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"Ab toh sahi raah ko pakdo, badha sabhi mita dalo | shatrubodh ko jagrit karke, hindu rashtra bana dalo":  Bharat, a land of gods managed to survive over thousands of years because of its ‘Kshatra’ as well as ‘Bramha, understand psychology of invaders

| Satyaagrah | Dharm / Sanskriti
When therefore it is said that Bharat shall rise, it is the Sanatan Dharma that shall rise. When it is said that Bharat shall be great, it is the Sanatan Dharma that shall be great

"śatahasta samāhara sahasrahasta saṃkira": Dr. Arvind Goyal from Moradabad donated his entire property worth Rs 600 crore to UP Govt to help the poor, earlier provided free facilities to people by adopting 50 villages and even arranged free education

| Satyaagrah | Dharm / Sanskriti
He has been honoured four times by Bharat’s Presidents, including President Ram Nath Kovind, former Presidents Pranab Mukherjee, Pratibha Devi Patil and Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

"The Ajanta cave murals - nothing less than the birth of Indian art": Such was the celebrity of these fifth-century masterworks that most scholars, and almost all modern accounts of the Ajanta caves, have all but ignored the earlier picture cycles

| Satyaagrah | Dharm / Sanskriti
The paintings are possibly the finest surviving picture galleries from the ancient world. Now, the oldest in two of the caves – hidden for decades – have been painstakingly restored to reveal their true beauty

"Sringara Prakasa - Sanskrit poetry": Classical theater, dancers (Bharatanatyam, Odissi, Mohiniyattam) refer to Sringara as 'the Mother of all rasas, one of the nine rasas, usually translated as erotic love, romantic love, or as attraction or beauty

| Satyaagrah | Dharm / Sanskriti
Only in India could a work of this kind remain unpublished for nearly a thousand years! Elsewhere writings are rushed to print before the ink is dry on the paper. Incidentally, it may be observed that Sanskrit is the only language in the world, in which the science of Poetics has been developed with microscopic perfection

"Varahamihira - ancient Astrologer, Astronomer and Mathematician": His encyclopaedic knowledge and lively presentation of subjects, as dry as astronomy, made him a celebrated figure, discovered trigonometric formulas and Pascal’s triangle

| Satyaagrah | Dharm / Sanskriti
Scholars are of the view that Varahamihira had constructed “Meru Stambh”, what is presently famous as Qutub Minar, 2200 years ago, for doing research on astronomy. It was a seven storied structure constructed in the middle of a lake

"Who is Hindu": In real sense, grand tradition can be defined and understood as ten thousand faiths gathered in harmony under a single umbrella is Hinduism, Sanatan Dharma, where dharma is the duty, and karma is our actual behaviour

| Satyaagrah | Dharm / Sanskriti
Dharma is the foundation of the whole universe. In this world people go unto a person who is best versed in dharma for guidance. By means of dharma one drives away evil. Upon dharma everything is founded. Therefore, dharma is called the highest good

"Aum Maheshwaraya Namaha": Salutations to the Supreme Person, the boundless Being who wields his triune power for purpose of creation, preservation, and dissolution, the indwelling Spirit within all beings and unseen director of everything

| Satyaagrah | Dharm / Sanskriti
When we sleep there is no world and no individuality; both are in a latent state, submerged into consciousness. The moment someone awakes, the world appears and individuality reasserts itself

"Aum Mahadevaya Namaha - The Great Universal God": Sanatana Dharma forces human mind, time and time again, to accept the fact that Divine is all that exists, both clean and unclean, pure and impure, auspicious and inauspicious

| Satyaagrah | Dharm / Sanskriti
The Rig Veda, the oldest religious text known to humankind, refers to him as Rudra, the wild one, who dwelt in fearful places and shot arrows of disease. Sacrifices were constantly offered to appease him

'Secret of the Veda': J Robert Oppenheimer, physicist and developer of atom bomb, echoed Arthur Schopenhauer, “Access to the Vedas is the greatest privilege this century may claim over all previous centuries”

| Satyaagrah | Dharm / Sanskriti
The problem is that literally all academic translations of the Vedas are unsound. They may be faithful in literal rendition but mostly the deeper and contextually correct meanings elude them

रमजान में रील🙆‍♂️
Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind