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Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind
Feminism decided to destroy Family in 1960/70 during the second #feminism waves. Because feminism destroyed Family, feminism cancelled the two main millennial #male rule also. They were: #Provider and #Protector of the family, wife and children
Statistics | Children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in #drug and alcohol abuse, drop out of school, and suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in #crime, #girls more likely to become pregnant as teens
The kind of damage this leftist/communist doing to society is irreparable- says this Dennis Prager #leftist #communist #society #Family #DennisPrager #HormoneBlockers #Woke


"Convert childhood, steal the future… hallelujah": Two innocent minor girls beaten, tortured, forced to clean public toilets, take shower in the open in front of others, forcibly converted to Christianity and confined in Pune orphanage, NCPCR seeks action

They were beaten every now and then. Their clothes were torn and they never were allowed good clothes. They were forced to clean public toilets and were deprived of any basic personal hygiene
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Christian
Beaten, tortured, and forcibly converted to Christianity: Two minor girls confined in Pune orphanage subjected to atrocities, NCPCR seeks action
Beaten, tortured, and forcibly converted to Christianity: Two minor girls confined in Pune orphanage subjected to atrocities, NCPCR seeks action

In a harrowing incident from Maharashtra, two minor girls, grieving the recent loss of their mother, faced unspeakable horrors in a Pune orphanage. The girls were subjected to brutal torture and forcibly converted to Christianity after being forcefully placed in the Daund region orphanage.

The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has intervened, recognizing the severity of the atrocities inflicted upon the minors. The Commission issued a notice on November 24, condemning the abuse and demanding immediate and stringent action against those responsible.

The NCPCR revealed shocking details, stating that the girls were coerced into reading the Bible. Disturbingly, they were also subjected to harassment and forced to undertake inappropriate chores, such as cleaning toilets with acid. These actions, inflicted upon vulnerable minors, raise questions about the security and well-being of children in such institutions.

The incident not only highlights the gross violation of child rights but also emphasizes the urgent need for stricter oversight and accountability in orphanages. The NCPCR's call for decisive action underscores the gravity of the situation, urging authorities to ensure justice for the traumatized girls and to prevent such atrocities from recurring.

The NCPCR's involvement in the case has brought attention to the violation of constitutional and legal provisions. According to the Commission, the incident not only constitutes torture and forced conversion but also contravenes Article 25 of the Indian Constitution and breaches the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015.

The notice issued by the NCPCR stemmed from a complaint filed by the Indian Human Rights Council (IHRC), an NGO based in Pune. OpIndia, in its investigation, spoke with an IHRC member who shed light on the dire circumstances leading to the girls' ordeal. The minors, residents of Pune's Shivajinagar area, lost their mother during the COVID-19 pandemic and were subsequently compelled to enter the orphanage.

The father's neglect and struggle with alcoholism further compounded the girls' distress. A local social worker, aware of the family's plight, recommended placing the girls in a Pune hostel for better education. However, the situation took a tragic turn as the orphanage subjected the girls to inhumane treatment, leading to the intervention of the NCPCR.

Notice issued by the NCPCR

The tragic turn of events began when the aunts of the two minor girls, hopeful of providing them with a better educational opportunity, admitted them to the Ramabai Mission orphanage in Daund. The aunts were assured that this arrangement was temporary and that the girls would be released once approval for their admission to a local Pune hostel was secured. Unfortunately, this promise was never fulfilled.

Instead of being granted the promised educational opportunity, the girls found themselves confined within the Ramabai Mission orphanage for approximately two years. During their time at the orphanage, they were subjected to harassment and forced to undertake demeaning tasks such as cleaning toilets.

Distressed by the situation, the aunts made multiple attempts to retrieve the girls from the orphanage. However, their efforts were met with resistance, vague responses, threats, and intimidation. The orphanage management not only refused to release the girls but also limited the aunts' interaction with them, allowing only brief, pressured meetings lasting a mere 5 minutes. This prolonged ordeal prompted the Indian Human Rights Council (IHRC) to take action and file a complaint with the NCPCR, leading to the investigation and subsequent notice.

The distressing revelations from the complaint to the NCPCR depict a harrowing account of the girls' ordeal within the Ramabai Mission orphanage. The institution, under the guise of providing care for the girls' education and future marriages, deceptively retained them. Instead of the promised care, the girls endured two years of unimaginable physical and mental torture.

Notice issued by the NCPCR

The complaint vividly details the girls' horrific experiences, including regular beatings, inadequate clothing, and the denial of basic personal hygiene. Forced to clean public toilets, the girls faced degrading conditions that led to fungal infections on their hands due to the lack of proper care. Shockingly, the girls were denied basic essentials such as soap and toothpaste. The severity of the situation is underscored by the humiliating act of being forced to shower openly in front of others instead of having a private shower. These appalling conditions highlight the urgent need for intervention and justice for the victims.

As per the complaint filed to NCPCR, the orphanage deceptively kept the girls and made the aunts believe that their education and marriage would be taken care of. However, during the two years of forced confinement, the girls suffered the most inhuman physical and mental torture. “They were beaten every now and then. Their clothes were torn and they never were allowed good clothes. They were forced to clean public toilets and were deprived of any basic personal hygiene. They developed Fungal infections on their hand because of this. They were never given any soap or toothpaste. They were forced to take shower in the open shower in front of others rather than a private shower,” the complaint read.

The complaint to the NCPCR reveals a harrowing tale of deception and cruelty perpetrated against the helpless girls. The orphanage, under the guise of ensuring their education and marriage, callously trapped them in a cycle of abuse. The relentless physical and mental torture they endured paints a grim picture of the institution's complete disregard for their well-being. The girls faced a barrage of abuses – from regular beatings to being stripped of basic necessities. Forced into unsanitary labor and denied personal hygiene items, they suffered fungal infections on their hands, a poignant symbol of their deplorable living conditions. The intentional denial of soap and toothpaste further emphasizes the calculated cruelty inflicted upon them. The humiliation reached its peak with the girls being forced into open showers, robbing them of their dignity. This egregious violation of their rights demands urgent intervention and justice for the victims, and strict repercussions for those responsible.

The disturbing revelation that minor girls in a Pune orphanage were subjected to forced religious conversion and abhorrent mistreatment has sparked widespread condemnation. OpIndia uncovered the harrowing details, exposing a sinister agenda that goes beyond physical torment.

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The girls, mourning the recent loss of their mother, were initially sent to an orphanage in the Daund region. Shockingly, this supposed haven became a site of relentless abuse, with the minors barred from displaying any religious symbols. The insidious coercion extended to religious beliefs, as they were forcibly made to embrace Christianity and compelled to attend church every Sunday. The grievous violation of their right to religious freedom is compounded by the verbal abuse directed at their Hindu relatives and deities, as documented in the official complaint.

Despite desperate attempts by the aunts to rescue the girls, the orphanage thwarted every effort. The gravity of the situation only came to light when the aunts sought assistance from a local Hindu organization. This organization, upon verifying the authenticity of the incident, collaborated with the Indian Human Rights Council (IHRC) to file a formal complaint with the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR).

In response to the complaint, the NCPCR has taken a decisive stand, demanding strict action against the orphanage responsible for subjecting the girls to mistreatment and coercive religious conversion. The call for accountability underscores the urgent need to safeguard the fundamental rights of vulnerable minors and address the gross violations perpetrated by institutions entrusted with their care. The case serves as a stark reminder of the imperative to protect children from exploitation and uphold their right to practice their faith freely.

The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), upon delving into the distressing case, observed a glaring omission in the documentation of the two minor girls on the Commission’s Bal Swaraj Portal- Covid Care. The absence of their details raises concerns, particularly considering the alleged reason for the death of their mother - suspicion of COVID-19. This revelation underscores potential lapses in record-keeping and the need for a meticulous inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the mother's demise.

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The notice issued by the NCPCR signals a commitment to a thorough investigation, urging a closer examination of the events that led to the horrifying ordeal faced by the minor girls. The Commission's intervention is pivotal in shedding light on potential systemic shortcomings that may have contributed to the grave violations of the girls' rights. The acknowledgment of lapses in recording critical information emphasizes the imperative for a comprehensive review of the procedures in place to ensure child protection and welfare.

OpIndia's latest update brings a glimmer of hope as it reports that the minor girls have been successfully recovered by the local Hindu organization. The intervention of this organization, coupled with the relentless efforts of the aunts, has resulted in the safe return of the girls to their family. This positive development underscores the significance of community engagement and collective action in safeguarding the rights and well-being of vulnerable individuals. It also highlights the pivotal role played by civil society organizations in addressing instances of injustice and exploitation.

While the recovery of the girls is a crucial step towards justice, the legal aspect of the case is still unfolding. OpIndia reports that, as of now, an FIR (First Information Report) has not been filed. However, legal formalities are actively being pursued, signaling a commitment to accountability and justice. The ongoing probe signifies the determination to bring the perpetrators of this heinous act to justice and ensure that such incidents do not go unpunished.

In conclusion, the unfolding events in this case emphasize the need for a multifaceted approach involving legal scrutiny, institutional accountability, and community engagement to address violations against minors comprehensively. The NCPCR's involvement and the collaborative efforts of local organizations are instrumental in seeking justice for the minor girls and instigating systemic changes to prevent such atrocities in the future.

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