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Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind
Feminism decided to destroy Family in 1960/70 during the second #feminism waves. Because feminism destroyed Family, feminism cancelled the two main millennial #male rule also. They were: #Provider and #Protector of the family, wife and children
Statistics | Children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in #drug and alcohol abuse, drop out of school, and suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in #crime, #girls more likely to become pregnant as teens
The kind of damage this leftist/communist doing to society is irreparable- says this Dennis Prager #leftist #communist #society #Family #DennisPrager #HormoneBlockers #Woke


"Humanity eclipse in Dagestan": Chilling terror engulfs Russia Dagestan airport as a murderous mob, consumed by anti-Semitic fury, hunts for Jewish lives, 'Allah Hu Akbar' echoes ominously, a hateful cry amidst chaos, as fear and horror cloak the terminal

As per Russian news, the mob at the airport was raising anti-Semitic slogans, chanting "Allah Hu Akbar" and holding Palestinian flags
 |  Satyaagrah  |  News
Dagestan, Russia: Muslim mob storms airport searching for Jews to kill after flight lands from Tel Aviv, shouts ‘Allah Hu Akbar’ looking for Israelis to lynch
Dagestan, Russia: Muslim mob storms airport searching for Jews to kill after flight lands from Tel Aviv, shouts ‘Allah Hu Akbar’ looking for Israelis to lynch

In a horrifying episode of violence and hatred, the airport in Russia’s Dagestan region became a ground of terror and chaos. On the 29th of October, an armed mob, driven by a ruthless agenda, unleashed havoc in the main airport of Dagestan, located in the capital city of Makhachkala.

The incident occurred shortly after the landing of a flight from Tel Aviv, Israel. The mob, armed and menacing, stormed the airport with a singular, brutal intent: to search for, and kill, Jews who were onboard the flight from Tel Aviv. A terrifying chant, ‘Allah Hu Akbar,’ filled the air as they sought to identify Israelis, revealing the ruthless and hateful motivation behind their actions.

Dagestan, a region where Muslims constitute about 83% of its 3.2 million population, suddenly found itself at the center of a terrifying incident that echoed with intolerance and violent animosity. Footage of this shocking incident has since spread across social media, capturing the world’s attention and drawing widespread condemnation.

The incident stands as a stark and violent expression of hatred, one that targeted a specific group and turned a space of transit into a terrifying arena of potential lynching and loss. The rapid unfolding of this alarming event has left a trail of questions, fears, and a daunting shadow of the violence that it threatened to unleash.

The terrifying incident at Dagestan’s airport continues to unveil alarming details, reflecting the extent of the threat faced by the passengers aboard the plane from Tel Aviv. A menacing mob, armed with anti-Semitic slogans, Palestinian flags, and chants of “Allah Hu Akbar,” created a horrifying scene of chaos and danger. Eyewitness videos reveal the mob’s aggressive charge towards the plane and the consequent rush led by a flight attendant to secure the passengers back inside the aircraft. Police intervention was sought to control the tumultuous situation, underlining the severity of the threat.

The plane, belonging to Red Wings, a Russian carrier, became an unwitting target of the mob’s violent outrage. In response to this harrowing incident, a significant statement has been released by the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem. They conveyed the active involvement of the Israeli ambassador in Moscow, collaborating with Russian authorities in the wake of the attack. The ministry's statement resonates with a profound sense of urgency and concern: “The State of Israel views grave attempts to harm Israeli citizens and Jews anywhere.”

Further emphasizing the expectation of safety and action, the ministry’s statement articulates a clear call for responsibility and protective action from Russian law enforcement: “Israel expects the Russian law enforcement authorities to safeguard all Israeli citizens and Jews, whoever they may be, and to take robust action against the rioters and against the unbridled incitement being directed at Jews and Israelis.”

According to Times of Israel, the mob, consisting of around 50 men, brazenly approached the airplane, explicitly inquiring about the presence of Jewish passengers. An eyewitness recounted the mob’s demands to scrutinize passports, a tactic seemingly employed to identify Jewish passengers.

A poignant detail emerges with the revelation that the plane was carrying Dagestani children who had traveled to Israel for medical treatment. Their presence underscores the indiscriminate nature of the mob’s aggression, which did not spare even the most vulnerable.

The orchestration of the mob’s actions appears to have been influenced by calls made on a Telegram channel. Messages circulated on the platform exhorted people to converge at the airport, gearing them up to confront passengers arriving from Israel. Driven by a call to “avenge Gaza,” the mob seemed motivated by a retaliatory intent directed against the incoming passengers.

The airplane, which became the target of the mob’s wrath, had landed at Makhachkala Airport around 7 PM local time. It was on a transit journey, scheduled to continue on to Moscow within the next two hours. The orchestration of the mob’s arrival and actions suggests a level of planning and coordination that aimed to maximize the impact of their violent demonstration.

A statement from the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has articulated Israel’s expectations from Russian authorities. Emphasizing the need for protection and decisive action, the statement reads, “Israel expects the Russian authorities to protect all Israeli citizens and all Jews, and to act decisively against the rioters and against incitement to violence against Jews and Israelis.”

Following the chaos, immediate actions were taken to secure the airport. Flights were halted, and a reinforcement of security forces was deployed to restore law and order, marking a swift administrative response aimed at controlling the situation.

Background information reveals Dagestan as a Muslim-majority state, navigating challenges posed by a rising Muslim insurgency. This has been a persistent issue, requiring concerted efforts from both local and federal authorities to manage the complexities of the region's demographics. Jewish communities do reside in the region, with a significant presence in areas like Derbent, near the Azerbaijani border. The heightened tensions in the area have necessitated protective measures, such as the separation of Israeli travelers at border crossings, aiming to safeguard them from potential threats.

In a subsequent development, reports indicate that the flight, which was the focus of the mob’s aggression, was redirected to another airport. However, the ordeal for the passengers did not end there, as they reportedly encountered another wave of violent hostility at the new location.

The saga of this incident unfolds as a series of deeply troubling episodes, each layer revealing more about the volatile environment and the immense challenges faced by travelers caught in the crosshairs of this aggression. It paints a grim picture of hostility, necessitating urgent measures to ensure the safety and well-being of all passengers, particularly those who have been targeted in these acts of violence.

Ukraine-born MK: PM should call Putin, demand Russia crack down on Dagestan violence

In a pointed reaction to the tumultuous events at Dagestan's airport, Ze’ev Elkin, a notable figure and Ukraine-born member of Benny Gantz’s National Unity party, has articulated a strong stance. With a history of facilitating communications between Israeli prime ministers and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Elkin brings a nuanced perspective to the discourse.

Speaking to Channel 12, Elkin expressed a viewpoint that the chaos witnessed at the airport is neither coincidental nor random. He sees it as a consequential fallout of the posture adopted by Russian political leadership, particularly following the tragic Hamas-led massacre of Israelis on October 7.

“There are radical Islamic groups in those areas, but what’s happening today is not happenstance,” Elkin stated, underscoring his belief that the prevailing chaos is rooted in deeper geopolitical and ideological currents. His words echo a call for a reassessment of the prevailing dynamics and an urging for decisive actions to navigate through the complexities of the situation.

Ze’ev Elkin continues to provide insights that offer a glimpse into the geopolitical undercurrents that may be influencing the situation. Elkin has highlighted interactions that seem to reveal a significant aspect of Russia’s diplomatic posture. He noted a warm welcome extended by Russia’s deputy foreign minister to a Hamas delegation in Moscow, describing it as "a king’s welcome."

This hospitality, Elkin remarks, was further marked by discussions that the Hamas delegates claim included references to Russian military schools studying the "success" of the October 7 assault on southern Israel. "When that is the nature of the discussion, obviously there are radical Islamic groups that conclude: It is permitted [to carry out attacks like the one in Dagestan],” Elkin observed, pointing towards a potential correlation between diplomatic gestures and the emboldening of radical groups.

Elkin also brought attention to a shift in the atmosphere concerning Russian Jewish organizations and their advisories to the Jewish community. He noted a change, where Russian Jews are now being advised against holding demonstrations in support of Israel, indicating a transformation in the prevailing climate compared to the past.

Elkin’s observations bring forward a perspective that situates the incident in Dagestan within a broader framework of diplomatic interactions and shifting atmospheres, suggesting a complex interplay of factors that might be contributing to the evolving scenario.

In further revelations, MK Ze’ev Elkin, a member of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, has shared insights that shed light on the shifting political landscapes and their possible influences on the crisis at hand. Elkin suggests that the altered stance of Russian political leadership could be attributed, in part, to the prevailing US-Russia tensions and Russia’s closer associations with Iran. “That has influenced Russia’s behavior in this crisis with Hamas,” Elkin elaborated, pointing towards broader geopolitical currents as influential factors in shaping Russia’s approach to the unfolding situation.

Elkin also mentioned emerging yet unconfirmed reports from Dagestan, adding new dimensions to the understanding of the incident. These reports suggest that there might not be any Jews or Israelis present on the plane that was targeted by the mob assault. Authorities, in a move towards verification, have reportedly allowed three individuals to board the plane and ascertain the presence of passengers, aiming to confirm the validity of these claims.

Elkin’s observations and the referenced reports contribute to a nuanced understanding of the incident, framing it within broader geopolitical considerations and ongoing developments that add complexity to the narrative of the crisis.

The unfolding incident at Dagestan’s airport has provoked a reaction marked by horror and a strong call for decisive action from MK Ze’ev Elkin. “Look at where we’ve got to,” Elkin expresses, reflecting a sense of disbelief and urgency in the face of the ongoing crisis. He brings attention to the precarious situation, pointing out the gravity of the conditions where a passenger check is considered a ‘successful resolution.’

Elkin’s words resonate with a plea for robust intervention to prevent such incidents. He emphasizes the necessity for Israel to leverage its diplomatic channels, suggesting a potential involvement of high-level communications between Netanyahu and Putin. “One thing the Russians know how to do is to deal with great firmness with protests of any kind — if they want to,” Elkin notes, underlining the expectation of a firm stance from Russian authorities.

An expression of concern is palpable in his warning, where he suggests a potential escalation in such incidents if not handled with the necessary severity and decisiveness. He advocates for a solid response, emphasizing Israel’s role in safeguarding its citizens and Russian Jews, and calling for a "harsh response from the Russian authorities and severe punishment for all participants."

Elkin also references a related occurrence, an attempt to attack a hotel, highlighting it as a forewarning sign. “The writing was on the wall,” he remarks, indicating a pattern or a buildup that culminated in the airport incident.

Elkin’s perspective brings forth a sense of urgency, a call for decisive actions, and a reflective observation of the incident's broader implications and the necessary preventative measures to avoid a recurrence of such distressing events.

Israel Hamas War

On October 7th, a devastating terrorist attack was launched by Hamas on southern Israel, resulting in the tragic death of at least 1,300 individuals, including women, children, and the elderly, as well as foreign nationals. The brutality of the attack was profound, with acts of terror that included taking over 200 hostages, acts of sexual violence, and horrifying instances of murder and mutilation.

Israel responded with counter-strikes against Hamas, leading to a significant toll of lives lost. Despite warnings issued to civilians to evacuate the areas targeted in the airstrikes, it has been reported that evacuations have been hindered by Hamas.

The conflict, marked by its intensity and heartbreaking loss of life, continues to unfold with grievous impacts on individuals and communities caught in its midst. A profound sense of crisis pervades as the war, which has witnessed acts of brutal violence and immense suffering, enters its 23rd day. Concurrently, efforts like Operation Ajay by India have been initiated to rescue Indian citizens from the distressing situation in Israel, reflecting broader global concerns and responses to the unfolding tragedy.

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