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"सत्य सनातन": Madhya Pradesh CM Mohan Yadav challenges global norms, aims to shift Prime Meridian to Ujjain from Greenwich, questions midnight date change, citing natural diurnal & nocturnal rhythms, in a bold move to restore India's ancient time legacy

CM Mohan Yadav also questioned the practice of changing the date at midnight, saying that there are only diurnal and nocturnal animals, and no animal starts the day at midnight
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Madhya Pradesh CM Mohan Yadav vows to reclaim global time standard, announces study to shift prime meridian from Greenwich to Ujjain
Madhya Pradesh CM Mohan Yadav vows to reclaim global time standard, announces study to shift prime meridian from Greenwich to Ujjain

In a bold and ambitious declaration, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has made a statement that could potentially reshape the world's understanding of global timekeeping. CM Yadav, with a sense of national pride, asserted that India, about 300 years ago, was the originator of the global standard time. He pointed out that an instrument crucial for time determination, dating back to this era, still exists in the historical city of Ujjain.

Taking this historical context a step further, CM Yadav announced a significant initiative by his government. The initiative aims to shift the Prime Meridian from its current position in Greenwich, England, to Ujjain, India. The Prime Meridian is a longitudinal reference line that is central to the system of global timekeeping and geographical positioning. This move, if successful, would not only be a monumental shift in geographical standards but also a restoration of a historical legacy that CM Yadav believes rightfully belongs to India.

Responding to the Governor's address in the Assembly, CM Yadav detailed his government's plan to commence a study at Ujjain’s observatory. This study is geared towards facilitating the shift of the Prime Meridian to India. The observatory in Ujjain, with its historical significance and existing ancient time-measuring instruments, is seen as an appropriate starting point for this ambitious project.

Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Mohan Yadav, emphasized the importance of elevating the status and prestige of the state, country, and Indian Sanatan Culture in the international arena. He expressed this sentiment by stating, “We need to work in a way so that the respect and glory of our state, country, and Indian Sanatan Culture should grow in front of the world. I am very happy to share that we are moving ahead with firm actions on multiple such issues since our government was formed.” This statement reflects his government's commitment to fostering pride and respect for India's cultural and historical legacy on a global stage.

Elaborating on the historical context of timekeeping and India's role in it, CM Yadav provided a perspective on the shift in global time standards over the centuries. He said, “For your information, I would like to tell you that just before 300 years from now, India’s time standard was followed in the world. As we were enslaved over time, this time standard was decided as per the capital of France – Paris – for fifty years. After that, around 250 years ago, when the British people became powerful, they took the time standards to their place in Greenwich. And then they started to decide the world’s standard time according to the Greenwich time. Despite we are called an eastern country, the time standard is set there.” This statement is a nod to a historical period when India's timekeeping methods were acknowledged and followed internationally. CM Yadav highlighted the colonial impact, noting how the time standard shifted to Paris and later to Greenwich with the rise of British power, signifying a loss of India's earlier global influence in this domain.

Chief Minister Mohan Yadav, in his discourse on the global time standard, brought up a thought-provoking point about the current system centered around Greenwich. He remarked, “This (Greenwich) is a very weird centre for calculating standard time. Just imagine what kind of contradiction it is. There are only two kinds of animals in the world. One kind of animal that dwells in the daytime – which means they start their activities at sunrise and conclude them with sunset. The other type of animal is nocturnal who start their activities at sunset and concludes in the morning. Who are these animals starting their daily routine right in the middle of the night? What kind of standard this is that changes the date to midnight? What kind of parameter this is?” Here, CM Yadav challenges the logic behind setting the global standard time based on a location where the day effectively begins at midnight. He contrasts this with the natural patterns of diurnal and nocturnal animals, suggesting that the current system is out of sync with natural rhythms and questioning the rationale behind it.

CM Yadav further elaborated on his views, indicating a deeper concern about the implications of the Greenwich-based time system on Indian culture. He stated, “I would like to explain more about this parameter. It is a parameter that was deployed to shame the Indian culture. I will just come to the point. You visit the observatory of Ujjain on 21st June and 22nd December at 12 o’clock (noon). Open your eyes and see. There is a conical apparatus made 300 years ago. Talking in terms of modern science, it is kind of a GPS made to determine the centre point of the world.” By inviting people to visit Ujjain’s observatory, CM Yadav seems to suggest that India has historically possessed the capabilities to determine a more natural and culturally appropriate standard time. The reference to the conical apparatus, likened to a form of ancient GPS, indicates that centuries ago, India had the scientific means to establish a central point for global timekeeping, which he implies was more in harmony with natural and cultural norms.


Chief Minister Mohan Yadav, in his continued discussion about the global standard time and India's historical contributions to it, brought up an intriguing fact about Ujjain. He stated, “You would be astonished to know that it is Ujjain’s Dongla that you get exactly 23 degrees and 16 minutes latitude. This is confirmed by modern science which our ancestors have known for thousand years. We just started following the West and forgot the glorious things we already had. We will now reverse the direction of the time wheel and bring these mysteries in front of the world. Our government is working to prove that Ujjain is the global Prime Meridian and we will push to correct the time of the world.”

Here, CM Yadav highlights the geographical significance of Ujjain, specifically mentioning Dongla’s exact latitude as confirmed by modern science. He points out that this knowledge, which modern science acknowledges today, was known to Indian ancestors thousands of years ago. The Chief Minister’s emphasis on "reversing the direction of the time wheel" and bringing these "mysteries" to the forefront of the world stage is a metaphorical way of expressing his government's intention to revisit and revive India’s ancient scientific achievements.

The historical and astronomical significance of Ujjain, as per ancient Hindu knowledge, has been a topic of considerable importance. It was known that "Ujjain was historically regarded as the central meridian of India, playing a crucial role in determining the nation’s time zones and variations in time." This acknowledgment positions Ujjain not just as a city of religious and cultural importance but also as a pivotal point in the historical framework of Indian astronomy and timekeeping.

The role of Ujjain in ancient times was more than symbolic; it was practical and scientific. As the central meridian, Ujjain's geographical position was used as a reference point for calculating time zones across India. This meant that the longitudinal line passing through Ujjain was considered the standard reference for determining local times in different regions of the country. This approach to timekeeping reflects a sophisticated understanding of geography and astronomy among ancient Indian scholars.

Furthermore, Ujjain's significance extends to the Hindu calendar, where it "forms the foundation for timekeeping." The Hindu calendar, which is used for determining various religious dates and ceremonies, relies heavily on astronomical observations. Ujjain, with its ancient observatories and instruments, played a vital role in these observations, making it a cornerstone in the traditional methods of timekeeping in Hindu culture.


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