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Tuesday, 2 July 2024 | 07:28 am

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"Loyalty for sale, pen for hire": NewsClick's China funding unravels a web linking media & external influences, as Liberal 'journalists' cry foul, is India's sovereignty being traded for propaganda? Journalism's integrity stands at a pivotal crossroads

| Satyaagrah | Anti-National
Underneath the emblem of 'consultancy fees' lay a more insidious intent. Allegations suggest that funds were transferred to Prabir Purkayastha, not merely for advisory services, but to further a "leftist ideology" in the country

NewsClick's covert ties with China unveiled: a web of deceit spanning shell corporations, activists, and propaganda, revelations from the ED and New York Times spotlight Neville Roy Singham at the epicenter of a global Chinese influence scheme

| Satyaagrah | Anti-National
After an intensive investigation, it was found that a whopping sum of Rs. 38.05 crores, sourced from US-based entities, was sneakily funneled into NewsClick over merely three years

"Explosive revelations unravel in Srinagar": DSP Sheikh Adil Mushtaq, once celebrated on social media, now faces allegations of corruption, terror funding & liaisons with terrorists, the depth of this scandal promises to shake the very foundation of trust

| Satyaagrah | Anti-National
Sheikh Aadil, while once revered, his fall from grace has been swift and staggering. Reports are emerging daily, shedding light on a trail of corruption, aiding subversives, and even a money laundering case

Sukhdool Singh, a notorious gangster listed by NIA assassinated in Canada, highlighting the growing web of Punjab's criminals overseas, as India's concerns rise, the spotlight turns to Canada's stance on sheltering such elements from Punjab's underworld

| Satyaagrah | Anti-National
Once, he was a mere local gangster confined to the rivalries of Punjab, but escaping to Canada in 2017 marked a turning point in his criminal caree

"A symphony of anti-India agendas": Rahul Gandhi's camaraderie with Hindumisic author Christophe Jaffrelot in a recent event stirs controversy; the prolific critic of India, BJP & Indian judiciary, notably participated in 'Dismantling Hindutva' conference

| Satyaagrah | Anti-National
The DGH was envisaged as a platform that purported to fight the Hindutva ideology, an initiative that, as critics argue, seemed to take an aggressive stance against Hinduism, the Bharatiya Janata Party, and the RSS

Brussels Chronicles: Rahul Gandhi started another of his frequent ‘foreign tours’ yesterday, a habitual tryst with anti-India lobbyists, nurturing alliances that threaten to erode India's sovereign narrative. A quest for power, or a misaligned crusade?

| Satyaagrah | Anti-National
It has been almost a pattern. Whenever Rahul Gandhi travels abroad, at least on the occasions his meetings and travel details are shared by his party, he is seen seeking out anti-India lobbyists and politicians to meet

"mein pehley to Musalmaan hoon… If they say Pakistan Murdabad, I will say Pakistan Zindabad," declares Mohammad Akbar Lone, represented by Kapil Sibal in Article 370 abrogation case, stirring a nationwide discourse on allegiance and constitutional loyalty

| Satyaagrah | Anti-National
Kapil Sibal, a legal luminary with decades of affiliation with the Congress party, has found himself in a precarious position, as he navigates the labyrinthine corridors of legal advocacy representing Lone

रमजान में रील🙆‍♂️
Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind