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Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind
Feminism decided to destroy Family in 1960/70 during the second #feminism waves. Because feminism destroyed Family, feminism cancelled the two main millennial #male rule also. They were: #Provider and #Protector of the family, wife and children
Statistics | Children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in #drug and alcohol abuse, drop out of school, and suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in #crime, #girls more likely to become pregnant as teens
The kind of damage this leftist/communist doing to society is irreparable- says this Dennis Prager #leftist #communist #society #Family #DennisPrager #HormoneBlockers #Woke


In a tragedy that has shattered hearts globally, the young and bright Jaahnavi Kandula's life was unjustly taken, outrage boils as Officer Daniel Auderer displays an abominable lack of humanity, laughing and making vile remarks about her tragic death

On Monday, the Seattle Police Department released footage from accused officer Daniel Auderer's body camera
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Justice for Jaahnvi: Indian consulate in San Francisco asks for thorough investigation into the death of the young student
Justice for Jaahnvi: Indian consulate in San Francisco asks for thorough investigation into the death of the young student

In a heart-rending turn of events that reverberates with sorrow and anger, the Consulate General of India in San Francisco has staunchly voiced its anguish and demand for justice over the untimely and tragic demise of Jaahnavi Kandula. A budding Indian-origin student, her life was snuffed out cruelly, echoing with an injustice that cries out to the heavens. This grave incident has ignited a call for a meticulous investigation, with a clarion call echoing fervently across both Indian and American soils.

The unfathomable tragedy unfolded on the streets of Seattle, witnessing the young Jaahnavi Kandula's life being callously taken by a police vehicle. The raw pain and anger have been exacerbated manifold by the repugnant behaviour of officer Daniel Auderer, who was caught on his body camera laughing and making jests over the grim incident. A disturbing act that adds a grotesque layer to an already heartbreaking event.

“Recent reports including in media of the handling of Ms Jaahnavi Kandula’s death in a road accident in Seattle in January are deeply troubling. We have taken up the matter strongly with local authorities in Seattle and Washington State as well as senior officials in Washington DC for a thorough investigation and action against those involved in this tragic case,” the Consulate General of India stated on X (formerly Twitter). An unflinching commitment followed this, “The Consulate and Embassy will continue to closely follow up on this matter with all concerned authorities”.

This catastrophic event which transpired in January, initially saw officer Kevin Dave steering the fatal vehicle that claimed Jaahnavi’s vibrant life. An event which has since been marred further by the unspeakable conduct caught on Auderer's body camera, footage of which was released to the public by the Seattle Police Department this Monday.

As the echoes of Jaahnavi's untimely departure reverberate globally, a fervent cry has risen, transcending borders and resonating with a united demand for justice. A demand intensified by the sheer inhumanity displayed in the wake of an already grim occurrence.

As we stand at this juncture, the anger and the pain intermingle, giving birth to a vehement resolve that seeks to hold those responsible accountable for their actions. It is a resolve fortified by a collective grief and a burgeoning nationalism that refuses to let Jaahnavi become just another statistic. A resolve that vows to pursue justice relentlessly, leaving no stone unturned.

In conclusion, it is with heavy hearts yet undying determination, that the fight for Jaahnavi continues. As the Consulate General of India takes a firm stance, a vow echoes to not rest until justice is served, bringing to light the grave misconduct and ensuring that Jaahnavi Kandula’s bright flame continues to burn, a beacon in the relentless pursuit of justice and a testament to the undying spirit of humanity, which in the face of such tragedy, comes together to demand "Justice for Jaahnavi".

The ensuing report throws light on the harrowing moments captured in the body camera footage, that is as vile as it is horrifying, showcasing a deeply rooted insensitivity and scorn for the tragedy that unfolded. The gut-wrenching footage reveals the nauseating mockery and disdain exhibited by Officer Daniel Auderer, who currently holds the position of Vice President at the Seattle Police Officers Guild. His conversation with the guild’s president, Mike Solan, over the phone, transcends the boundaries of human decency and compassion.

In a display of despicable cruelty and vulgarity, Auderer is caught heartlessly belittling the demise of 23-year-old Jaahnavi Kandula, a young graduate student whose life was abruptly and tragically cut short. The footages manifest Auderer’s grotesque amusement as he shares the news of her death with Solan, followed by a spate of vile laughter that reverberates with sickening cruelty. His lack of empathy reaches a nadir when he audaciously asserts, “No, it’s a regular person,” trivializing Jaahnavi’s life in a manner that is both monstrous and inhuman.

But the ordeal doesn't end there. As the clip progresses, Auderer is heard spouting a series of deeply offensive and derogatory remarks about the deceased young woman, including a repugnant claim that she had “limited value.” His wicked laughter continues as he discusses a supposed settlement amount with a grievous error regarding Jaahnavi's age, stating, “Yeah, just write a check. Eleven thousand dollars. She was 26 anyway,” grossly misstating her actual age.

Auderer's gross misconduct extends to an apathetic disregard for the tragic circumstances of the accident. Dismissing the reckless speed at which officer Kevin Dave was driving during the incident, Auderer boldly claims, “I mean, he was going 50 mph. That’s not out of control. That’s not reckless for a trained driver.” A statement standing in stark contrast to the factual report released in June, which highlighted that Dave was actually driving at a terrifying speed of 74 mph in a 25-mph zone, while responding to a different “high-priority” call, as noted by NBC News citing KIRO 7.

As we delve further into this deeply agonizing narrative, the raw wound of injustice screams louder with every detail uncovered. It is a narrative that demands action, one that will not allow the painful cries of Jaahnavi to be drowned out by the malicious laughter echoing from the depths of audacious cruelty. It is a cry for justice that reverberates far and wide, refusing to be silenced until the guilty are brought to book, answering for their heinous crimes and inhumane disposition.

Daniel Auderer, police officer tried to downplay the incident 

This incident, a glaring testament to the prevailing callousness within the system, sees Auderer attempting to downplay the horrifying details of a tragic accident that claimed the life of Jaahnavi Kandula, a 23-year-old graduate student at the Northeastern University.

On that fateful day of January 23rd, Jaahnavi's youthful existence was violently snuffed out when a police vehicle, speeding at a horrifying 74 mph in a zone marked 25 mph, struck her down, flinging her delicate frame over a horrific 100 feet. In the aftermath, Auderer's body camera recorded a phone conversation that revealed the cold, calculating indifference of a man who dared to quantify a young student's life in terms of "limited value," suggesting that the city should merely "write a cheque" to absolve themselves of this horrifying incident.

Auderer's remarks reverberate with a shocking lack of empathy, as he guffaws about the tragedy, a sound that grates on the moral consciousness of every individual who holds life sacred. His attempt to contextualize his comments as a mimicry of city attorneys' potential stance is nothing short of a feeble attempt to shield himself from the brewing storm of public outrage and condemnation.

As the community reels from this shocking revelation, various sections of society have voiced their anguish and disgust. The Seattle Community Police Commission denounced the contents of the body-camera footage as "heartbreaking and shockingly insensitive," a sentiment echoed by many who find themselves grappling with a maelstrom of emotions, ranging from shock to sickness, disbelief to distress.

Victoria Beach, the chairperson of the African American Community Advisory Council, couldn't contain her turmoil as she expressed being "very disturbed" that someone could find humor in such a grim situation, an incident that has shaken the community to its core, prompting a thorough investigation by the Office of Police Accountability into the blatant misconduct exhibited in the footage.

As this narrative reaches its climax, it beckons us to confront the glaring atrocities that mar our society, urging us to raise a unified voice that seeks justice for Jaahnavi, a voice that refuses to be stifled by the dark laughter that seeks to undermine the gravity of the tragedy that unfolded that day. It calls us to rally together in our collective grief and anger, to ensure that such a mockery of life and death is never repeated, to demand accountability, and to foster a society where every individual's life is held with reverence and respect.

In this somber reflection of humanity, we find ourselves standing at a crossroads, where the path we choose will either lead us to a future steeped in empathy and compassion or plunge us further into the abyss of moral degradation. It is time for us to choose wisely, to stand united in our fight against injustice, and to make a solemn vow that Jaahnavi's death will not be in vain, that her memory will serve as a beacon of change, illuminating the path towards a society that values every life, that stands firmly against the forces that seek to belittle and devalue the sacredness of human existence.


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