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Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind
Feminism decided to destroy Family in 1960/70 during the second #feminism waves. Because feminism destroyed Family, feminism cancelled the two main millennial #male rule also. They were: #Provider and #Protector of the family, wife and children
Statistics | Children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in #drug and alcohol abuse, drop out of school, and suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in #crime, #girls more likely to become pregnant as teens
The kind of damage this leftist/communist doing to society is irreparable- says this Dennis Prager #leftist #communist #society #Family #DennisPrager #HormoneBlockers #Woke


"Adieu! I have too grieved a heart to take a tedious leave": Ghaziabad's Pinki Gupta, in a live-in with Shakib, found hanging under suspicious circumstances, as police investigate, a diary may hold hidden truths, Shakib arrested and his father booked

Pinki's brother expressed a similar sentiment, alleging that Shakib and his father had been a persistent source of torment for his sister
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Mysterious Endings in Ghaziabad: Love, Suspicion, and an Untimely Demise
Mysterious Endings in Ghaziabad: Love, Suspicion, and an Untimely Demise

In the quiet alleys of Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh, a cloud of sorrow and suspicion has descended. Pinki Gupta, a Hindu girl involved in a live-in relationship, met a tragic end that has left the community reeling. The sight at Vaishali home was harrowing. On the night of 31 August, Pinki was found, no longer among the living, suspended by a noose. More alarmingly, there were evident injury marks on her head, suggesting the possibility of a struggle or altercation.

Pinki's live-in partner, Shakib, has been thrust into the center of the investigation. Originating from Ghazipur in Delhi, he has been accused by the victim's family of not just being complicit in the crime but also of entrapping their daughter in what they describe as 'love jihad'. A term that's been fraught with controversy, it only adds layers of complexity to an already heart-wrenching situation. The weight of the family's accusation is palpable: "He coerced her into a relationship by tricking her," voiced Pinki's anguished mother. "It was at his instigation that she ended her life."

Yet, as with any narrative, there are multiple facets. Pinki's brother expressed a similar sentiment, alleging that Shakib and his father had been a persistent source of torment for his sister. Their alleged harassment, he suggests, reached such an intensity that they pushed her to consider the unthinkable.

Delving into the scene, the police made a potentially significant discovery: a diary in the room. While its contents remain undisclosed, one can only speculate about the secrets it might harbor and the light it could shed on this dark episode.

In the aftermath of the incident, Shakib momentarily evaded the law. However, the police's relentless pursuit soon led to his capture. With him under arrest and his father also booked, the legal proceedings will soon unfold. As the truth-seeking process begins, the community and the nation await clarity on this heartbreaking incident.

In the midst of it all, one can't help but ponder on the fragile nature of relationships and the dangers lurking in the shadows of mistrust and misunderstanding. Only time, and the due diligence of the police investigation, will reveal the truths and untruths surrounding Pinki Gupta's untimely and tragic departure.

Nestled in the heart of Vaishali, in a rented abode in Sector 3, Pinki Gupta found solace in her daily life as a receptionist. She wasn’t just any receptionist; she was the friendly face that greeted members at the entrance of a bustling gym. Her smiling visage became a familiar sight for many, including Shakib, who frequented the facility. As the sweat flowed and weights clinked in the background, a bond began to form between the two. A connection that, over time, evolved into a deep relationship that saw them share a home and life for a span of four years.

The narrative took a chilling twist on the fateful night of 31 August. Pinki's family was jolted awake by a harrowing call, a notification that would turn their world upside down. Racing against time, they arrived at Pinki’s residence only to be met with the gut-wrenching sight of their daughter’s lifeless form dangling from the room's fan. The alleged perpetrator, Shakib, was conspicuously absent from the scene.

In their state of shock, the family's immediate instinct was to alert the authorities. The police, responding with the urgency the situation warranted, quickly made their way to the residence. The solemn act of sending Pinki's remains for postmortem ensued.

In a bid to unravel the events leading up to this tragic incident, OpIndia reached out to the victim's family. Raju Gupta, Pinki’s brother, provided a poignant backdrop to the story. He detailed how the Red Rocks Gym in Shoprix Mall, Kaushambi, served as the initial meeting ground for the couple. It was within the confines of this gym, amid the hum of treadmills and the rhythm of heartbeats, that Pinki and Shakib’s paths converged. Their professional acquaintanceship, as Shakib came in for his regular workouts, soon bloomed into a personal bond.

The chilling contrast between the hopeful beginnings of Pinki and Shakib's relationship and its tragic culmination raises pressing questions about the intricacies of human relationships and the mysteries they sometimes cloak. As this tale unfolds, many will be seeking answers, hoping that justice will shine a light on the truth behind the shadows.

Raju Gupta, in his intimate account of the painful saga surrounding his sister's untimely demise, painted a picture of turmoil that rocked the very core of Pinki's existence. With a heavy heart and a voice laden with anguish, he recounted the torment Pinki allegedly suffered at the hands of Shakib. According to Raju, the relationship was a far cry from a fairytale. He claimed that Shakib's actions amounted to not just emotional abuse but crossed over into the realm of physical torment. Shakib's alleged daily tortures were punctuated with sinister urgings, pushing Pinki to end her life.

But the narrative takes an even darker turn with the introduction of another alleged tormentor: Shakib's father, Mustafa Khan. Raju portrays him as an antagonistic figure, asserting that Khan's words bore a particularly venomous sting. Khan's alleged refrain to Pinki was a harrowing directive: to end her life and free his son from their bond. "My sister was fed up. She saw no other way out from this relentless torment," Raju lamented, echoing the weight of Pinki's despair.

Pinki's vulnerability and pain, it seems, were not closely guarded secrets. She had, in the days leading up to the tragedy, confided in her family about the ordeal she was going through. The family's sorrow knew no bounds. Between sobs, her mother's anguished cries resonated with a singular demand, "Shakib should pay the ultimate price. He should be hanged. His kin, too, must face the force of the law and be incarcerated."

In the wake of Pinki's tragic passing, Shakib was nowhere to be found at the scene, further fueling the family's suspicions. Raju and a team of officers descended upon Shakib's residence in Ghazipur, only to be met by a hostile reception. The crowd, comprising Shakib's relatives and some local residents, allegedly attempted to obstruct the course of justice. Shakib had managed to give them the slip, leaving the residence before their arrival. But the determined efforts of the police bore fruit when they finally apprehended him later, formally placing him under arrest.

The depth of this tragedy, with its swirling allegations and the palpable pain of a bereaved family, underscores the unpredictable and sometimes perilous nature of human relationships. As Pinki's loved ones grapple with their loss, their quest for justice remains unwavering, shining a beacon of hope in these dark times.

In a recent development, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Swatantra Kumar Singh, a meticulous officer with a reputation for thoroughness, shed light on the intricacies of this ongoing investigation, which has gripped the community.

Addressing a press briefing, ACP Singh detailed the series of events that transpired on the fateful night. "Upon receiving distressing news of a young girl's apparent suicide around 11.30 pm, our officers from Kaushambi police station were immediately dispatched to the scene," he explained with gravity in his voice.

The scene that confronted the officers was heart-wrenching. "Our team was met with the harrowing sight of the girl, hanging. They immediately took the necessary steps to remove her body from the noose and ensured it was sent for a post-mortem examination," he expounded, with an air of solemnity.

But, as the room was scoured for evidence, a potentially significant discovery was made. The girl, identified as Pinki Gupta, had been maintaining a personal diary since 2021. "This journal," ACP Singh remarked, "contains numerous pages, making it evident that Pinki had penned down her thoughts and experiences at length over the years." He emphasized that this diary might hold crucial clues. "Our team is diligently perusing its pages, hoping it sheds light on the events leading up to the tragic incident," he stated, highlighting the meticulous nature of the investigative process.

Elaborating further, Singh affirmed that after the completion of the post-mortem examination, Pinki's remains were respectfully handed back to her devastated family. In what many consider swift justice, the main accused, Shakib, has been taken into custody following a formal complaint lodged by the victim's kin.

However, this case is far from closed. News outlet OpIndia has reportedly obtained a copy of the First Information Report (FIR) pertaining to this case. Within its pages, the evidence points to both Shakib and his father, Mustafa Khan, who have been implicated under section 306 of the IPC, which pertains to the abetment of suicide. While Shakib remains under lock and key, the whereabouts of Mustafa Khan are currently unknown, leaving the community in suspense and fueling discussions about this heart-wrenching case.

As the story continues to unfold, one thing is certain: Pinki Gupta's tragic demise has left a void in the hearts of many, while the quest for truth and justice pushes forward with unwavering determination.

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