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Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer
"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind
Feminism decided to destroy Family in 1960/70 during the second #feminism waves. Because feminism destroyed Family, feminism cancelled the two main millennial #male rule also. They were: #Provider and #Protector of the family, wife and children
Statistics | Children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in #drug and alcohol abuse, drop out of school, and suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in #crime, #girls more likely to become pregnant as teens
The kind of damage this leftist/communist doing to society is irreparable- says this Dennis Prager #leftist #communist #society #Family #DennisPrager #HormoneBlockers #Woke


"The mirror no longer shows me, just the shadow...": High School student Rihan Rangrez abducts minor girl from Nashik to Jaipur, threatens and blackmails to have sex against her will, unveiling a nightmarish tale of daughters exploitation in digital age

Nashik Rural Police confirmed that the accused has been arrested and that the sections of POCSO to the case will be added after a detailed investigation.
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Maharashtra: Rihan Rangrez abducts minor girl from Nashik to Jaipur, threatens and blackmails to have sex against will, arrested
Maharashtra: Rihan Rangrez abducts minor girl from Nashik to Jaipur, threatens and blackmails to have sex against will, arrested

In a disturbing development from Maharashtra, the state police have arrested 19-year-old Rihan Gulamnavi Rangrez for the alleged abduction of a minor girl from Pimpalgaon, located in Nashik district. This case, which has sent shockwaves throughout the region, involves accusations of blackmail, threats, and coerced sexual relations, painting a grim picture of the ordeal faced by the young victim.

The details emerging from the investigation are deeply troubling. Rangrez is accused of using threats of violence to instill fear in the girl, an act of intimidation that speaks volumes about his disregard for her well-being and autonomy. The allegation that he forced her into sexual relations against her will only adds to the heinous nature of the crime, highlighting a brutal violation of the victim's rights and dignity.

In response to the complaint lodged by the girl's father, the Maharashtra State Police acted promptly, demonstrating their commitment to upholding the law and protecting the vulnerable. Rangrez has been charged under section 363 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, which pertains to kidnapping. This legal response underscores the severity with which such crimes are treated, reflecting society's collective outrage and the legal system's resolve to deal with offenders sternly.

This incident brings to the forefront the ongoing issue of crimes against minors, particularly in contexts involving abduction and sexual exploitation. It raises pertinent questions about societal attitudes and the effectiveness of preventative measures in such cases. The prompt action by the police is commendable, yet it also serves as a reminder of the need for vigilance, stronger legal frameworks, and better protection mechanisms for minors.

As the case unfolds, it is essential to ensure that justice is delivered and that the young victim receives comprehensive support. The trauma she has endured is unimaginable, and the focus must now be on her recovery and rehabilitation. This case should also catalyze a broader discussion on enhancing safety measures for minors and ensuring that such distressing incidents are not repeated.

The community, law enforcement, and the legal system must collectively work towards not only punishing the guilty but also in creating an environment where the rights and safety of every individual, especially minors, are paramount. The road to recovery and justice may be long, but it is a journey that society must undertake together, with unwavering commitment and resolve.

In a recent development in the harrowing case of the abduction of a minor girl in Maharashtra, OpIndia has confirmed with the Nashik Rural Police that the 19-year-old accused, Rihan Gulamnavi Rangrez, has been arrested. The police have also indicated that additional charges under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act may be added following a detailed investigation, pointing to the severity of the allegations involved.

Rangrez, who hails from Jaipur, Rajasthan, and is currently a high school student, has been taken into custody. This step by the police marks a significant progression in the case, reflecting the legal system's prompt response to such grave offenses.

The First Information Report (FIR) in this distressing case was filed on 16th November. In her testimony, the 17-year-old victim detailed a harrowing account of how she was blackmailed by Rangrez. The complaint copy reveals the extent of the manipulation, with the accused allegedly forcing the girl into an unwanted sexual relationship. Furthermore, it is claimed that he threatened her, coercing her to accompany him to Rajasthan. These allegations, if proven true, not only constitute a gross violation of the law but also represent a deeply concerning level of psychological and physical coercion.

The addition of the POCSO Act to the investigation underscores the seriousness with which the authorities are treating the case. POCSO, a comprehensive law enacted to protect children from sexual exploitation and abuse, serves as a critical tool in the fight against such crimes. The application of this Act in the ongoing investigation indicates that the police are considering all aspects of the crime, particularly its impact on the young victim.

The involvement of a minor in such a case, especially one that includes elements of blackmail and coercion, is particularly alarming. It highlights the vulnerabilities of young individuals and the need for robust mechanisms to safeguard their rights and well-being. The psychological trauma experienced by the victim in such cases is often profound and long-lasting, necessitating a compassionate and comprehensive approach to support and rehabilitation.

As the legal proceedings move forward, it is imperative that the focus remains on ensuring justice for the victim and holding the perpetrator accountable. The case also serves as a stark reminder of the need for ongoing education and awareness about the rights of minors and the resources available to them in situations of distress. Society, law enforcement, and the legal system must continue to work in unison to create a safe and protective environment for all children, one where their voices are heard, and their rights are unequivocally defended.

In a tragic twist to the already distressing case of the abduction of a minor girl in Maharashtra, the victim has revealed harrowing details of her ordeal. According to her statement, the genesis of this nightmare began on the Telegram app, where she first encountered the accused, Rihan Gulamnavi Rangrez. What started as a burgeoning friendship, as per her account, soon turned into a manipulated romantic entanglement.

The victim recalled how Rihan initiated conversations about relationships and even spoke of marriage, expressing his intention to make her happy. In her words, "He began talking to me about relationships. He also once expressed his intention to marry and said that he would keep me happy." It's heart-wrenching to note that the victim, swayed by these promises, began to develop feelings for Rihan, only to be confronted later with his true intentions.

This account sheds light on the methodical manner in which Rihan allegedly groomed and manipulated the victim. It's a classic case of emotional exploitation, where a perpetrator builds a false sense of trust and emotional dependency only to abuse it later. The impact of such manipulation on a minor can be profound and long-lasting, often leaving deep psychological scars.

The situation escalated when the girl's family became aware of her relationship with Rihan. The victim's description of her family's reaction is telling: "They scolded me. I was very furious. All this was going on for months." This response from her family, while possibly well-intentioned, seems to have further isolated her, making her more vulnerable to Rihan's influence.

FIR copy obtained by OpIndia

The climax of this ordeal occurred on 15th November, a day that marked a drastic turn in the victim's life. The girl recounted that during a conversation with Rihan, he coerced her to leave her home. This act, if substantiated, points to a calculated move by Rihan to isolate the girl from her support system and exert control over her.

This case is a grim reminder of the dangers lurking in the digital world, especially for young and impressionable individuals. The way Rihan allegedly used the Telegram app to establish and exploit a relationship with the minor girl highlights the need for greater awareness and education about online safety.

In the continuing investigation into the abduction of a minor girl in Maharashtra, further distressing details have emerged from the victim's statement to the Nashik Rural Police. The young girl has disclosed that Rihan Gulamnavi Rangrez, the accused, used threats and blackmail to coerce her into compliance. According to her, Rihan manipulated her emotional vulnerability, compelling her to leave her home. She stated, "He also threatened and blackmailed me saying that he would kill himself if I didn’t follow his orders. He took advantage of my emotional vulnerability and forced me to leave my place on 16th November."

This tactic of emotional blackmail is a cruel form of psychological manipulation, often used by perpetrators to control and dominate their victims. The threat of self-harm as a tool to enforce compliance is particularly heinous, as it preys on the victim's compassion and concern, trapping them in a cycle of fear and obligation.

The FIR provides a harrowing journey of the victim's ordeal, detailing her travel from Nashik to Kalyan, where she met Rangrez for the first time. From there, the accused took her to Ahmedabad by train and eventually to Jaipur, Rajasthan. This sequence of events demonstrates a calculated plan by Rangrez to isolate the victim from her familiar surroundings and support network.

The victim's account of her time in Jaipur is particularly harrowing. She reported that Rangrez kept her in a flat from 17th November to 19th November. This period marks a dark chapter in her ordeal, during which she alleges that Rangrez began to force himself upon her. Such actions, if proven true, constitute a severe violation of her rights and personal autonomy.

Complaint by father accessed by OpIndia

The nature of this crime – involving abduction, emotional manipulation, and forced sexual encounters – underscores the need for stringent measures to protect minors from such predators. The use of technology and transportation in facilitating this crime also highlights the complexity of modern-day abductions, where perpetrators can quickly move across state lines, complicating rescue and investigation efforts.

As the investigation progresses, it is crucial that the victim receives comprehensive support to deal with the trauma of her experience. This case should also serve as a catalyst for a broader discussion on enhancing safety measures for minors, both in the physical and digital realms. It is a stark reminder of the need for vigilance and proactive measures to safeguard young individuals from such predatory behaviors.

In the statement provided to the Nashik Rural Police, the minor girl involved in the abduction case from Maharashtra narrated further traumatic experiences she endured while in captivity. According to her statement, the ordeal in Jaipur was marked by continued threats, blackmail, and non-consensual sexual encounters. She expressed her helplessness during this period, stating, "During that period, he threatened me, blackmailed me, and established sexual relations with me. I kept on refusing but he didn’t stop. This happened several times. But I was alone and couldn’t contact my parents."

Her account starkly illustrates the harrowing situation she faced – isolated, unable to seek help, and subjected to repeated abuse. The psychological impact of such an experience is immense, with the victim being forced into a situation of extreme powerlessness and fear.

Despite these overwhelming circumstances, there was a glimmer of hope when her family managed to trace her location to Jaipur. This breakthrough came after they had filed a police complaint on 16th November, the same day the girl was influenced and taken away, as per the FIR. The girl's statement, filed on 20th November, underscores the importance of prompt action and the crucial role of family and law enforcement in such cases.

It is pertinent to note that the FIR was based on the complaint filed by the girl's father, who stated that his daughter was influenced and abducted by an unknown person on the early morning of 16th November. This initial report set in motion the investigation and search that ultimately led to the girl's location and the arrest of the accused.

This case, with its complexities and harrowing details, highlights several critical issues. It underscores the vulnerability of minors and the ease with which they can be manipulated and coerced, especially in the digital age. It also emphasizes the importance of swift and coordinated action by families and law enforcement in response to such incidents. The role of technology in both facilitating and solving this crime cannot be overstated.

In the final segment of this distressing case, the father of the abducted girl provided an account of the events leading to the discovery of his daughter's absence. His words reflect the initial confusion and growing concern of the family: “We didn’t see her in bed at around 4:30 am on the 16th. Initially, we thought she had gone for her daily morning walk. But she didn’t return till 9:30 am after which we got worried and called her friend. She said that our girl didn’t go for a walk with her today. We then rushed to the police and filed an abduction report.”

This statement paints a vivid picture of the family's frantic response upon realizing that their daughter was missing. Their quick decision to contact the police set in motion the events that would eventually lead to the girl's rescue. The initial assumption that she had gone for a walk, only to realize later that she hadn’t, highlights the sudden and unexpected nature of such incidents, which can plunge a family into deep distress.

Team OpIndia played a crucial role in verifying the facts of this case. They contacted the Pimpalgaon Police Station to confirm the sequence of events. The police exclusively informed OpIndia that the girl had been safely recovered and reunited with her family. This resolution brings a measure of relief to a situation that had been fraught with tension and uncertainty.


Furthermore, the police affirmed the arrest of the accused, Rihan Gulamnavi Rangrez, and indicated that additional charges under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act might be applied following a thorough investigation. This statement from the police underscores their commitment to a comprehensive investigation, ensuring that all aspects of the crime are explored and that justice is served.

The involvement of POCSO in this case is significant, as it reflects the seriousness with which crimes against minors are treated. The Act provides for the protection of children from offenses of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and pornography, and the potential addition of these charges suggests that the authorities are considering the full extent of the alleged crimes.

This case, from its harrowing beginning to its eventual resolution, serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities faced by minors and the importance of vigilance, both by families and communities. It also highlights the crucial role of law enforcement in responding swiftly and effectively to such incidents. The efforts of the family, the police, and media outlets like OpIndia in bringing this case to a close are commendable.

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