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Thursday, 4 July 2024 | 08:26 am

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"That's the worst thing about dementia: it gets you every time": Old Joe Biden isn’t all there, confident and full of bravado, the senescent and dementia-ridden read off his teleprompter: “Let me start off with two words: made in America. Made in America”

Old Joe Biden suddenly cares if something is made in America? What’s next? Is he going to put on a Make America Great Again hat?
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Biden: ‘Let Me Start Off with Two Words: Made In America.’
Biden: ‘Let Me Start Off with Two Words: Made In America.’

Old Joe Biden reminded us yet again in a video that surfaced Friday afternoon that he isn’t all there.

While trying to appear confident and full of bravado, the senescent and dementia-ridden alleged president read off his teleprompter: “Let me start off with two words: made in America. Made in America.”

The crowd, no doubt a hand-picked gaggle of Leftist true believers, dutifully applauded, working hard to suppress any thought that might cross their minds as to the fact that those are three words, not two. The frontman for the party of all right-thinking people says it’s two words? Then it’s two words, and that’s that.

But the incident, which is just the latest in a long and ever-lengthening string of indications that the man who appears to be president of the United States lacks the cognitive abilities that ought to be a basic requirement for the job, raises the question yet again: why is Joe Biden still playing the role of the president?

There are several possible reasons. One may be that as disastrous as his presidency has been, and there is no possible way to understate the magnitude of that disaster, he still has supporters among the Democrat elites, who for various reasons prefer him over the alternatives.

The primary and most immediate alternative, of course, is Kamala Harris, but she has shown herself to be abjectly incompetent and just as prone to toss a word salad as Joe is, if not more so, and doesn’t even have the dementia excuse to cover for her manifest inadequacy. Whoever is running this administration may calculate that President Kamala Harris will be less pliant than Old Joe, and less willing to take direction. Since she combines that with having absolutely nothing to offer of her own except yet another sop to the Democrat obsession with identity politics, the bosses appear to be putting off her accession to the top spot as long as possible.

However, the announcement Thursday, about which Kevin Downey Jr. wrote here, that the feds have enough on Hunter Biden to move ahead with a prosecution of the nation’s favorite son may indicate that Old Joe’s days in the sun may be drawing to a close, particularly if the Democrats take a beating in the midterms.

Meanwhile, there is another odd aspect to Biden’s two-words affirmation of the statement “Made in America.” Since when has this globalist, socialist puppet ever been in favor of American manufacturing, or lifted a finger to help it?

This is the man who, on his first day in office, killed the Keystone Pipeline. He also suspended new oil and gas leasing and drilling permits for federal land and water and has been steadfast in his opposition to fracking. He took a nation that was energy independent when he took office and ended up going hat-in-hand to the Saudis to plead for them to lower oil prices so that his party would have even a chance in the midterm elections.

This is the putative president who has presided over skyrocketing gas prices and galloping inflation rates that have hamstrung American industries of all kinds and severely burdened the already strapped American taxpayer. But it’s telling that when an important election is coming up and he wants to distract attention away from the dumpster fire that is his administration, Biden does it by starting to sound like one of the “MAGA Republicans” who he otherwise claims “represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

Old Joe Biden suddenly cares if something is made in America? What’s next? Is he going to put on a Make America Great Again hat? The cynicism of all this is astounding, because the last thing Joe Biden and the Democrats are going to do is ever govern like “MAGA Republicans.” They’ll sound all the right notes for the next few weeks, but as soon as the election is over, they’ll go right back to implementing their socialist internationalist program.

So here are two words for Joe Biden: You’re a liar. (That’s using Biden Math, not the real thing.) You don’t care if anything is “made in America,” and your craven attempt to fool the American people is yet another blot on your record, as if it weren’t already stained beyond belief with the fifty-year record of your dishonesty and corruption. Two more words, Joe, in real math: Resign. Now.



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