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Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind
Feminism decided to destroy Family in 1960/70 during the second #feminism waves. Because feminism destroyed Family, feminism cancelled the two main millennial #male rule also. They were: #Provider and #Protector of the family, wife and children
Statistics | Children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in #drug and alcohol abuse, drop out of school, and suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in #crime, #girls more likely to become pregnant as teens
The kind of damage this leftist/communist doing to society is irreparable- says this Dennis Prager #leftist #communist #society #Family #DennisPrager #HormoneBlockers #Woke


"Incredible India": In 1929, drought struck Jodhpur, Maharaja Umaid responded, releasing funds, but people refused charity; Umaid Bhawan Palace emerged, offering employment to 3000 for over 3 years—a symbol of resilience, history, and noble compassion

Umaid Bhawan Palace defies the conventional narrative associated with royal abodes. It wasn't conceived merely for opulence, but rather for a noble cause.
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Diary
The lovely Umaid Bhawan Palace was built to provide employment for famine-stricken people

In the heart of Jodhpur, India, stands a testament to royal grandeur, the Umaid Bhawan Palace. This architectural masterpiece showcases the grandeur of Indo-Saracenic design, and its crowning glory lies in the unique Chittar sandstone that bestows upon it a truly dazzling appearance. As one of the largest private residences globally, this palace is not merely a structure; it's a living heritage.

Named after Maharaja Umaid Singh, the grandfather of the current owner Gaj Singh, this palace boasts a staggering 347 rooms, offering accommodation for up to 300 people. Since 1971, a portion of this regal abode has been meticulously managed by Taj Hotels, transforming it into a heritage hotel that echoes with the whispers of history.

Commissioned by Maharaja Umaid Singh of the Rathore Dynasty, Umaid Bhawan Palace is a marvel that transcends time. This youngest palace in India stands as a testament to architectural brilliance, a marvelous heritage hotel, and an immersive journey into royalty. Set amidst sprawling grounds spanning 26 acres, this royal residence majestically overlooks the enchanting Blue City of Rajasthan.

Strategically positioned, only 4 kilometers from the Jodhpur Airport and 5 kilometers from the Jodhpur Railway Station, the palace stands as a magnificent crown adorning the desert city. Known by the moniker Chittar Palace, its golden-yellow façade conceals intriguing tales within its opulent walls. As the sun sets over the horizon, the palace comes alive with stories that have been woven into its very foundation.

Umaid Bhawan Palace is not merely a relic of the past; it's a guardian of glorious heritage and a paragon of hospitality. Nestled within its imperial walls are 347 rooms that have witnessed the ebb and flow of history, each echoing with the footsteps of royalty. Since 1971, Taj Hotels has taken on the responsibility of preserving and showcasing a portion of this magnificent palace, opening its doors to guests seeking an exquisite royal experience.

The palace stands as a living embodiment of Rajasthan's regal history, a place where the opulence of the past seamlessly merges with the comfort of the present. Its sprawling grounds, perched high above the Blue City, offer a breathtaking view of Jodhpur's landscape. Beyond its architectural splendor, the Umaid Bhawan Palace continues to pamper guests with exquisite delights, ensuring that every visitor becomes part of the palace's enduring legacy.

While the Umaid Bhawan Palace's breathtaking facade captures the attention of all who behold it, there lies a world of lesser-known secrets within its walls. Behind the golden-yellow monument are stories waiting to be discovered, tales that add an extra layer of mystique to this regal abode. As you wander through its corridors and explore its hidden nooks, the palace whispers secrets that only the walls have heard, inviting visitors to delve deeper into its rich tapestry of history.

In the world of palaces, where tales often revolve around plush heritage properties of princes and kings, the Umaid Bhawan Palace in the enchanting blue city of Jodhpur stands as an extraordinary creation born out of necessity, a guardian against an impending curse.

A Palace with a Purpose: Beyond Luxury

Umaid Bhawan Palace defies the conventional narrative associated with royal abodes. It wasn't conceived merely for opulence, but rather for a noble cause that resonates with compassion and the spirit of safeguarding an entire city.

Legend has it that the impetus for building Umaid Bhawan Palace stems from a curse pronounced by a saint. The prophecy forewarned of a period of severe drought following the benevolent rule of the Rathore Dynasty. True to the prophecy, after the glorious 50-year reign of Maharaja Pratap Singh, Jodhpur found itself in the grip of a devastating drought and famine during the early 1920s, lasting for three consecutive years.

Amidst this grim scenario, the people of Jodhpur, then known as Marwar, turned to Maharaja Umaid Singh, seeking salvation from the clutches of famine. In this moment of despair, Maharaja Umaid Singh emerged as a beacon of hope and compassion. His response to the plea for help was not just regal charity; it was an act of profound humanity. The palace that would later be known as Umaid Bhawan emerged from the visionary Maharaja's desire to alleviate the suffering of his people, transcending the realm of luxury and becoming a symbol of redemption.

Umaid Bhawan Palace, therefore, is more than an architectural marvel; it is a testament to the emotional and inspirational journey of a city saved from the clutches of a curse. It stands tall, not just as a structure of stone and mortar, but as a living testament to the compassion and resilience of a ruler who turned adversity into an opportunity for the greater good. In our upcoming exploration, we will delve into the construction and design, uncovering the intricacies that make Umaid Bhawan Palace a unique blend of history, compassion, and architectural brilliance.

In the face of constant hardship, the farmers of the region turned to Maharaja Umaid Singh, the 37th Rathore ruler of Marwar in Jodhpur, seeking relief from their plight. Maharaja Umaid Singh, embodying the true spirit of leadership, promptly instructed his Pradhan to release funds for the distressed populace. However, what followed revealed the indomitable character of the people of Rajasthan.

In a remarkable display of resilience and self-respect, the people of Jodhpur declined the financial assistance offered by the Maharaja. Instead of accepting charity in the form of monetary aid, they courageously asked for work, highlighting the innate dignity and work ethic ingrained in the Mitti (soil) of Rajasthan.

Undeterred by the initial refusal, Maharaja Umaid Singh demonstrated visionary leadership by devising a plan to provide employment to the struggling farmers. Understanding the need for a sustainable solution, he decided to embark on the ambitious project of building a lavish palace for himself. This decision was not an act of ostentation but a strategic move to generate employment opportunities and uplift the community during the prevailing harsh conditions.

The construction of Umaid Bhawan Palace, therefore, was not a mere architectural endeavor; it was a noble initiative to address the depleting incomes of the farmers and the local populace. Maharaja Umaid Singh's intention was clear—to build a beautiful edifice that would not only stand as a symbol of prosperity but also serve as a source of livelihood for the people. The palace became a beacon of hope, representing the resilience of a community determined to overcome adversity.

To bring his vision to life, Maharaja Umaid Singh enlisted the expertise of Henry Vaughan Lanchester, a renowned architect whose aesthetics were comparable to Edwin Lutyens, the mastermind behind the government buildings in New Delhi. The collaboration between the Maharaja and Lanchester resulted in the creation of a palace that seamlessly blended architectural magnificence with a noble cause, making Umaid Bhawan a unique gem in the crown of Jodhpur.

The dome of the Umaid Bhawan, inspired by Lutyens' designs, stands as a testament to the seamless fusion of Western technology and Indian architectural features. Henry Vaughan Lanchester, the architect behind this marvel, carefully incorporated the principles of Lutyens while infusing distinct Indian elements, focusing on the prominence of domes and columns.

Mehrnavaz Avari, the former general manager of Umaid Bhawan Palace, shared insights into the exceptional architectural finesse and meticulous renovation. According to her, the palace is a masterpiece where no walls reveal the presence of nails or wiring. The age-old design not only preserves its historical charm but also accommodates the demands of contemporary times. The innovative use of "large blocks with interlocking joints" was a deliberate choice, allowing them to be laid without the need for mortar, showcasing a blend of tradition and modernity.

Umaid Bhawan Palace, inaugurated in 1943, had a unique inception. The construction process was intentionally slow during its initial days, serving a dual purpose. Beyond being a majestic residence, the palace aimed to provide employment to the famine-stricken people. Approximately 3,000 individuals found employment on the construction site, turning the palace into a beacon of hope during challenging times.

Commissioned by His Royal Highness, the grandfather of the present Maharaja, the construction of Umaid Bhawan Palace was not just an expensive venture; it was a compassionate initiative to uplift the needy. The palace, more than a private residence, became a symbol of hope and a new icon for Jodhpur, standing proudly in lieu of the Mehrangarh Fort. The venture, undertaken between 1928 and 1943, not only added to the city's architectural splendor but also provided sustenance to hardworking individuals, allowing them to endure and overcome the challenges of those difficult times.

Umaid Bhawan Palace: The Last Royal Palace Built Before Independence

Umaid Bhawan Palace holds the distinction of being the final royal palace erected before the dawn of Indian Independence. Its foundations were laid in 1929, and the opulent residence was completed in 1943. A mere four years after the completion of this magnificent structure, India gained its sovereignty, marking the end of royal kingdoms. While the ruling dynasties faded away, their grand homes stood as enduring testaments to an era gone by. Today, Maharaja Gaj Singh, the descendant of Maharaja Umaid Singh, continues to reside within its regal walls. The palace beckons, offering the possibility of encountering not just a residence but a living legacy of royal heritage.

Maharaja Umaid Singh harbored a grand vision—to create the largest private residence in the world. For this ambitious endeavor, the Maharaja enlisted the expertise of British engineer H.V. Lancaster, a contemporary of Sir Edward Lutyens, renowned for planning the buildings of the New Delhi government complex. The outer structure of the palace is crafted from the distinctive Chittar Sandstone, while the inner architecture is an exquisite amalgamation of Indo-Saracenic, Classical Revival, and Western Art Deco styles. The use of Makrana marble and Burmese teak wood further enhances the palace's grandeur. This royal abode, a labor of love and vision, encapsulates the essence of a bygone era.

Adding a touch of exotic allure to Umaid Bhawan Palace are the mesmerizing frescoes adorning its walls. These artistic masterpieces are the creation of the Polish artist J.S. Norblin, whose skilled hand brought to life the intricate details of Indo-Saracenic, Classical Revival, and Western Art Deco styles. The palace's inner sanctum becomes a canvas where Norblin's artistry intertwines with the architectural brilliance, creating a symphony of visual delights. Each stroke of the brush tells a story, preserving the essence of a time when art and architecture were intertwined, seamlessly narrating the tale of a palace that stands as the last of its kind built in the twilight of royal rule in India.

Nestled within 26 acres of lush grounds, Umaid Bhawan Palace is not just a residence; it's an expansive retreat that includes 15 acres of meticulously maintained gardens. These verdant landscapes serve as a captivating backdrop to the regal abode, adding to its allure and providing a serene escape from the bustling city. The palace, a sprawling complex, encompasses 347 rooms, each bearing witness to the opulence of a bygone era.

Within the majestic walls of Umaid Bhawan Palace lies a treasure trove of regal chambers and halls, each exuding its own unique charm. The throne chamber, an epitome of regal splendor, stands as a testament to the grandeur of the Rathore Dynasty. The exclusive private meeting hall, a space where decisions that shaped history were made, echoes with the whispers of the past. The Durbar Hall, once a platform for public interaction, resonates with the voices of a bygone era. The vaulted banquet hall, private dining halls, ballroom, library, and billiards room all contribute to the narrative of a palace that seamlessly blends luxury with functionality.

Umaid Bhawan Palace is not just a residence; it's a realm of recreation and leisure. Within its opulent confines, one discovers an indoor swimming pool and spa, offering respite and relaxation fit for royalty. The palace's recreational facilities extend to four tennis courts and two distinctive marble squash courts, reflecting the Maharaja's commitment to providing his guests with the finest amenities. Long passages wind through the palace, inviting exploration and unveiling the secrets concealed within its regal walls. The gardens, a picturesque oasis, are home to freely roaming peacocks, adding a touch of whimsy to the palace's grandeur. From its vantage points, one can enjoy panoramic views of Mehrangarh Fort and the enchanting attractions of Jodhpur.

Umaid Bhawan Palace transcends the conventional definitions of a royal residence. It is a triad of grandeur, seamlessly blending the roles of palace, hotel, and museum. The palace, a living testament to royal heritage, graciously extends its hospitality as a luxury hotel, inviting guests to partake in the regal experience. Simultaneously, it stands as a museum, with the grand Umaid Bhawan Palace Museum housing an extensive collection that showcases the opulence and cultural richness of the Rathore Dynasty. Within its walls, visitors can marvel at a vast array of artifacts, including vases, vehicles used by the Maharaja, exquisite furniture, and ornate clocks, providing a comprehensive glimpse into the opulent lifestyle of the royal residents.

Umaid Bhawan Palace, crafted from the distinguished Chittar Sandstone, unfolds into a magnificent structure with two major wings. One of these wings stands as an exclusive enclave, serving as the cherished abode of the Rathore Dynasty of Jodhpur. Here, shielded from prying eyes, they continue to live their imperial lifestyle, preserving the traditions and grandeur passed down through generations. Maharaja Gaj Singh, the grandson of Maharaja Umaid Singh, maintains the lineage, residing within this regal sanctuary alongside his family. The wing echoes with the whispers of a royal legacy, providing a haven for the esteemed dynasty.

Heritage Hotel: A Tapestry of Opulence | The other wing of Umaid Bhawan Palace opens its doors to the world as a heritage hotel, offering a glimpse into the opulent lifestyle once exclusive to royalty. This segment of the palace transforms into a luxurious haven with 64 accommodations, comprising 25 rooms and 39 suites. Each room and suite bears witness to the rich history, retaining its historic charm through carefully preserved decor. Family portraits, leopard skins, and mounted animal heads serve as testaments to the palace's storied past. The heritage hotel rooms enjoy panoramic views of the lush gardens, where peacocks gracefully stroll, adding to the picturesque allure. The hotel experience is enhanced with elegant dining options, including Indian fares, a diverse multi-cuisine à la carte menu, and an array of gourmet drinks featuring fine wines from around the world.

Pampering the Senses: Jiva Grand Spa and Yoga Studio | Umaid Bhawan Palace doesn't just offer accommodations; it provides a holistic experience. The Jiva Grand Spa, nestled within the palace, beckons guests to indulge in rejuvenating sessions, offering a blend of traditional wellness and modern luxury. The yoga studio, set against the backdrop of regal surroundings, invites guests to embark on a journey of physical and spiritual well-being. It's a space where time seems to stand still, allowing visitors to unwind and rejuvenate, surrounded by the grandeur of a palace that has witnessed the passage of time.

A Culmination of Luxury: Glories of the Regal Era | Umaid Bhawan Palace, in its dual role as a royal residence and heritage hotel, presents a luxury experience that transcends time. It encapsulates the glories of a regal era, where opulence and grandeur were the hallmarks of a royal lifestyle. The palace, with its lavish accommodations and exquisite amenities, offers a seamless fusion of history and modernity. As we conclude our exploration of Umaid Bhawan Palace, we reflect on its significance as not just a historical landmark but a living testament to the enduring legacy of Jodhpur's royal heritage. The echoes of bygone splendors continue to resonate within its walls, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the timeless charm of this regal sanctuary.

Museum: Preserving Heritage in Splendid Exhibits | Within the grand expanse of Umaid Bhawan Palace lies a treasure trove accessible to all—the Umaid Bhawan Palace Museum. This cultural haven showcases a myriad of marvelous specimens, offering visitors a glimpse into the opulence and history that define the palace. The museum's exhibits encompass a diverse range, from exquisite glass and porcelain wares to memorabilia that chronicles the fascinating journey of the palace's construction. The allure of the museum extends to unique attractions, including stuffed leopards, a colossal symbolic flag presented to Maharaja Jaswant Singh by Queen Victoria in 1877, and a remarkable collection of clocks fashioned in interesting windmill and lighthouse shapes. The museum also features photographs capturing the grace of the art-deco interior of the palace, offering a visual narrative of its timeless beauty.

Among the notable displays within the museum are the classic cars that once graced the Maharajas' garages. These automotive gems stand as a testament to the regal lifestyle of a bygone era, capturing the essence of luxury and sophistication. Each classic car within the collection is a marvel of engineering and craftsmanship, reflecting the Maharajas' penchant for elegance and grandeur.

A significant part of the museum is the Darbar Hall, a space that epitomizes elegance in every detail. Within its walls, visitors encounter elegant murals, miniature paintings, and a captivating array of armors. The hall also houses a rare collection of expensive household paraphernalia from the 1930s, providing a glimpse into the luxurious lifestyle that once defined the palace. As visitors explore Darbar Hall, they are transported to an era where art, culture, and regal splendor converged, creating a space that resonates with the echoes of a royal court.

The Umaid Bhawan Palace Museum is more than a collection of artifacts; it is a journey through time and culture. The clocks, with their whimsical windmill and lighthouse shapes, speak to the innovation and creativity of the era. Stuffed leopards, frozen in time, evoke a sense of the exotic and the wild. The colossal flag from Queen Victoria symbolizes the historical connections that transcended continents. Photographs capturing the palace's art-deco interior serve as windows into the past, showcasing an era where sophistication and style reigned supreme. As visitors wander through the museum, each exhibit tells a story, preserving the heritage and grandeur of Umaid Bhawan Palace for generations to come.

The Grandest Hotel Experience: A Continuation of Royal Hospitality

Umaid Bhawan Palace extends its illustrious legacy into the realm of hospitality, offering the grandest hotel experience that seamlessly upholds the royal tradition of luxurious living. With 64 accommodations gracing the property, each is a sanctuary of royal pleasure, where modern facilities blend harmoniously with the allure of old-world charm, providing guests with an unparalleled hospitality experience. The hotel becomes a haven for indulgence, pampering guests with lavish dining, spa and wellness offerings, and leisure activities that cater to the discerning tastes of those seeking the epitome of luxury.

At the heart of the Umaid Bhawan Palace hotel experience lies a culinary journey fit for royalty. The 'Risala' à la carte restaurant stands as a testament to the grandeur of royal dining, offering a wide range of cuisine from across the regions. Here, guests can savor the richness of flavors and textures, immersing themselves in a gastronomic experience that transcends the ordinary. The restaurant becomes a symphony of tastes, where the essence of royal traditions is served on every plate.

For those seeking an old-world charm retreat, the 'Sunset Pavilion' emerges as the perfect spot to savor royal barbecues and drinks. Positioned at the highest point, it offers an unrivaled view of Jodhpur, creating an ambiance where the regal legacy of the palace meets the contemporary allure of modern hospitality. Here, under the vast expanse of the sky, guests can enjoy the finest barbecues and libations, creating memories against the backdrop of a city steeped in history.

'The Pillars' provides a tranquil respite within the grandeur of Umaid Bhawan Palace. This cozy coffee shop, adorned with delicious pastries, sandwiches, and sweets, becomes the ideal spot for a relaxing break. Guests can relish a steaming cup of hot coffee while immersing themselves in the spectacular view of the Jodhpur city. It's a moment of serenity amidst opulence, where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingles with the enchanting ambiance of the palace, creating a sensory experience that lingers long after the cup is emptied.

Sensory Delights: The Trophy Bar and Spa Sanctuary | 'The Trophy Bar' at Umaid Bhawan Palace emerges as a haven for connoisseurs of fine spirits. With its well-stocked bar, it serves a wide range of exotic drinks, offering a refined setting for guests to unwind and savor the richness of meticulously crafted libations. The bar becomes more than just a space for drinks; it's an experience where the legacy of Umaid Bhawan Palace converges with contemporary tastes.

To further pamper the senses, the palace offers the indulgent services of its spa. The spa and wellness center specialize in Indian beauty and Ayurvedic treatments, providing guests with a rejuvenating sanctuary amidst the grandeur of the palace. Body massages and therapies, designed to invigorate and renew, unfold in the serene ambiance of the spa, creating an oasis of relaxation for all who enter.

The in-house yoga studio, led by a master who has studied with the legendary Deepak Chopra, adds a holistic dimension to the Umaid Bhawan Palace experience. Here, guests can partake in yoga classes, embracing the ancient wisdom of this practice in a setting that harmoniously blends tradition with modern luxury.

The opulent hotel experience of royalty reaches its zenith in the magnificent Umaid Bhawan Palace. Converted into a heritage hotel in 1977, the palace now stands as a testament to the seamless integration of tradition and modernity. Segmented into the Royal Residence, the Heritage Hotel, and the Museum, each part unfolds a unique chapter in the palace's storied history.

In one segment, the royal family of Jodhpur continues to reside, preserving the traditions and customs that define their legacy. In another segment, a well-maintained museum offers a curated journey through time, showcasing the grandeur and cultural richness of the Rathore Dynasty. The museum, a treasure trove of artifacts, includes the Central Rotunda with its impressive cupola rising to a height of a hundred and five feet. Within the palace, guests can explore the Throne Room adorned with exquisite Ramayana murals, a library, a private museum, an indoor swimming pool, a Billiards Room, tennis courts, and unique marble squash courts.

As guests traverse the halls and corridors of Umaid Bhawan Palace, they embark on a sensory journey that transcends time. The palace, now a harmonious blend of heritage, luxury, and cultural significance, invites all who enter to relish the ostentatious hotel experience once reserved for royalty. In the embrace of Umaid Bhawan Palace, the echoes of bygone splendors and the allure of modern luxury converge, creating an unforgettable tapestry that captures the essence of Jodhpur's regal heritage.

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