legacy of someone from the most villainous chapter of our history books. Speaker Anthony Rota did just that by commemorating Yaroslav Hunka, not a WW2 hero, but a Nazi who actively partook in the gruesome genocide against Jews. Talk about putting the wrong foot forward!

However, on the 24th of September, presumably after someone handed him a History 101 book, Rota showed signs of enlightenment. In his defense, and possibly to the shock of many, he emphasized that this was solely his slip-up, without any foreknowledge by his fellow parliamentarians or the Ukrainian delegation.

He said, “On Friday, 22nd September, in my remarks following the address of the President of Ukraine, I recognised an individual in the gallery. I have subsequently become aware of more information, which causes me to regret my decision to do so. I wish to make clear that no one, including fellow parliamentarians and the Ukraine delegation, was aware of my intention or of my remarks before I delivered them. This initiative was entirely my own, the individual in question being from my riding and having been brought to my attention. I particularly want to extend my deepest apologies to Jewish communities in Canada and around the world. I accept full responsibility for my actions.”

Rota's blunder, while monumental, provides a cautionary tale. Always double-check before casting anyone in a favorable light, especially if their actions belong in the darkest corridors of history.

But, on the brighter side, the incident has thrown into stark relief the need for better fact-checking. Perhaps it's time for Canada's Parliament to consider investing in a more rigorous history vetting process. At the very least, it would prevent future tributes to the wrong side of history.

When Canada's Parliament erred by lauding a Nazi figure, the inevitable wave of criticism was quick and fierce. Notably, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, acting as the voice of reason and memory, voiced their deep concerns.

Taking to the digital pages of X, the platform which took over the legacy of Twitter, they wrote: “We are deeply troubled & disturbed that a Ukrainian veteran of the infamous 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the Nazi SS – which actively participated in the genocide of Jews – was celebrated with a standing ovation in the Canadian Parliament. Canada’s Jewish community stands firmly with #Ukraine in its war against Russian aggression. But we can’t stay silent when crimes committed by Ukrainians during the Holocaust are whitewashed.”

The blunder reverberated beyond the confines of the Jewish community. Pierre Poilievre, leading the Official Opposition since 2022, was quick to join the choir of disapproval. He didn't just point fingers; he shone a light on the gravity of the oversight by highlighting that Prime Minister Trudeau had personally met and honoured Hunka.

Poilievre's fierce indictment accused the ruling party of publicly acknowledging a Nazi veteran on the prestigious floor of the House of Commons. His message was clear, and the demand simple: an apology from the highest echelons of Canada's leadership.

As Canada grapples with this oversight, the incident offers a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance, not just in remembering our past but also in how we honour it.

Source: ourcommons.ca

"Honouring a Dark Past: Canada's Controversial Tribute to a WWII Veteran"

The Canadian political scene was hit by another storm as revelations concerning the credentials of a veteran lauded by the Parliament emerged. The man in question, Yaroslav Hunka, had been the subject of much adulation on 22nd September, a gesture that has since been proven ill-informed.

The House of Commons, known for its solemnity and decorum, had risen as one in a standing ovation for Hunka. Introduced by the Speaker, Anthony Rota, as a World War II veteran who had staunchly fought for "Ukrainian independence" against Russian aggressors, the accolade seemed fitting. But a dive beneath the surface unveiled a more disturbing reality about Hunka. The 98-year-old war veteran was associated with the notorious SS unit - the 14th SS-Volunteer Division “Galicia”, a division conceived by the Nazis back in 1943. The gravity of the mistake was further underscored by the presence of the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, during this erroneous tribute.

Pierre Poilievre's criticism echoed loudly in the corridors of power. He passionately remarked, “It has come out today that Justin Trudeau personally met with and honoured a veteran of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (a Nazi division). Liberals then arranged for this Nazi veteran to be recognised on the floor of the House of Commons during the visit of the Ukrainian President. This is an appalling error in judgment on the part of Justin Trudeau, whose personal protocol office is responsible for arranging and vetting all guests and programming for state visits of this kind. No parliamentarians (other than Justin Trudeau) had the opportunity to vet this individual’s past before he was introduced and honoured on the floor of the House of Commons. Without warning or context, it was impossible for any parliamentarian in the room (other than Mr Trudeau) to know of this dark past. Mr. Trudeau must personally apologise and avoid passing the blame to others as he always does.”

Canada's error, whether through ignorance or oversight, casts a sombre reflection on the importance of thorough vetting, especially when the world's eyes are watching.

Canada's Unsettling Tryst with WWII War Criminals

Canada's tribute to Yaroslav Hunka, a WWII veteran, has snowballed into a massive controversy, revealing an unsettling association with war criminals. Hunka's voluntary enlistment in the 14th SS-Volunteer Division "Galicia", the main paramilitary group under Adolf Hitler, responsible for orchestrating the Holocaust, has rightfully raised eyebrows. This, combined with Canada's long history of harbouring war criminals, brings into question the nation's moral compass.

The waters around the First Ukrainian Division, to which Hunka belonged, remain murky. Experts, after meticulous evaluations, have labeled its members as war criminals. Yet, in an intriguing twist, a Canadian inquiry did not recognize them as such. Canada, which often dons the hat of a global moral arbitrator, has its backyard filled with evidence of harbouring over 3,000 war criminals. A report in 1986 titled “Commission of Inquiry on War Crimes” headed by Justice Jules Deschenes highlighted how the Canadian government allowed over 2,000 WWII war criminals into its territory, despite protests from the Canadian Jewish Congress. In a perplexing turn of events, the commission gave a "clean chit" to Hunko's division citing a lack of evidence.

Back in 2014, Nazi Hunter Steve Rambam dubbed Canada as a "safe haven for war criminals". Fast-forward to the present, and Canada faces criticism from none other than the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, pointing fingers at the nation for providing refuge to terrorists and gangsters.

Oh, Canada! The nation that proudly stands up for peace and justice, unless, of course, one's definition of 'peace and justice' includes harboring war criminals from yesteryears. Imagine the irony: the land that prides itself on being a global moral compass occasionally loses its way in its own backyard. Perhaps there's a reason the Canadian Mounties always "get their man" - they've had quite the practice over the decades with the number of war criminals they've presumably had to keep an eye on!

For Canada, the episode serves as a timely reminder to introspect and perhaps revise its vetting procedures. A nation's reputation, cultivated over years, can be tainted with such lapses in judgment. When standing ovations are given, let's ensure they're for genuine heroes, not controversial figures from a tumultuous past. Moving forward, Canada should not only strengthen its internal checks but also adopt a more transparent approach when addressing such issues, ensuring that its global image remains untarnished.

Canada Under Fire for Honouring WWII Nazi Fighter in Parliament, Zelensky & Trudeau Join Ovation

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