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Saturday, 5 October 2024 | 02:25 pm

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रमजान में रील🙆‍♂️
Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind
Feminism decided to destroy Family in 1960/70 during the second #feminism waves. Because feminism destroyed Family, feminism cancelled the two main millennial #male rule also. They were: #Provider and #Protector of the family, wife and children
Statistics | Children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in #drug and alcohol abuse, drop out of school, and suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in #crime, #girls more likely to become pregnant as teens
The kind of damage this leftist/communist doing to society is irreparable- says this Dennis Prager #leftist #communist #society #Family #DennisPrager #HormoneBlockers #Woke


Hindu nationalists are clearly seeking the Israelification of India and must be supported to stop Islamic Ummah ideology

Why India’s Hindu nationalists love Israel’s nation-state model and are supporting against Palestine

Indian ‘nationalists’ align with Israel because both countries see themselves as threatened & isolated democracies.
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Politics

India’s Hindu nationalists and the Israeli right have a remarkable mutual affinity. Binyamin Netanyahu welcomed Narendra Modi to Israel in 2017 with these words: “Prime Minister Modi, we have been waiting for you for a long time, almost 70 years … We view you as a kindred spirit.”

In their quest to refashion India as a Hindu state, Hindutva extremists have placed themselves on a collision course with the country's secular constitution. Their goal is no less than the reformation of India as an ethno-religious state affording special rights and privileges to Hindus within a multi-tier system of citizenship. The model state that they aspire to replicate is Israel.

The Zionist state has become an aspiration as much as an inspiration for far-right nationalists around the world, India included. Founded to protect the exclusivity of one ethno-religious majority over everybody else — especially the indigenous population — Israel is looked upon with envy by the likes of white nationalist Richard Spencer. The far-right extremist, who once described himself as a "white Zionist", praised Israel gushingly following its adoption of the Nation-State Law last year, which declared Israel to be a state of the Jewish people only. The bill was criticised strongly for relegating non-Jews to secondary status in a move akin to the US or Britain declaring themselves to be "white, Christian" nations by law.

Israel's ability to pass itself off as a democracy despite relegating minorities to second-class status has a special appeal for ultra-nationalists. Its strength as a highly militarized nation, able to maintain an apartheid system without suffering any consequences on the international stage, has a unique attraction. The success of the Zionist state has turned what were once ultra-nationalist fantasies — which many thought, mistakenly, had been relegated to the dustbin of history — into a realistic political vision in a world beset by fear and conflict.


In fact, far from being a democracy, Israel is unique in the way that it has created a multi-tier citizenship modal within the state for the purpose of maintaining its Jewish character. A number of laws have been enacted to build the state around institutionalized discrimination. The 1950 Law of Return, for example, incorporates the fundamental ideology of Zionism: all Jews, no matter where they were born, have the inalienable right to migrate to Israel. It's easy to see why ethno-nationalists across the world would like to see this replicated elsewhere.

There is a rant against the overwhelming support by Hindus for Israel in their fight against the global Jihadi machinery manifested as Palestinian Hamas by a ‘woke’ on Facebook and as usual other ‘wokepanzees’ and closet Jihadis were rather excited seeing another article declaring Hindus as a person worth getting killed on the comment section. What else one wants to achieve by declaring the average Hindu as bad as a Nazi.

One has to connect the dots to understand the scenario in it's entirety. Indian Muslims’ empathy, sympathy is only for Ummah. They cloak their support under the garb of standing for the weak.

They won’t stand against China who is literally squeezing Mohammandanism out of Uighurs and all pole bearers of Islam simply look away. Indian Muslims won’t stand for Shias getting slaughtered in the hand of Sunnis in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Their leaders are even demanding to remove the Muslim status from Ahmadiyyas in India and the irony is that the same Ahmadiyyas had asked for Jihad against Hindu Majority in India and are now getting slaughtered in Pakistan and their top leadership is staying/ hiding in the UK which is Dar-ul-Harb against their home/ birthplace called Riyasat-e-Medina Pakistan.

So standing for the weak is simply a cloak to hide their vicious agenda for spreading Islam and killing/converting everyone who doesn’t subscribe to their ideology. I mean what else could explain the systematic elimination of Hindus and Sikhs from neighbouring countries ranging from Afghanistan to Bangladesh. All Indian Muslims cheered the Bangladesh genocide which was a Hindu genocide and then used that tragedy to infiltrate Bangladeshi Muslims in all border states of India where they rule the roost and there had been a massive demographic change.

Now comes the Nazi barb against Hindus, this is even more ironic. Do you know the whole Muslim world, including the Grand Mufti of Palestine had felicitated Hitler and praised him for killing Jews? So much grandstanding for standing for the weak. So the Muslim world was and is Nazi in ideology and support and they send these barbs against Hindus for whom they carry the same hatred as most of them carry for Jews.
Now comes the reasons for support for Israel by an average Hindu of India.

Israel has no history of animosity against Bharat and her citizens. Israel has stood during India in thick and thin. Israel supports and allows a multi-faith rich democracy like the Hindus of India. What is there to hate? And they have the guts to reject the ideology of 30% of its citizenry who want to support Ummah at the cost of the existence of their nation. Do we not realise how important that is? Given that India is bearing the brunt of Islamism and paying the price for being soft against Jihad by Pakistani and their Indian proxies out of fear of angering the intolerant minority, who don’t think a bit before burning the whole city for an incident in far off places having no Indian role or support.

Rohingyas were responsible for genocide against Hindus living in their areas of influence in Rakhine but no Indian Muslim would stand for them. So much for their empathy that no Islamic country wants to take their coreligionist brother Rohingyas but Indian Muslims and communist cabal wants them to be given refuge and citizenship of India but will riot against CAA because their heart bleeds only for Ummah.

So next time anyone wants to label any Hindu as a Nazi, shown them history. Show them that they haven’t left any ‘weak’ one alive in their areas of influence. Show them their Ummah is globally worst in all aspects of Human rights against infidels. Those who are left (Like Israeli Jews or Indian Hindus ) are the real Davids and we Hindus are cheering for them as we see them as a hope against global Ummah which in any case has more than 50 countries to call home.



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