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Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind
Feminism decided to destroy Family in 1960/70 during the second #feminism waves. Because feminism destroyed Family, feminism cancelled the two main millennial #male rule also. They were: #Provider and #Protector of the family, wife and children
Statistics | Children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in #drug and alcohol abuse, drop out of school, and suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in #crime, #girls more likely to become pregnant as teens
The kind of damage this leftist/communist doing to society is irreparable- says this Dennis Prager #leftist #communist #society #Family #DennisPrager #HormoneBlockers #Woke


"Never thought, Chilgoza talks": Thanks to the US hospitality, Pannun, the Khalistani maestro of threats, is back with another warning, this time, he plans to return the favor to India's alleged assassination attempt with a grand assault on the Parliament

Pannun warned that by no later than 13 December he would reply to India's alleged attempt to kill him by launching an assault on the Indian Parliament and shake its foundation
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US-protected Khalistani terrorist Pannun issues another warning to India, threatens to attack Parliament and invokes Afzal Guru
US-protected Khalistani terrorist Pannun issues another warning to India, threatens to attack Parliament and invokes Afzal Guru

In a chilling development, Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, a known pro-Khalistan separatist with protection in the United States, has issued a fresh and ominous warning to India. Pannun, notorious for his involvement in anti-India activities, has released a video explicitly threatening a terror attack on the Indian Parliament. The specified date for this potential assault is set for or before 13th December. This date holds a haunting significance, marking the 22nd anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attack masterminded by Mohammad Afzal Guru, which sent shockwaves through the very heart of the Indian Parliament.

The threatening tone of Pannun's message raises concerns over the security situation in India, particularly given his known associations with extremist ideologies. The specter of a potential attack on the Parliament intensifies the gravity of the situation, echoing the traumatic memories of the past assault orchestrated by Afzal Guru.

Mohammad Afzal Guru, the mastermind behind the 2001 terrorist attack on the Indian Parliament, received a death sentence for his pivotal role in the heinous assault. This tragic event resulted in the loss of lives, including six Delhi Police personnel, two Parliament Security Service personnel, and a gardener. Additionally, eighteen other individuals sustained injuries during the brazen attack that shook the nation to its core.

The aftermath of the assault witnessed a swift response from the security forces. In a firefight with the attackers, all five assailants were eliminated, bringing an end to the immediate threat. The entire episode unfolded before the eyes of the nation, with television channels providing live coverage of the unfolding tragedy. The memories of that fateful day continue to cast a long shadow over the collective consciousness of the country.

In a disturbing revelation, Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, identified as a leader of the banned Sikhs for Justice terror group, has alleged that Indian authorities attempted to assassinate him. According to Pannun, this purported attempt was made, but the intricate scheme failed to achieve its objective. These shocking details were disclosed in a published video, which not only featured Pannun but also prominently displayed a poster of Mohammad Afzal Guru. The ominous caption accompanying the poster, 'Delhi Banega Khalistan' (Delhi will become Khalistan), serves as a stark reminder of the separatist agenda Pannun advocates.

Amidst these chilling revelations, Pannun issues a direct and ominous warning to India. He asserts that, by no later than 13th December, he intends to respond to the alleged assassination attempt by launching a severe assault on the Indian Parliament, aiming to shake its very foundation. This explicit threat, made through a menacing video, heightens concerns about the security landscape in India and the potential implications for the Winter Session of Parliament, currently in progress.

Gurpatwant Singh Pannun's menacing threat comes at a critical juncture, coinciding with the Winter Session of Parliament that commenced on 5th December and is scheduled to last until the 22nd of the same month. The timing of Pannun's warning injects a sense of urgency and gravity into the ongoing parliamentary proceedings. Security officials are now on high alert, recognizing the potential for disruptions during the current session due to the explicit threats issued through the published video.

The Winter Session, a crucial period for legislative discussions and decision-making, is now overshadowed by the specter of Pannun's promised assault. The authorities face the formidable challenge of ensuring the safety and security of the Parliament and its members, balancing the need for robust protective measures with the imperative to uphold the democratic processes integral to the functioning of the nation.

In a concerning development, security authorities have disclosed that Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, the Khalistani radical behind the recent threats, is potentially being directed by Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI's K-2 (Kashmir-Khalistan) department. This revelation amplifies the already heightened tensions between India and Pakistan, suggesting a coordinated effort to advance an anti-India agenda.

The alleged connection to the ISI's K-2 department underscores the complex geopolitical dynamics at play. Pannun, known for his pro-Khalistan stance, may now be operating as a pawn in a larger strategic game orchestrated by Pakistan. The implications of this association are far-reaching, as it points to a collaboration between two notorious adversaries, forcing Indian security agencies to confront a dual threat scenario.

The revelation that Gurpatwant Singh Pannun might be receiving directions from Pakistan's ISI K-2 department intensifies the challenges faced by Indian security agencies. Not only do they grapple with the persistent threat posed by Khalistani radicals, but they now also find themselves contending with the intricate maneuvers of Pakistan's intelligence apparatus. The two adversaries, traditionally associated with separate conflicts, appear to be operating in tandem, posing a multifaceted challenge for India's security apparatus.

The coordination between Pannun and the ISI's K-2 department creates a volatile scenario where the anti-India sentiments are not only fueled internally but also manipulated and directed from external sources. This collaborative effort raises questions about the depth of the strategic alliance between Pannun and Pakistan, and the extent to which they are willing to go to further their shared agenda against India.

The US Protects Khalistani Extremists on Its Soil

In a startling revelation, the US Justice Department has alleged that India was involved in a plot to assassinate Gurpatwant Singh Pannun on US soil. This alleged scheme, however, was reportedly foiled by the US agencies, shedding light on the intricate international dimensions surrounding the activities of Khalistani extremists. The notion that Pannun, a known Khalistani terrorist, is being harbored and protected in the United States raises significant concerns about the global reach of such extremist elements.

The United States Justice Department took a decisive step on 29th November, charging an Indian national named Nikhil Gupta for his purported involvement in the alleged plot to kill Gurpatwant Singh Pannun in New York. The charges against Gupta underline the seriousness of the accusations, positioning him as a central figure in the alleged assassination attempt. The fact that these charges are brought forth by the US Justice Department adds weight to the credibility of the claims, sparking questions about the implications of such international collaborations in harboring and protecting extremists.

According to the indictment, the alleged "assassination attempt" on Pannun's life in the US was thwarted by the country's agencies. The details of the plot reveal that an unidentified Indian government employee approached Nikhil Gupta to arrange for a local hitman to carry out the assassination. The intricacies of this alleged conspiracy shed light on the extent to which external elements are involved in perpetuating and supporting activities that pose a threat to the security of another nation.

The revelation of this foiled plot adds a layer of complexity to the already intricate dynamics between India, the United States, and Khalistani extremists. The involvement of an Indian national in the alleged plot further underscores the need for global cooperation in combating terrorism and preventing the misuse of national borders for nefarious activities.

As Nikhil Gupta faces charges for his alleged role in the assassination plot, the legal repercussions are significant. He is being prosecuted with "murder for hire," a crime that carries a potential 10-year sentence. This underscores the severity with which the United States views the attempted assassination, emphasizing the need for a robust response to threats posed by extremist elements operating within its borders.

In a convoluted turn of events, the U.S. Justice Department has divulged details of an alleged assassination plot directed from India by an Indian government employee, identified as CC-1. This revelation sparks critical questions about the role of U.S. authorities in exposing the plot and the potential implications of such a disclosure on diplomatic relations between the two nations.

The individual charged in connection with the alleged assassination plot, Nikhil Gupta, is not only accused of conspiracy but also suspected of involvement in the global trafficking of guns and drugs. The gravity of these charges prompts concerns about the reach of transnational criminal enterprises and the effectiveness of international efforts in curbing such illicit activities. The implications of Gupta's actions raise questions about the global response to individuals engaging in multiple forms of criminal behavior.

The revelation that Nikhil Gupta attempted to employ an undercover Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent as a hitman adds a layer of complexity to an already murky narrative. Questions arise regarding the security protocols and potential vulnerabilities within U.S. law enforcement agencies that may have been exploited in this alleged plot. The shocking attempt to manipulate a key U.S. law enforcement entity underscores the need for a critical examination of the safeguards in place to prevent such misuse.

In response to the accusations, New Delhi has asserted that any involvement in an assassination plot goes against government policy and expressed concern that one of its officials was associated with the conspiracy. The swift disassociation from the alleged activities is consistent with diplomatic norms, but the statement by the Ministry of External Affairs spokesman, Arindam Bagchi, "We cannot share any further information on such security matters," raises concerns about the lack of transparency.

While India's assertion against involvement in an assassination plot aligns with diplomatic expectations, the withholding of further information may inadvertently fuel speculation. The delicate diplomatic dance between transparency and national security prompts critical inquiries into the nature of India's response and the potential consequences of the alleged involvement of an Indian government employee in such a serious international security matter.

The official statement from Indian authorities underscores the gravity of the situation, emphasizing that the allegations against an individual linked to an Indian official are a matter of serious concern. The explicit assertion that this runs contrary to government policy signifies not only the disapproval of the alleged actions but also a distancing from any potential involvement in such activities. This unequivocal stance reflects India's commitment to maintaining the integrity of its government and safeguarding its international reputation.

The official further addresses the broader implications of the alleged nexus between organized crime, trafficking, gun running, and extremists at an international level. This acknowledgment sheds light on the intricate challenges faced by law enforcement agencies globally, emphasizing the seriousness of the issue. The establishment of a high-level committee to investigate and address this nexus indicates India's proactive approach to tackling the complex web of transnational criminal activities and extremism.

The reference to the high-level committee and the commitment to being guided by its results underscore India's dedication to transparency and accountability. By involving a committee of experts, India aims to ensure a thorough and impartial investigation into the alleged nexus. This commitment reflects the government's determination to get to the bottom of the matter, assuaging concerns both domestically and internationally about the potential involvement of an Indian official in activities contrary to national and international interests.

In navigating this delicate situation, India stands firm in its disapproval of any alleged involvement in criminal or extremist activities. The government's commitment to transparency and a comprehensive investigation sends a strong message about its dedication to upholding the rule of law and addressing any potential challenges to national and international security. The concerns raised about the alleged nexus are a clear indication that India prioritizes the integrity of its institutions and is actively working to address any issues that may compromise it.

In the wake of the unsettling revelations, the Indian government demonstrated a commitment to transparency and national security by promptly forming a high-level inquiry committee. This proactive measure underscores India's determination to thoroughly investigate and address all pertinent aspects of the matter, leaving no stone unturned in ensuring accountability.

The swift formation of a high-level inquiry committee by the Indian government serves as a resolute response to the disturbing allegations surrounding the nexus between organized criminals, gun runners, terrorists, and others. This decisive action reflects India's dedication to upholding its national security interests and sends a clear message that any potential threat to the nation's integrity will be met with rigorous investigation and decisive measures.

Arindam Bagchi shed light on the discussions with the US on bilateral security cooperation, revealing that the US shared inputs related to the alleged nexus. India's acknowledgment of taking these inputs seriously and their potential impact on national security underscores the nation's vigilance in safeguarding its interests. The fact that relevant departments were already examining the issue indicates a proactive approach to assessing the gravity of the situation.

In response to the shared inputs, the Indian government constituted a high-level inquiry committee on November 18 to delve into all relevant aspects of the matter. This transparent approach reflects India's commitment to thorough and unbiased examination, ensuring that the investigation is conducted with the utmost integrity. By opting for a high-level committee, India aims to demonstrate that the inquiry will be conducted by experts with the capacity to delve into the complexities of the alleged nexus.

Arindam Bagchi concluded by affirming that India would implement the appropriate follow-up measures based on the committee's conclusions. This statement underscores the government's pledge to accountability and decisive action. India's commitment to addressing the issue at hand in a transparent and responsible manner serves as a testament to its dedication to national security and the well-being of its citizens.

In navigating this complex situation, India's response stands out for its commitment to a rigorous investigation, transparent examination, and a proactive approach to addressing potential threats to national security. The formation of a high-level inquiry committee underscores India's resolve to get to the bottom of the matter, ensuring that appropriate actions are taken based on the committee's findings.

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