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Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind
Feminism decided to destroy Family in 1960/70 during the second #feminism waves. Because feminism destroyed Family, feminism cancelled the two main millennial #male rule also. They were: #Provider and #Protector of the family, wife and children
Statistics | Children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in #drug and alcohol abuse, drop out of school, and suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in #crime, #girls more likely to become pregnant as teens
The kind of damage this leftist/communist doing to society is irreparable- says this Dennis Prager #leftist #communist #society #Family #DennisPrager #HormoneBlockers #Woke


"Nefarious Design Unearthed": Israeli President Isaac Herzog claims that it was Iran who orchestrated Oct 7 Hamas attacks to derail India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor as it is paving the way for Israel's inclusion in the region and peace process

Herzog said that Iran is supporting the “terror machine” by providing billions of dollars aiming to undermine the regional situation.
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Iran orchestrated October 7 Hamas attacks to derail India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor that includes Israel: Israeli President Isaac Herzog
Iran orchestrated October 7 Hamas attacks to derail India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor that includes Israel: Israeli President Isaac Herzog

In a striking revelation, Israeli President Isaac Herzog has implicated Iran in the orchestration of the October 7 Hamas attacks. According to Herzog, this strategic move was designed to disrupt the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor, an ambitious project that not only facilitates regional economic integration but also signifies Israel's growing inclusion in Middle Eastern affairs and the broader peace process.

President Herzog's allegations point towards a complex geopolitical chess game, where Iran's alleged support for "the terror machine" with billions of dollars is seen as a deliberate attempt to destabilize the region. The economic corridor, representing a significant stride in diplomacy and economic collaboration, appears to have become a target in a broader conflict of regional dominance and ideological disputes.

In his interview with ANI, President Herzog further highlighted the multifaceted threats faced by Israel, mentioning attacks from the north by Hezbollah, which he describes as a significant terror organization. Hezbollah's influence in Lebanon, under the backing of Iran, according to Herzog, is part of a larger pattern of Tehran’s efforts to exert influence across the region. He categorizes these actions under the umbrella of spreading "Islamic fundamentalism of the worst kind" throughout the Middle East.

This narrative positions Israel in a precarious security situation, constantly navigating threats from multiple fronts. The alleged involvement of Iran in disrupting a major economic corridor adds a new dimension to the regional power dynamics. It suggests a scenario where economic progress and peace initiatives are being directly challenged by acts of violence and political machinations.

The implications of President Herzog's accusations are profound. They not only underline the ongoing tensions between Israel and Iran but also hint at the complexities involved in establishing peace and stability in a region marred by longstanding conflicts and rivalries. This development, if proven true, could have significant repercussions for the future of regional cooperation, peace efforts, and the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East and its relations with India and Europe.

They have taken over Syria, Lebanon and Gaza, and now from Yemen, we are attacked and Iraq, and everybody should be aware that there is an Iranian evil effort to undermine the regional situation,” he added.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog's recent statements reveal a broader narrative of regional tension and conflict, particularly focusing on Iran's expanding influence in the Middle East. According to President Herzog, Iran's reach extends across Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Yemen, and Iraq, painting a picture of a strategic geopolitical expansion. He characterizes this as an "Iranian evil effort to undermine the regional situation," suggesting that Iran's actions are not just a series of isolated incidents but part of a coordinated strategy to destabilize the region.

This perspective provides insight into the complex web of alliances and conflicts in the Middle East. Iran's involvement in these countries, as alleged by President Herzog, indicates a significant and potentially destabilizing presence in the region. This expansion is seen as a direct threat to the stability and security of neighboring states, including Israel, and poses challenges to international efforts to maintain peace and order in the area.

President Herzog also highlighted the importance of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC), a project announced on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in India. He described IMEC as a visionary step that strengthens New Delhi's position and facilitates Israel's inclusion in the region's development. This corridor represents not just an economic initiative but also a diplomatic and strategic alignment of countries, potentially altering the region's geopolitical landscape.

However, Herzog alleges that Iran seeks to "derail" this initiative, viewing Israel's inclusion and the associated "huge peace vision" as contrary to its interests. This accusation suggests that Iran perceives the economic corridor and Israel's involvement as a threat to its regional ambitions. By disrupting this project, Iran could be aiming to maintain its influence and hinder the formation of alliances that it perceives as unfavorable.

The implications of these developments are significant. They reflect the ongoing power struggle in the Middle East, where economic partnerships, political alliances, and visions for peace are intertwined with deep-seated conflicts and rivalries. The situation underscores the complexity of regional diplomacy and the challenges involved in fostering stability and development in an area marked by historical tensions and competing interests. If Herzog's allegations hold, this could signal a critical juncture in Middle Eastern geopolitics, influencing future international relations and peace efforts in the region.

During the G20 summit held two months ago, an ambitious initiative was set in motion, one that would significantly reshape regional cooperation and economic dynamics. India, the US, UAE, Saudi Arabia, France, Germany, Italy, and the European Union came together to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for establishing the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor.

President Isaac Herzog of Israel, in his statements, underscored the magnitude of this venture: “Around two months ago in the G20 summit, Prime Minister Modi, US President Joe Biden announced a special corridor of energy, communications, business, and science from Israel all the way down to India for Saudi Arabia in the Gulf and Jordan. An amazing vision that connects all of us together will connect Europe to Southeast Asia and even America all the way to Australia. That is a grand vision that gives India huge strength on the way.”

This corridor, as envisioned by Herzog, is more than a mere trade route; it's a comprehensive network facilitating energy, communications, business, and scientific collaboration. Spanning from Israel through the Gulf and Jordan, and extending to Southeast Asia, Europe, and even as far as America and Australia, it symbolizes a new era of interconnectedness and mutual growth. For India, this represents a significant leap in its global economic and diplomatic standing.

However, President Herzog expressed concerns over the intentions of Iran to disrupt this grand plan. He stated, “But somebody decided they wanted to derail this effort of inclusion of Israel and this huge peace vision of President Biden…this empire of evil Iran, who is working extra hours to undermine any inclusion of Israel in the region and any peace process. And all nations in the world must fight Iran for pursuing this evil approach.”

Herzog's remarks paint Iran as a major antagonist in the region, actively working to prevent Israel's integration and disrupt the broader vision of peace and cooperation laid out by President Biden. By labeling Iran as an "empire of evil," Herzog emphasizes the perceived threat Iran poses not only to Israel but also to the stability and peace of the entire region. He calls for a united global front against Iran's efforts, framing it as a battle between inclusive development and destructive interference.

The conflict between Israel and Iran, as highlighted by President Herzog, adds a layer of complexity to the already intricate tapestry of Middle Eastern politics. It underscores the challenges inherent in navigating regional rivalries and interests, especially when ambitious global projects like the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor are at stake. The success of such initiatives depends not only on economic and diplomatic cooperation but also on the ability to manage and mitigate underlying geopolitical tensions.

In a recent statement addressing concerns about Iran's involvement in the October 7 attacks, Israeli President Isaac Herzog shed light on the complexities of regional politics and the role of various groups in perpetuating violence. While he did not provide specific evidence linking Tehran directly to the attacks, Herzog highlighted a meeting of "terrorist leaders" in Beirut, which he suggested was indicative of a coordinated effort against Israel.

President Herzog stated, “I am not dealing with the specific attack here; I don’t have specific information but just a few weeks before the attack, all the terrorist leaders met together in Beirut, Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah, number 2 in Hamas, and Al-Nakhalah of Islamic Jihad, with the commander in-charge from Iran, the commander of revolutionary guard from Iran was orchestrating this.” This meeting, according to Herzog, involved key figures from Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and a commander from Iran's Revolutionary Guard, suggesting a collaboration that goes beyond national borders.

Herzog further elaborated, “They met in Beirut. Not only that, the Foreign Minister of Iran threatened specifically against the agreement, apostille agreement between Israel, the United States and Saudi Arabia with clear threats about how it will impact the situation so you can add one in one, the conclusions are clear, Iran is supporting in billions of dollars this terror machine all over the world.” This statement brings to light Iran's stance against recent diplomatic agreements involving Israel, the US, and Saudi Arabia, hinting at a broader strategy to counter what Tehran perceives as a threat to its regional interests.

These revelations, as articulated by President Herzog, underscore a tangled web of alliances and oppositions in the Middle East. Iran's alleged backing of groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad with significant financial support speaks to the nation's active role in shaping regional dynamics. The reference to the Beirut meeting as a coordinating point for these groups further suggests a concerted effort to challenge initiatives like the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor and broader peace efforts in the region.

This situation highlights the ongoing challenges in achieving stability and peace in the Middle East. The involvement of multiple actors, each with their own agendas and backed by powerful states, adds layers of complexity to the regional political landscape. It underscores the need for careful diplomacy and a nuanced understanding of the various forces at play. Herzog's comments reflect the persistent tensions and the intricate balance of power in the region, where economic, political, and security interests are constantly intersecting and often in conflict.

On October 7, a catastrophic event unfolded in Israel, marking one of the most severe escalations of violence in recent history. Over 2000 Hamas terrorists breached Israeli borders, launching a horrific terror attack that resulted in the loss of more than 1400 lives. This assault, named Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, combined a barrage of rockets fired from Gaza with a multipronged infiltration of fighters into Israel. In response, Israel launched a strong counter-offensive targeting Hamas units in Gaza, a necessary move to safeguard its territory and population.

The global reaction to this attack was swift and unequivocal, with widespread condemnation from various world leaders and organizations. Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India was among the first to strongly condemn the attack, expressing solidarity with Israel in this challenging time. His response highlighted the shared values and mutual understanding between India and Israel, reinforcing the bond between these two nations in the face of terrorism.

The European Commission, led by President Ursula von der Leyen, unequivocally condemned the attack by Hamas, recognizing Israel's right to defend itself against such heinous acts. This stance from the European Commission reflects a broader consensus within the international community regarding the right of nations to protect their citizens against terrorist threats.

The United States, a key ally of Israel, also condemned the Hamas terrorist attacks. The White House released a statement underscoring the unprovoked nature of the attacks and extended condolences for the Israeli lives lost. This sentiment was echoed by other nations, including the UK, which unequivocally condemned the attacks and reaffirmed its support for Israel's right to self-defense.

Other countries like Belgium, China, Greece, and Italy also expressed their strong condemnation of the attacks. Belgium’s Foreign Affairs Minister Hadja Lahbib denounced the massive rocket attacks against Israeli civilians, highlighting the impact of violence and terror on the path to dialogue. China, known for its cautious diplomatic stance, expressed deep concern over the escalation of violence, urging all parties to exercise restraint and protect civilians. Greece stood with Israel, condemning the heavy rocket attacks launched from Gaza, while Italy backed Israel's right to defend itself against the brutal attack by Hamas.

The Arab League, represented by its chief Ahmed Aboul Gheit, urged an immediate halt to military operations in Gaza, highlighting the cycle of armed confrontation as detrimental to the region's stability. However, the Arab League also criticized Israel's policies, which it views as contributing to the instability.

This global response to the Hamas attacks on Israel underscores the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the challenges in achieving a lasting peace in the region. The unanimous condemnation of terrorism and support for Israel's right to defend itself reflects a common understanding among nations that such acts of violence are unacceptable and counterproductive to the peace process. The incident has once again brought to the forefront the need for concerted efforts to address the root causes of the conflict and find a sustainable solution that ensures the safety and security of all people in the region​.

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