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Sunday, 16 March 2025 | 03:12 pm

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रमजान में रील🙆‍♂️
Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind
Feminism decided to destroy Family in 1960/70 during the second #feminism waves. Because feminism destroyed Family, feminism cancelled the two main millennial #male rule also. They were: #Provider and #Protector of the family, wife and children
Statistics | Children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in #drug and alcohol abuse, drop out of school, and suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in #crime, #girls more likely to become pregnant as teens
The kind of damage this leftist/communist doing to society is irreparable- says this Dennis Prager #leftist #communist #society #Family #DennisPrager #HormoneBlockers #Woke

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"Ab toh sahi raah ko pakdo, badha sabhi mita dalo | shatrubodh ko jagrit karke, hindu rashtra bana dalo":  Bharat, a land of gods managed to survive over thousands of years because of its ‘Kshatra’ as well as ‘Bramha, understand psychology of invaders

When therefore it is said that Bharat shall rise, it is the Sanatan Dharma that shall rise. When it is said that Bharat shall be great, it is the Sanatan Dharma that shall be great
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Dharm / Sanskriti
A Book List For Every Hindu to Understand Shatrubodh
A Book List For Every Hindu to Understand Shatrubodh

This talk asks the question of whether there is a special “truth” that India stands for and must espouse both to itself and to the world.  In the context of increasing globalization, such a question assumes an added importance:  should India cease to be itself and become like all other nations, or should it preserve its unique character not just for itself but so that it can play its destiny in the comity of nations?  If the latter, then what are the key ingredients—philosophical, cultural, and political—that India must strive for and express? 

Bharat as a Shakti.  Sri Aurobindo’s quotation from the Uttarpara Speech:

We speak often of the Hindu religion, of the Sanatan Dharma, but few of us really know what that religion is.  Other religions are preponderatingly religions of faith and profession, but the Sanatan Dharma is life itself; it is a thing that has not so much to be believed as lived. This is the Dharma that for the salvation of humanity was cherished in the seclusion of this peninsula from old. It is to give this religion that India is rising. She does not rise as other countries do, for self or when she is strong, to trample on the weak. She is rising to shed the eternal light entrusted to her over the world. Bharat has always existed for humanity and not for herself and it is for humanity and not for herself that she must be great.

When therefore it is said that Bharat shall rise, it is the Sanatan Dharma that shall rise. When it is said that Bharat shall be great, it is the Sanatan Dharma that shall be great. When it is said that India shall expand and extend herself, it is the Sanatan Dharma that shall expand and extend itself over the world. It is for the Dharma and by the Dharma that Bharat exists. 

Aurobindo, Sri.  Sanatan Dharma:  Uttarpara Speech.  Pondicherry:  Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1983.

Svarajya in the Vedas.  Rg Veda and the Upanishads:  Kausitaki 4.20; Chandogya, 2.24.12, 3.6.4, 3.7.4, 3.8.4, 3.9.4, 3.10.4; Taittriya 1.6.2; Maitri, 6.36.  Svaraja is the plural of svarat, sva + rat, from the root rajr deeptau, raj=to illumine, shine forth; svarat is a self-luminous person; svarajya is the state of being svarat. Svarajya is the principle of perfection; refers to the internal government of a person, senses, organs of action, and so on; can then be applied politically. Svarat is one who is not ruled by others; svarat vs. anyarat. Ruled by the self means by the Self, one’s highest potency; ruled by others means to perish, subject to others, ruled by others, they cannot move in freedom but inhabit perishable worlds: Chandogya 7.25.2.

मित्रबोध  तो ठीक  है लेकिन , शत्रुबोध  अनिवार्य  है ;

बिना  न  इसके  हो  सके , रक्षा  का  कोई  कार्य  है ।

सदियों से हम युद्ध कर रहे , पर शत्रु बहुत चालाक है ;

छल – प्रपंच ,धोखेबाजी में , बहुत अधिक चालाक है ।

हम लोग निपुण है धर्म युद्ध में ,क्षमा  दया हथियार है ;

धोखा  इसी से  खा  जाते हैं  , शत्रु  कुटिल  गद्दार  है ।

हम अब तक भी जान न पाये ,  दुश्मन  का  इतिहास ;

अपनों  से  भी  छले  गये  हम , पढ़ते  झूठा इतिहास ।

कामी  , क्रोधी  ,  लालची  ,  जितने   कुटिल , कपूत ;

हम  पर  शासन  कर   रहे  ,  हम   समझे   थे  सपूत ।

आरक्षण  ,   तुष्टीकरण   ,   वोट  –  बैंक   की    घात ;

इनके   बल   पर   मिल   रही  ,   हमें  लात  पे  लात ।

कितनी   लातें   खा   चुके  ,  भरा  न  अब  तक  पेट ;

शत्रुबोध     जाग्रत     करो     ,    वरना    मटियामेट ।

शत्रुबोध    से    जान    लो   ,   शत्रु  मित्र   का  फर्क ;

मित्र    जिन्हें    हम     जानते   ,   करते  बेड़ा –  गर्क ।

हमको  फुरसत नहीं  तनिक भी , नोट  छपाई करने से ;

गाड़ी  ,  बंगला ,  जायदाद  , रोक  सके  न  मिटने  से ।

अब सारे षडयंत्र को जानो,धिम्मी,सेक्यूलरिस्ट पहचानो ;

बस  कहने  को  ये  हिंदू  हैं , इनको परम शत्रु ही मानो ।

सबसे  बड़े  शत्रु  ये  ही  हैं ,किया  राष्ट्र  का  सत्यानाश ;

इनने  ही   इतिहास  बिगाड़ा ,धर्म का  करते रहते नाश ।

आजादी   के   बाद    से   ,  धिम्मी      की    सरकार  ;

अभी     भी    धिम्मीराज    है   ,  भरे   हुये    मक्कार ।

मुंह   में   राम   बगल   में   ईंटा  ,  ऐसे   ये   मक्कार   ;

मिल   जायें  राम   धमक   दें   ईंटा   , गद्दारों  के  यार ।

हम   ऐसे    नासमझ   हैं   ,    जिन्हें    समझते    मित्र ;

बारीकी    से    देखिए   ,    बिल्कुल   नहीं   है    मित्र ।

केवल  शत्रुबोध  ही   अब  तो , भारत   राष्ट्र   बचायेगा ;

वरना   छुपे   हुये  दुश्मन   से  ,  राष्ट्र  नष्ट  हो  जायेगा ।

अब तो सही राह को पकड़ो , बाधा  सभी  मिटा  डालो ;

शत्रु  बोध  को  जागृत  करके , हिंदू –  राष्ट्र  बना  डालो ।

केवल  हिंदू – राष्ट्र  ही  अब  तो  ,  हिंदू- धर्म   बचायेगा ;

वरना   छिपे   हुए   दुश्मन  से ,  राष्ट्र  नष्ट   हो  जायेगा ।

“वंदेमातरम- जयहिंद” - रचयिता: ब्रजेश सिंह सेंगर “विधिज्ञ”

Bharatvarsha, a land of gods is the oldest surviving civilization in the world. This civilization and culture have managed to survive over thousands of years because of its ‘Kshatra’ as well as ‘Bramha’. The combination of knowledge and power. However, over a while, Bharata lost its Aryavarta consciousness and lacked Shatrubodh to counter its enemies. This article lists a few books every Bhartiya should read to understand the psychology of invaders who wanted to subdue India either as an Islamic State or a Christian State.

Understanding Muhammad- Ali Sina

Understanding Muhammad is a psychobiography of Allah’s Prophet. It seeks to unveil the mystery of that man. Historians tell us Muhammad used to withdraw to a cave, spending days wrapped in his thoughts. He heard bells ringing and had ghostly visions. He thought he was demon possessed until his wife reassured him he had become a prophet. Convinced of his status, he was intolerant of those who rejected him, assassinated those who criticized him, raided, looted, and massacred entire populations. He reduced thousands to slavery, raped, and allowed his men to rape female captives. All of this, he did with a clear conscience and a sense of entitlement.

This book tries to understand the psychology of the man which is followed by Millions of Muslims around the world.

Calcutta Quran Petition- Sitaram Goel

Wasim Rizvi aka Jitendra Narayan Tyagi bought this in news recently. He challenged the verses in Quran spreading hate against Idolaters and polytheists.

This book by Sitaram Goel compiles the documents of the Calcutta Quran Petition (which was a Writ Petition in the Calcutta High Court on 29 March 1985 stating that publication of the Quran attracts Sections 153A and 295A of the I.P.C. because it ‘incites violence, disturbs public tranquility, promotes, on the ground of religion, feelings of enmity, hatred, and ill-will between different religious communities, and insults other religions or religious beliefs of other communities in India’.) and provides extensive commentary on them. The stated goal of this book is to promote a public discussion of Islam as a religion, particularly its claim that every bit of the Quran and the Hadis has a divine source.

Heroic Hindu Resistance to Muslim Invaders: Sitaram Goel

We’re always taught that the Hindu kings were divided among themselves and they lost to the sword of Islam without any resistance. But is that true? Was there no resistance by Hindus? History tells us that we’ve been taught only one side of the story. As a  matter of fact, such sustained resistance as encountered by the Muslim arms in India was not faced by them in any other land conquered by them. This book by Sitaram Goel is a short analysis of ‘Indian resistance to early Muslim invaders, up to 1206 A.D’ by Ram Gopal Misra.

All Religions are not the same - Sanjay Dixit

We’re taught the churan of Ganga Jamuni tehzeeb from school to college. We’re taught that all religions are the same. That all the books lead to the same God. But a closer look at all the religions teaches us that the Abrahamic faiths sustain by spreading hate against non-believers.

‘All religions are not the same' is a series of Articles comparing Sanatana with the Abrahamic faiths to reach the final conclusion that the Sanatana Parampara is not the same as the other cults.

All Religions are Not The Same – Part 1 – Fundamental Principles

Jesus Christ: An Artifice of Agression- Sitaram Goel

The recent events relating to the conversion activities of the Christian Missionaries force us to look into the reality of Christ and the Church. Did Jesus Christ described in the Gospels really exist?

Sitaram Goel in his scholarly work compiles the Biblical and Christological research to prove that Jesus was more of a fictional figure.

Understanding Hadiths - Ram Swarup

In this book, Ram Swarup explores the meaning of Islam through the words of the Sahih Muslim, considered by Muslims to be one of the most authoritative of the collections of “traditions” (Arabic Hadith) about the life of the Prophet Muhammad. Like the Koran, these traditions are believed to be divinely revealed by Allah and they complement the verses of the Koran, in many cases expanding upon them and explaining the context of their revelation. As Swarup notes in his introduction, to Muslims the Hadith literature represents the Koran in action, stories of “revelation made concrete in the life of the Prophet.”

Invaders and Infidels: Sandeep Balakrishna

This book by Sandeep Balakrishna tells the story of the origins and trajectory of Islamic invasions into India. It begins with the first Muslim conquest and ends with Babur’s invasion of Hindustan, spanning the period of the Delhi Sultanate which was in power for almost 320 years. This epochal story encompasses a vast sweep of events, which changed the history of India forever, and introduced it to an alien faith and a religious despotism such as the country had never experienced before. It comprises major and minor sagas of great heroism, untold savagery, stout resistance, brutal intrigues, and epic tragedies.

Unbreaking India - Sanjay Dixit

The nullification of Article 370 and enactment of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA), 2019, had been landmark legislative actions in 2019. Sanjay Dixit Ji delves deep into the past and traces the events, actions, and repercussions that finally led to the Union of India introducing these two measures. He looks at these events from all perspectives-historical, social and political. For Article 370, he traces the entire history of Kashmir from its pre-Islamic past to the events that unfolded at the time of the Partition of India, leading to the initial inclusion of Article 370 in the Constitution of India. His study relies heavily on Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s analysis of the reasons for the Partition and the theology of a ‘separate nation’ that prevailed during the period.

India that is Bharat - J Sai Deepak

Although there has been a significant study on Islam, Christianity has somehow been a neglected aspect in India.  In this book, J. Sai Deepak traces the origins of seemingly universal constructs such as ‘toleration’, ‘secularism’, and ‘humanism’ to Christian political theology. Their subsequent role in subverting the indigenous Indic consciousness through a secularised and universalized Reformation, that is, constitutionalism, is also examined. It also puts forth the concept of Middle Eastern coloniality, which preceded its European variant and allies with it in the context of Bharat to advance their shared antipathy towards the Indic worldview.

Perversion of India’s Political Parlance - Sitaram Goel

In Post-Independent India, certain people and parties have appropriated one label – Leftist – for themselves, and reserved the other label – Rightist – for their opponents, without permission from or prior consultation with the latter. This book discovers that people and parties who call themselves Leftists, also claim to be progressive, revolutionary, socialist, secularist, and democratic. At the same time, they accuse the ‘Rightists’ of being reactionary, revivalist, capitalist, and fascist.  One cannot help concluding that the dictionaries are not at all helpful in deciphering the Leftist language. The source of that language has to be sought elsewhere.

This book is a must-read for anyone trying to understand the current state of Indian Politics. But if you don’t have much time, we have an article that gives the gist of this book.

Fatawa - E-Alamgiri

Indians lost major civilizational wars in the past 1000 years because they did not have ‘shatru bodh’, or a sense of the enemy. The reason was a lack of ‘Purva paksha’, or analytical research into the doctrines of those who sought to destroy us and our civilization.

The foremost doctrine that governs the life of Muslims of the sub-continent is not the foundational text of the Shariat or the Qur’an but that of the Fatawa Alamgiri, which was compiled by Aurangzeb under 2 Naqshbandi scholars – Sheikh Nizam Burhanpuri, and Shah Abdul Rahim (father of Shah Waliullah). Surprisingly, this text was only in Urdu and was not available in any Indian language. Jaipur Dialogues took the initiative to convert this magnanimous text into Hindi. This book is a must-read to understand the mentality of Islam in India and it is freely available in our Books section.



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